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Dr. Gibson is Founder and Chairman of the Board of WikiDoc Foundation (a 509 (a)(1) Charitable Organization). This is the world's largest medical textbook / encyclopedia. WikiDoc contains [[Special:Statistics|200,059]] chapters updated 763,700 times by 7,074 contributors and [[viewed 400,000 times daily, 150 million times/year]].  In 2010, WikiDoc was selected as a Google Grant recipient.  Dr. Gibson has personally made over 70,000 edits to WikiDoc.
Dr. Gibson is Founder and Chairman of the Board of WikiDoc Foundation (a 509 (a)(1) Charitable Organization). This is the world's largest medical textbook / encyclopedia. WikiDoc contains [[Special:Statistics|200,059]] chapters updated 763,700 times by 7,074 contributors and [[viewed 1.3 million times daily, 475 million times/year]].  In 2010, WikiDoc was selected as a Google Grant recipient.  Dr. Gibson has personally made over 70,000 edits to WikiDoc.

Revision as of 19:25, 18 April 2013

WikiDoc Founder C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D.
WikiDoc Founder C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D.

C. Michael Gibson M.S., M.D., Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Founder and Chairman of the Board, WikiDoc Foundation (a 509 (a)(1) Charitable Organization); Founder and Chairman of the PERFUSE Study Group

Contact:[1]; or at his G mail address: [2]

Mailing Address: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D., 185 Pilgrim Road, Deaconess 319, Boston MA, 02215.

Headshot: Download headshot here

C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. is an interventional cardiologist, cardiovascular researcher and educator who pioneered our understanding of the "open artery hypothesis" as well our understanding of the importance of restoring flow downstream in the capillary bed in the "open microvasculature hypothesis" in heart attack patients.

Gibson founded, the world's most widely viewed open source textbook of medicine (1.3 million times daily, 475 million times annually). He is Editor-In-Chief of 7,000 contributors. Gibson served as medical lead in a partnership with Google, Microsoft and Yahoo to design a scheme of classifying medical content for the internet ( to improve medical search results. Gibson also founded and has conducted 900 TV / video interviews.

For four years in a row, Gibson has been chosen by his peers as one of Boston's Top Doctors in Boston Magazine. U.S. News & World Report also lists Gibson as one of America's top doctors. Gibson invented several of the measures of coronary blood flow that are widely used today (the TIMI frame count and the TIMI myocardial perfusion grade).

Gibson has led his own Academic Research Organization (PERFUSE) for over 25 years now, and has been principal investigator of or led core services for 106 clinical trials, the results of which have been published in leading journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine. PERFUSE offers a full line of trial management, social media portals, CEC, DSMB and core lab services for phase 1-4 trials worldwide. Under Gibson's direction, PERFUSE created the master database that unified data from over 25 years of TIMI studies (TIMI 1-50) in nearly 100,000 patients and coordinated data analyses for the TIMI study group and functioned as the TIMI Data Coordinating Center which he directed. As a Senior Investigator of the TIMI Study Group Gibson has led phase 1-4 clinical trials, and cardiology megatrials of over 15,000 patients.

Education and Academic Positions

Dr. Gibson received his B.S., M.S., and M.D. degrees from the University of Chicago. He was an Intern, Resident and Chief Resident at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He received his training as an interventional cardiologist and served as the Director of the Coronary Care Unit at Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Gibson then served as the Chief of Cardiology and Director of Interventional Cardiology at the West Roxbury Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. While at the West Roxbury VA, he also served as an Associate Physician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He then moved on to Allegheny General Hospital as Vice Chairman of Medicine for Clinical Research and Director of Invasive Cardiology. He subsequently relocated to the west coast and served as Associate Chief of Cardiology, Chief of Interventional Cardiology and Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at University of California San Francisco (UCSF). In 2000, Gibson returned to Harvard Medical School in Boston. Until 2003, Dr. Gibson served as Chief Academic Officer and Director of Core Services at Harvard Clinical Research Institute (HCRI), until 2005 he served as Associate Chief of Cardiology and Director of Academic Affairs in the Cardiovascular Division at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Until 2009 he served as the Director of the TIMI Data Coordinating Center at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He is currently a full time interventional cardiologist and Chief of Clinical Research in the Cardiovascular Division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School.


Dr. Gibson’s work has largely focused on investigating the pathophysiology of coronary artery disease and the efficacy of pharmacologic and device based therapies. His work has been presented in over 1000 manuscripts, abstracts, trial summaries, textbooks and textbook chapters.

