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==Drug Interactions==

Therapeutic doses of ticlopidine caused a 30% increase in the plasma half-life of antipyrine and may cause analogous effects on similarly metabolized drugs. Therefore, the dose of drugs metabolized by hepatic microsomal enzymes with low therapeutic ratios or being given to patients with hepatic impairment may require adjustment to maintain optimal therapeutic blood levels when starting or stopping concomitant therapy with ticlopidine. Studies of specific drug interactions yielded the following results:

===Major Interactions===
===Aspirin and Other NSAIDs===
* [[abciximab]]
* [[Aggrastat]]
* [[Aptivus]]
* [[ardeparin]]
* [[Arixtra]]
* [[Arixtra 10 mg/dose]]
* [[Arixtra 5 mg/dose]]
* [[Arixtra 7.5 mg/dose]]
* [[Bexxar Dosimetric]]
* [[Bexxar I 131 Dosimetric]]
* [[Bexxar I 131 Therapeutic]]
* [[BexxarTherapeutic]]
* [[Clexane]]
* [[Clexane Forte]]
* [[dalteparin]]
* [[danaparoid]]
* [[dasatinib]]
* [[desirudin]]
* [[drotrecogin]]
* [[drotrecogin alfa]]
* [[enoxaparin]]
* [[eptifibatide]]
* [[fondaparinux]]
* [[Fragmin]]
* [[ibritumomab]]
* [[In-111 Zevalin]]
* [[Innohep]]
* [[Integrilin]]
* [[iodine I 131 tositumomab]]
* [[Iprivask]]
* [[Lovenox]]
* [[Lovenox HP]]
* [[Mellaril]]
* [[Mellaril-S]]
* [[Normiflo]]
* [[Orgaran]]
* [[Reopro]]
* [[Sprycel]]
* [[thioridazine]]
* [[tinzaparin]]
* [[tipranavir]]
* [[tirofiban]]
* [[tizanidine]]
* [[tositumomab]]
* [[Xigris]]
* [[Y-90 Zevalin]]
* [[Zanaflex]]

===Moderate Interactions===
Ticlopidine potentiates the effect of aspirin or other NSAIDs on platelet aggregation. The safety of concomitant use of ticlopidine and NSAIDs has not been established. The safety of concomitant use of ticlopidine and aspirin beyond 30 days has not been established (see CLINICAL TRIALS: Stent Patients). Aspirin did not modify the ticlopidine-mediated inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation, but ticlopidine potentiated the effect of aspirin on collagen-induced platelet aggregation. Caution should be exercised in patients who have lesions with a propensity to bleed, such as ulcers. Long-term concomitant use of aspirin and ticlopidine is not recommended (see PRECAUTIONS: GI Bleeding).
* [[Abbokinase]]
* [[Abbokinase Open-Cath]]
* [[Abilify]]
* [[Abilify Discmelt]]
* [[Acetylsalicylic Acid]]
* [[Acova]]
* [[Activase]]
* [[Actron]]
* [[Acular]]
* [[Acular LS]]
* [[Acular PF]]
* [[Acuprin 81]]
* [[Advil]]
* [[Advil Childrens]]
* [[Advil Junior Strength]]
* [[Advil Liquigel]]
* [[Advil Migraine]]
* [[Advil Pediatric]]
* [[Aerolate III]]
* [[Aerolate JR]]
* [[Aerolate SR]]
* [[Aflaxen]]
* [[Aleve]]
* [[Aleve Caplet]]
* [[Aleve Easy Open Arthritis]]
