Penbutolol: Difference between revisions

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|IUPAC_name = 1-(2-cyclopentylphenoxy)-3-(tert-butylamino)<br>propan-2-ol
| image = Penbutolol_svg.png
| CAS_number = 36507-48-9
| ATC_prefix = C07
| ATC_suffix = AA23
| ATC_supplemental =
| PubChem= 4724
| DrugBank=
| C = 18 | H = 29 | N = 1 | O = 2
| molecular_weight = 291.428 g/mol
| bioavailability=
| metabolism =
| elimination_half-life=
| excretion = 
| pregnancy_category =
| legal_status =
| routes_of_administration=
{{CMG}}; {{AE}} {{SS}}

'''''For patient information about Penbutolol, click [[Penbutolol (patient information)|here]]'''''

{{SB}} LEVATOL<sup>®</sup>

==FDA Package Insert==

==[[Penbutolol (patient information)|For patient information, click here]]==
'''| [[Penbutolol indications and usage|Indications and Usage]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol dosage and administration|Dosage and Administration]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol dosage forms and strengths|Dosage Forms and Strengths]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol contraindications|Contraindications]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol warnings and precautions|Warnings and Precautions]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol adverse reactions|Adverse Reactions]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol drug interactions|Drug Interactions]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol use in specific populations|Use in Specific Populations]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol overdosage|Overdosage]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol description|Description]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol clinical pharmacology|Clinical Pharmacology]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol nonclinical toxicology|Nonclinical Toxicology]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol clinical studies|Clinical Studies]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol how supplied storage and handling|How Supplied/Storage and Handling]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol patient counseling information|Patient Counseling Information]]'''
'''| [[Penbutolol labels and packages|Labels and Packages]]'''

==Mechanism of Action==
'''Penbutolol''' is a [[medication]] in the class of [[beta blocker]]s, used in the treatment of [[hypertension|high blood pressure]].

==External links==
*[ Penbutolol]

{{Beta blockers}}

[[Category:Beta blockers]]
[[Category:Cardiovascular Drugs]]
{{WikiDoc Help Menu}}
{{WikiDoc Sources}}

Revision as of 21:51, 4 February 2014