Over 20 years ago, Gibson founded PERFUSE, an academic research organization which has served as the angiographic, MRI, CT and EKG core laboratory and data coordinating center for a wide variety of studies including trials in acute coronary syndromes, antiplatelets, antithrombins, reperfusion injury, atherosclerosis regression, new devices, angiogenesis, and new imaging modalities. Gibson directed the TIMI angiographic core laboratory and invented the TIMI frame count (CTFC) in which the number of cineframes for dye to reach standardized distal landmarks is counted (an index of epicardial blood flow). Gibson also invented the TIMI myocardial perfusion grade (the blush, a measure of microvascular perfusion). The TIMI frame count and the TIMI myocardial perfusion grade are both multivariate predictors of 2 year mortality in acute MI, and are now widely used both clinically and in the assessment of new reperfusion strategies. The methods invented by Gibson and his research have played a critical role in our understanding of "the open artery hypothesis" and more recently in what Gibson has termed "the open microvasculature hypothesis". On Google scholar, the TIMI Frame Count is listed as being cited in over 1900 articles (for updated numbers click here) and the TIMI myocardial perfusion grade is listed as being cited in over 800 articles (for updated numbers click here).

Under Gibson's direction, PERFUSE created the master database that unified data from over 25 years of TIMI studies (TIMI 1-50) in nearly 100,000 patients and coordinated data analyses for the TIMI study group and functioned as the TIMI Data Coordinating Center.

Within the Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Study Group, Dr. Gibson has served as a Principle Investigator of multiple international trials within the TIMI Study Chairman’s Office.

Dr. Gibson's specific research interests include the following:

  • Acute Coronary Syndrome Research Including unstable angina, non ST elevation MI and ST elevation MI: Gibson invented the angiographic endpoints that are used in assessing drug and device therapies such as the TIMI frame count and the TIMI myocardial perfusion grade. He has been the principal investigator of trials of novel thrombolytic agents (BB 10153) and novel mechanisms of delivery of thrombolytic agents such as ICE T – TIMI 49 (Intra-coronary Tenecteplase During Balloon Angioplasty). Gibson led the angiographic core laboratory analysis of a number of thrombolytic trials (TIMI4 (tPA and APSAC), TIMI 10 trials (TNK), ADVANCE MI (TNK + eptifibatide), TIMI 14 (lytic + abciximab), FASTER (lytic + aggrastat), CLARITY (lytic + clopidogrel), STEP AMI (lytic + cangrelor)
  • Antiplatelet Trials: Gibson has led trials of glycoprotein 2b3a inhibitor inhibition (PROTECT, TITAN), thienopyridine trials such as the TRITON study of prasugrel, trials of novel antiplatelets such as elinogrel (ERASE MI), and is a member of the executive committee of trials of cangrelor. Gibson led the angiographic core laboratory for trials of eptifibatide (ESPRIT, INTEGRITI, ADVANCE MI, TITAN, EARLY ACS), abciximab (TIMI 14, INFUSE AMI, IC Clearly), and tirofiban (FASTER, TACTICS), clopidogrel (CLARITY TIMI 28), ticagrelor (PLATO) and cangrelor (STEP AMI).
  • Antithrombin Trials: Gibson has led large scale international trials of novel antithrombins such as the development of rivaroxaban, a factor Xa inhibitor (ATLAS TIMI 46 and 51). Gibson has led angiographic core laboratory efforts in the evaluation of rNAPc2 (a fVIIa/TF inhibitor) in the ANTHEM study, and the SEPIA-ACS1 TIMI 42 (Study Program to Evaluate the Prevention of Ischemia with direct Anti-Xa inhibition in Acute Coronary Syndromes 1 - Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 42).
  • Reperfusion Injury Trials: Gibson has led the angiographic core laboratory analysis of reperfusion injury trials such as the LIMIT trial of rhuMAb CD18, the DELTA MI trial (Direct Inhibition of δ Protein Kinase C Enzyme to Limit Total Infarct Size in Acute Myocardial Infarction), the INOT-44 trial (Nitric Oxide in Myocardial Infarction Size (NOMI), and the INTESIVE trial (Apidra®/Lantus® therapy versus Sliding Scale Insulin on infarct size in hyperglycemic subjects with anterior STEMI undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Gibson is currently the Study Chairman and Principal Investigator of the multicenter international EMBRACE MI trial of Bendavia.
  • Lipid Lowering and Atherosclerosis Regression Trials: Gibson’s career started with the Harvard Atherosclerosis Reversibility Project where he developed the angiographic and statistical methodology to conduct angiographic atherosclerosis regression trials. Gibson participated in and has published manuscripts from the PROVE It study. Gibson has served as the site PI for trials of medical therapy in stable angina (the AVERT study). Gibson serves on the Executive committee of trials of CTEP inhibition.
  • New Device Trials: Gibson has led new device studies such as novel delivery systems for intracoronary therapies such as the Clearway catheter in the INFUSE AMI and IC Clearly trials, and aspiration thrombectomy (INFUSE AMI). He has served as the angiographic core laboratory for trials of perfusion balloons, directional atherectomy, self expanding stents, therapeutic ultrasound studies (PLUS) and markers of saphenous vein graft proximal connectors (PAS-Port (Study of the PAS-Port® Proximal Anastomosis System in Coronary Bypass Surgery (EPIC)).
  • Imaging Trials: Gibson has served as the angiographic core laboratory for trials of new echocardiographic contrast agents (ECHOGEN) vs angiography, and positron emission tomography (PET) vs angiography trials.
  • CMR Core Laboratory Trials: Gibson is co-principal investigator of CMR core laboratory studies such as ALLAY (efficacy and safety of aliskiren in combination with Losartan compared to Losartan), the TRACS Study (The Effects of Fx-1006A on Transthyretin Stabilization and Clinical Outcome Measures in Patients With Non-V30M Transthyretin Amyloidosis), the ACT-34 CMI (Autologous Cellular Therapy Utilizing CD34+ Cells), the INTESIVE trial (Apidra®/Lantus® therapy versus Sliding Scale Insulin on infarct size in hyperglycemic subjects with anterior STEMI undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)), and the FX1B-201 Study (Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Fx-1006A in Patients With V122I or Wild-Type Transthyretin (TTR) Amyloid Cardiomyopathy).
  • CT Angiographic Core Laboratory Trials: Gibson has led the CT core laboratory for trials such as the markers of saphenous vein graft proximal connectors (PAS-Port (Study of the PAS-Port® Proximal Anastomosis System in Coronary Bypass Surgery (EPIC)).
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Trials: Gibson led the angiographic core laboratory analysis of the PREVENT 4 study (Project of Ex-vivo Vein Graft Engineering via Transfection) of 2200 patients.
  • New Electrocardiography Technology Trials: Gibson is the leader of trials of an implantable technology (the AngelMed Guardian Device) designed to monitor and alert the patient to the presence of ST segment elevation (ALERT AMI trial). Gibson has led the angiographic core laboratory for trials such as OCCULT MI study of 84 lead EKG technologies (Optimal Cardiovascular Diagnostic Evaluation Enabling Faster Treatment of Myocardial Infarction). Gibson's team has also served as an EKG core laboratory.
  • Angiogenesis Trials: Gibson assessed angiographic endpoints in early trials of angiogenesis (VIVA trial).
  • Stem Cell Therapy: Gibson is Chair of the Data Safety Monitoring Board for the first phase III stem cell study (RENEW)
  • NIH Studies: Gibson has led the angiographic core laboratory for a number of NIH studies including the Harvard Atherosclerosis Reversibility Project (HARP), the PEARL study of estrogens in restenosis, and the ASCERT study comparing PCI to CABG.
  • Diabetes: Gibson coordinates the Clinical Event Committee efforts to adjudicate tens of thousands of adverse events and hundreds of thousands of EKGs in ongoing trials of novel anti-diabetic agents.