* [[Aleve Gelcap]]
* [[alosetron]]
* [[alteplase]]
* [[Amigesic]]
* [[aminophylline]]
* [[aminophylline extended release]]
* [[Anaflex]]
* [[Anafranil]]
* [[Anaprox]]
* [[Anaprox-DS]]
* [[Angiomax]]
* [[anisindione]]
* [[anistreplase]]
* [[Ansaid]]
* [[Aquaphyllin]]
* [[argatroban]]
* [[Argesic-SA]]
* [[aripiprazole]]
* [[Arthritis Pain]]
* [[Arthropan]]
* [[ASA]]
* [[Ascriptin Enteric]]
* [[Asmalix]]
* [[Aspergum Cherry]]
* [[Aspergum Orginal]]
* [[Aspir-Low]]
* [[aspirin]]
* [[aspirin extended release]]
* [[Aspirin Lite Coat]]
* [[Aspirin Litecoat]]
* [[Aspirin Low Strength]]
* [[Aspirtab]]
* [[atomoxetine]]
* [[Azilect]]
* [[Bayer Aspirin]]
* [[Bayer Aspirin Regimen]]
* [[Bayer Aspirin Sugar Free]]
* [[Bayer Aspirin with Calcium]]
* [[Bayer Childrens Aspirin]]
* [[Bayer Low Strength]]
* [[Bayer Plus]]
* [[Bayer Select Backache Pain Formula]]
* [[bendamustine]]
* [[Betimol]]
* [[Bismarex]]
* [[Bismatrol]]
* [[Bismatrol Maximum Strength]]
* [[bismuth subsalicylate]]
* [[bivalirudin]]
* [[bortezomib]]
* [[bromfenac]]
* [[bromfenac ophthalmic]]
* [[Bronkodyl]]
* [[Budeprion SR]]
* [[Budeprion XL]]
* [[Buffered Aspirin]]
* [[Bufferin]]
* [[Bufferin Arthritis Strength]]
* [[Bufferin Extra Strength]]
* [[Buffex]]
* [[bupropion]]
* [[bupropion 24 hour extended release]]
* [[bupropion extended release]]
* [[carbamazepine]]
* [[carbamazepine extended release]]
* [[Carbatrol]]
* [[Cataflam]]
* [[Cathflo Activase]]
* [[Celexa]]
* [[Cerebyx]]
* [[Childrens Ibuprofen Berry]]
* [[Childrens Kaopectate]]
* [[Choledyl]]
* [[Choledyl SA]]
* [[choline salicylate]]
* [[cilostazol]]
* [[cimetidine]]
* [[citalopram]]
* [[Clinoril]]
* [[Clomipramine]]
* [[Coumadin]]
* [[Cyclosporine]]
* [[Cymbalta]]
* [[darifenacin]]
* [[Daypro]]
* [[desvenlafaxine]]
* [[dexfenfluramine]]
* [[Di-Phen]]
* [[diclofenac]]
* [[diclofenac ophthalmic]]
* [[diclofenac potassium]]
* [[diclofenac sodium]]
* [[diclofenac sodium extended release]]
* [[diclofenac topical]]
* [[dicumarol]]
* [[diflunisal]]
* [[Dilantin]]
* [[Dilantin Infatabs]]
* [[Dilantin Kapseals]]
* [[Dilantin-125]]
* [[Disalcid]]
* [[Doans Pills]]
* [[Doans Pills Extra Strength]]
* [[Dolobid]]
* [[dong quai]]
* [[duloxetine]]
* [[DurAct]]
* [[Easprin]]
* [[EC-Naprosyn]]
* [[Ecotrin]]
* [[Ecotrin Adult Low Strength]]
* [[Ecotrin Maximum Strength]]
* [[Effexor]]
* [[Effexor XR]]
* [[Elixophyllin]]
* [[Elmiron]]
* [[Empirin]]
* [[Enablex]]
* [[Entaprin]]
* [[Entercote]]
* [[Epitol]]
* [[epoprostenol]]
* [[Equetro]]
* [[escitalopram]]
* [[ethotoin]]
* [[etodolac]]
* [[etodolac extended release]]
* [[etravirine]]
* [[Extra Strength Bayer]]
* [[Fasprin]]
* [[Feldene]]
* [[fenfluramine]]
* [[fenoprofen]]