  • Peer reviewed research publications: 367 (for an update, click here)
  • Non peer-reviewed reviews, chapters, monographs and editorials: 57
  • Professional Educational Materials or Reports, in Print or Other Media: 686

Editorial Boards

Dr. Gibson is on the editorial board of Circulation, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Interventions, Cardiac Catheterization and Intervention and the American Heart Journal.



Dr. Gibson is Founder and Chairman of the Board of WikiDoc Foundation (a 509 (a)(1) Charitable Organization). This is the world's largest medical textbook / encyclopedia. WikiDoc contains 200,059 chapters updated 763,700 times by 7,074 contributors and viewed 1.3 million times daily, 475 million times/year. In 2010, WikiDoc was selected as a Google Grant recipient. Dr. Gibson has personally made over 70,000 edits to WikiDoc.

Although there is a vast amount of medical information on the internet, search engine's often return results that are not highly specific. This is because search engines do not account for the structure of the underlying medical knowledge or the relationships among keywords. Gibson was one of the co-creators of a schema that allows webmasters and content publishers to mark up health and medical content on the web. The health and medical schema is intended to make it easier for people to locate the optimal web pages by exposing structured information contained in web pages to search engines. As a result, more relevant content rich pages will be returned in search results.

Internet Educational Sites

Dr. Gibson is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Trial Results where he created the first weekly TV show for Cardiologists "This Week in Cardiology" and has provided slides summarizing clinical trials since 1999. Gibson also created, the website of the TIMI Study Group.