* [[Flector Patch]]
* [[Flolan]]
* [[fluoxetine]]
* [[fluoxetine extended release]]
* [[flurbiprofen]]
* [[flurbiprofen ophthalmic]]
* [[fluvoxamine]]
* [[fluvoxamine extended release]]
* [[fosphenytoin]]
* [[garlic]]
* [[Garlic Oil]]
* [[Genacote]]
* [[Gengraf]]
* [[Gennin-FC]]
* [[Genpril]]
* [[Genprin]]
* [[ginger]]
* [[Ginger Root]]
* [[Ginger(obs)]]
* [[gingko]]
* [[gingko biloba]]
* [[ginseng]]
* [[Halfprin]]
* [[Haltran]]
* [[hemin]]
* [[Hep-Lock]]
* [[Hep-Pak]]
* [[Hep-Pak CVC]]
* [[heparin]]
* [[Heparin Lock Flush]]
* [[Hofels Ginger One A Day]]
* [[Ibu]]
* [[IBU-200]]
* [[Ibu-4]]
* [[Ibu-6]]
* [[Ibu-8]]
* [[Ibu-Tab]]
* [[ibuprofen]]
* [[Ibuprofen PMR]]
* [[iloprost]]
* [[Indocin]]
* [[Indocin SR]]
* [[indomethacin]]
* [[indomethacin extended release]]
* [[Intelence]]
* [[Istalol]]
* [[Jantoven]]
* [[K-Pek]]
* [[Kabikinase]]
* [[Kao-Tin Bismuth Subsalicylate Formula]]
* [[Kaopectate]]
* [[Kaopectate Anti-Diarrheal Upset Stomach Reliever]]
* [[Kaopectate Extra Strength]]
* [[Kapectolin (New Formula)]]
* [[ketoprofen]]
* [[ketoprofen extended release]]
* [[ketorolac]]
* [[ketorolac ophthalmic]]
* [[Kinlytic]]
* [[Leader Naproxen Sodium]]
* [[lepirudin]]
* [[Lexapro]]
* [[Litecoat Aspirin]]
* [[Lodine]]
* [[Lodine XL]]
* [[Lotronex]]
* [[Low Dose ASA]]
* [[Luvox]]
* [[Luvox CR]]
* [[Maalox Total Stomach Relief]]
* [[Magan]]
* [[magnesium salicylate]]
* [[Marthritic]]
* [[Maximum Strength Stress]]
* [[meclofenamate]]
* [[Meclomen]]
* [[mefenamic acid]]
* [[meloxicam]]
* [[Menadol]]
* [[mephenytoin]]
* [[Meridia]]
* [[Mesantoin]]
* [[Midol Extended Relief]]
* [[Midol IB]]
* [[Midol Maximum Strength Cramp Formula]]
* [[Minitabs]]
* [[Miradon]]
* [[Mobic]]
* [[Mobidin]]
* [[Mono-Gesic]]
* [[Motrin]]
* [[Motrin Childrens]]
* [[Motrin IB]]
* [[Motrin Infant Drops]]
* [[Motrin Junior Strength]]
* [[Motrin Migraine Pain]]
* [[MST]]
* [[nabumetone]]
* [[Nalfon]]
* [[Naprelan '375']]
* [[Naprelan '500']]
* [[Naprosyn]]
* [[naproxen]]
* [[naproxen sodium]]
* [[Naproxen Sodium DS]]
* [[naproxen sodium extended release]]
* [[NeoProfen]]
* [[Neoral]]
* [[nepafenac ophthalmic]]
* [[Nevanac]]
* [[Norwich Aspirin]]
* [[Nuprin]]
* [[Nuprin Backache Caplet]]
* [[Ocufen]]
* [[Orap]]
* [[Orudis]]
* [[Orudis KT]]
* [[Oruvail]]
* [[oxaprozin]]
* [[oxtriphylline]]
* [[oxtriphylline extended release]]
* [[Panhematin]]
* [[paroxetine]]
* [[paroxetine extended release]]
* [[paroxetine mesylate]]
* [[Paxil]]
* [[Paxil CR]]
* [[Pediacare Fever]]
* [[Peganone]]
* [[pentosan polysulfate sodium]]
* [[Peptic Relief]]
* [[Pepto-Bismol]]
* [[Pepto-Bismol Maximum Strength]]
* [[Pexeva]]
* [[phenyl salicylate]]
* [[phenylbutazone]]
* [[Phenytek]]
* [[phenytoin]]
* [[phenytoin extended release]]
* [[Phenytoin Sodium]]
* [[Prompt]]
* [[pimozide]]
* [[Pink Bismuth]]
* [[piroxicam]]
* [[Pletal]]
* [[Pondimin]]
* [[Ponstel]]
* [[Pristiq]]
* [[prostacyclin]]
* [[Prozac]]
* [[Prozac Weekly]]
* [[Q-Profen]]
* [[Quibron-T]]
* [[Quibron-T/SR]]
* [[ramelteon]]
* [[Rapiflux]]
* [[rasagiline]]
* [[Redux]]
* [[Refludan]]
* [[Relafen]]
* [[Remodulin]]
* [[Repreve]]
* [[Requip]]
* [[ReQuip Follow on Pack]]
* [[Requip Starter Kit]]
* [[ReQuip Starter Pack]]
* [[Respbid]]
* [[Retavase]]
* [[reteplase]]
* [[Rexolate]]
* [[ropinirole]]
* [[Rozerem]]
* [[Rufen]]
* [[Saleto-200]]
* [[Saleto-400]]
* [[Saleto-600]]
* [[Saleto-800]]
* [[Salflex]]
* [[salicylamide]]
* [[salsalate]]
* [[Salsitab]]
* [[Sandimmune]]
* [[Sarafem]]
* [[Selfemra]]
* [[sertraline]]
* [[sibutramine]]
* [[Slo-Bid Gyrocaps]]
* [[Slo-Phyllin]]
* [[Slo-Phyllin 125]]
* [[Slo-Phyllin 80]]
* [[Sloprin]]
* [[sodium thiosalicylate]]
* [[Solaraze]]
* [[St. Joseph Aspirin]]
* [[St. Joseph Aspirin Adult Chewable]]
* [[St. Joseph Aspirin Adult EC]]
* [[Stanback Analgesic]]
* [[Strattera]]
* [[Streptase]]
* [[streptokinase]]
* [[Stress Maximum Strength]]
* [[sulindac]]
* [[suprofen ophthalmic]]
* [[T-Phyl]]
* [[Tagamet]]
* [[Tagamet HB]]
* [[Tegretol]]
* [[Tegretol XR]]
* [[tenecteplase]]
* [[Theo-24]]
* [[Theo-Dur]]
* [[Theo-Dur Sprinkles]]
* [[Theo-Time]]
* [[Theo-X]]
* [[Theobid]]
* [[TheoCap]]
* [[Theochron]]
* [[Theoclear L.A.-130]]
* [[Theoclear L.A.-260]]
* [[Theoclear-80]]
* [[Theolair]]
* [[Theolair-SR]]
* [[theophylline]]
* [[theophylline 24 hr extended release]]
* [[theophylline extended release]]
* [[Theovent]]
* [[Therapy Bayer]]
* [[timolol hemihydrate ophthalmic]]
* [[timolol ophthalmic]]
* [[timolol ophthalmic long-acting]]
* [[Timoptic Ocudose]]
* [[Timoptic Ocumeter]]
* [[Timoptic Ocumeter Plus]]
* [[Timoptic-XE]]
* [[tissue plasminogen activator]]
* [[TNKase]]
* [[Tolectin]]
* [[Tolectin 600]]
* [[Tolectin DS]]
* [[tolmetin]]
* [[Toradol]]
* [[Toradol IM]]
* [[Toradol IV/IM]]
* [[TPA]]
* [[Treanda]]
* [[treprostinil]]
* [[Tri-Buffered Aspirin]]
* [[Truphylline]]
* [[Truxophyllin]]
* [[Tusal]]
* [[Uni-Dur]]
* [[Uniphyl]]
* [[urokinase]]
* [[Velcade]]
* [[venlafaxine]]
* [[venlafaxine extended release]]
* [[Ventavis]]
* [[verteporfin]]
* [[Visudyne]]
* [[Voltaren]]
* [[Voltaren Ophthalmic]]
* [[Voltaren Topical]]
* [[Voltaren-XR]]
* [[warfarin]]
* [[Wellbutrin]]
* [[Wellbutrin SR]]
* [[Wellbutrin XL]]
* [[Xibrom]]
* [[YSP Aspirin]]
* [[Zero-Order Release]]
* [[zingiber]]
* [[Zoloft]]
* [[Zorprin]]
* [[Zyban]]
* [[Zyban Advantage Pack]]

===Minor Interactions===
Administration of ticlopidine after antacids resulted in an 18% decrease in plasma levels of ticlopidine.