Traditional Textbooks

Dr. Gibson also edits a textbook entitled “Gibson's Treatment Strategies in Interventional Cardiology” which is optimized for hand held devices. In the past, Gibson has authored the chapter on Primary Angioplasty in Randomized Trials in Cardiovascular Disease published as a companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease. In the past he has co-authored the chapter “Recognition and Management of Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris" in Braunwald and Goldman’s Primary Cardiology. He has served as lead author of the section on myocardial perfusion imaging in an imaging textbook which is a companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. Gibson has authored the chapter “Profiles in Coronary Artery Disease” in the fifth and sixth editions of Grossman and Baim’s Textbook of Interventional Cardiology.

American Heart Association

Gibson is a member of the Professional Education Committee of the American Heart Association.


Gibson is a practicing interventional cardiologist. He has served as a cath lab director. In 2009 and 2010, Dr. Gibson was chosen by his peers as one of Boston's Top Doctors in Boston Magazine.

In 2010, Dr. Gibson was selected as one of America's Top Doctors by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. In the same year, he was also selected to be included in the Consumers' Research Council of America’s Guide to America’s Top Cardiologists.

In 2011, Dr. Gibson was featured as one of Boston's Super doctors on In the same year, he was also selected to be included in the Consumers' Research Council of America’s Guide to America’s Top Cardiologists.

In 2011 U.S. News & World Report listed Dr. Gibson as one of America's Top Doctors as selected by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.


Dr. Gibson graduated from college Phi Beta Kappa, and from medical school Alpha Omega Alpha, both from the University of Chicago. In 1993 he was selected as the Julian and Eunice Cohen Scholar in Medicine at the Brigham and Women's Hospital.

In conjunction with delivering the opening plenary lecture at the 10th annual Great Wall of China Symposium in 2003, Gibson was awarded the Gold Medal by the Institute of Geriatric Cardiology, Chinese Peoples Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing China for his achievements in cardiovascular science.

In 2005, the John Paul II Hospital in Krakow, Poland awarded Gibson the Pro Bono Curantium Gold Medal for Merit, and a research laboratory was named there in his honor. He was the 4th such awardee, the others being Pope John Paul II and Dr. Valentine Fuster. In that same year, Gibson was awarded the Medal of the Jagiellonian University for his outstanding achievements in education and research in cardiovascular science.

In 2009, the Cardiovascular Division of Istanbul University, Turkey, established the C. Michael Gibson Research and Education Center. In that same year, the Turkish Cardiac Society honored Gibson for establishing WikiDoc on, September 27th, World Heart Day.

In 2007 and 2009, Dr. Gibson was selected by Who's Who as the Clinical Researcher of the Year.

In 2009 and 2010, Dr. Gibson was chosen by his peers as one of Boston's Top Doctors in Boston Magazine.

In 2010, Dr. Gibson was selected as one of America's Top Doctors by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. In the same year, he was also selected to be included in the Consumers' Research Council of America’s Guide to America’s Top Cardiologists.

In 2011, Dr. Gibson was featured as one of Boston's Super doctors on In the same year, he was also selected to be included in the Consumers' Research Council of America’s Guide to America’s Top Cardiologists.

In 2011 U.S. News & World Report listed Dr. Gibson as one of America's Top Doctors as selected by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.

In 2012 Gibson was appointed a Distinguished Fellow of New Westminster College, which is the highest honour that New Westminster College bestows upon senior leaders to recognize their distinguished record of ethical leadership. Other Distinguished Fellows include world leaders, cabinet ministers, 12 ambassadors, an astronaut, 27 generals and admirals, surgeons and medical doctors.


Present Research/Grant Funding

Abbott; Angel Medical Corporation; Atrium Medical Systems; Baxter; Bayer Corp. Cardica, Inc.; FibroGen, Inc.; Fold Rx; Genentech, Inc.; INO Therapeutics, Inc.; Johnson & Johnson Corporation; Lantheus Medical Imaging; NewCardio, Inc.; Sanofi-Aventis;

Consulting and Peer to Peer Communication

Angel Medical Systems; Atrium Medical Corporation; Bayer Corporation; Diachii Sankyo; Eli Lilly; ICON Medical Imaging; Johnson & Johnson Corporation; Portola Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals; St. Jude Medical; The Medicines Company

Royalties as a Contributor

UpToDate in Cardiovascular Medicine; Pocket Medicine

Key words, synonyms: CM Gibson, M Gibson, C Gibson, C.M. Gibson, M. Gibson, C. Gibson, Dr. C.M. Gibson, Dr. M. Gibson, Charles Michael Gibson, Charles M. Gibson, Gibson CM, Gibson CM M.D., C. Michael Gibson M.S. M.D., Mike Gibson, Dr. Mike Gibson, Mike Gibson M.D., Dr. C. Michael Gibson, Dr. CM Gibson, Dr. Gibson, Doctor Gibson