* [[A-Hydrocort]]
* [[A-Methapred]]
* [[Acetocot]]
* [[Acid Relief]]
* [[Adbeon]]
* [[Adlone-40]]
* [[Adlone-80]]
* [[Adrenocot]]
* [[Adrenocot L.A.]]
* [[Alka-Mints]]
* [[Alkets]]
* [[Alkums]]
* [[Aloh-Gel]]
* [[Alternagel]]
* [[Alu-Cap]]
* [[Alu-Tab]]
* [[aluminum carbonate]]
* [[aluminum hydroxide]]
* [[Amilac]]
* [[Amitone]]
* [[Amphojel]]
* [[Aricept]]
* [[Aricept ODT]]
* [[Aristocort]]
* [[Aristocort For Injection]]
* [[Aristocort Forte]]
* [[Aristopak]]
* [[Aristospan Injection]]
* [[Azmacort]]
* [[Basaljel]]
* [[Beta-Phos/AC]]
* [[betamethasone]]
* [[betamethasone acet-betamethasone na phosphate]]
* [[betamethasone sodium phosphate]]
* [[Bubbli-Pred]]
* [[Cal Oys]]
* [[Cal-Gest]]
* [[Calcarb]]
* [[Calci Mix]]
* [[Calci-Chew]]
* [[Calcitab]]
* [[calcium carbonate]]
* [[Calcium Concentrate]]
* [[Calcium Liquid Softgel]]
* [[Calcium Oyster]]
* [[Calcium Oyster Shell]]
* [[Caltrate]]
* [[Caltro]]
* [[capsaicin]]
* [[capsicum]]
* [[Cardoxin]]
* [[Celestone]]
* [[Celestone Phosphate]]
* [[Celestone Soluspan]]
* [[Cell-U-Jec]]
* [[chamomile]]
* [[Chirocaine]]
* [[Chooz]]
* [[Clinacort]]
* [[Clinalog]]
* [[clove]]
* [[Colocort]]
* [[Concentrated Phillips Milk of Magnesia]]
* [[Cort-K]]
* [[Cortastat]]
* [[Cortastat 10]]
* [[Cortastat LA]]
* [[Cortef]]
* [[Cortenema]]
* [[Cortifoam]]
* [[cortisone]]
* [[Cortone Acetate]]
* [[Cotolone]]
* [[Dalalone]]
* [[Dalalone D.P.]]
* [[Dalalone L.A.]]
* [[De-Sone LA]]
* [[Decadron]]
* [[Decadron 5-12 Pak]]
* [[Decadron Phosphate Injectable]]
* [[Decadron-LA]]
* [[Decaject]]
* [[Decaject L.A.]]
* [[Deltasone]]
* [[Dep Medalone 80]]
* [[Depmedalone]]
* [[Depo-Medrol]]
* [[Depo-Predate (obsolete)]]
* [[Depoject-80]]
* [[Depopred]]
* [[Dewees Carminative]]
* [[Dexacen-4]]
* [[Dexacort Phosphate in Respihaler]]
* [[Dexacort-LA]]
* [[Dexacorten]]
* [[dexamethasone]]
* [[dexamethasone acetate]]
* [[Dexamethasone Intensol]]
* [[dexamethasone sodium phosphate]]
* [[Dexasone]]
* [[Dexasone LA]]
* [[Dexone]]
* [[Dexone LA]]
* [[Dexpak Jr. Taperpak]]
* [[Dexpak Taperpak]]
* [[Dialume]]
* [[Dicarbosil]]
* [[Digitek]]
* [[digoxin]]
* [[digoxin capsule]]
* [[dihydroxyaluminum sodium carbonate]]
* [[donepezil]]
* [[Duralone]]
* [[Equilet]]
* [[Ex-Lax Milk of Magnesia]]
* [[Extra Strength Mylanta Calci Tabs]]
* [[fenugreek]]
* [[feverfew]]
* [[Flo-Pred]]
* [[Florinef Acetate]]
* [[fludrocortisone]]
* [[Hexadrol]]
* [[Hexadrol Phosphate]]
* [[Hydeltra-T.B.A.]]
* [[Hydeltrasol]]
* [[hydrocortisone]]
* [[hydrocortisone acetate]]
* [[hydrocortisone cypionate]]
* [[hydrocortisone hemisuccinate]]
* [[hydrocortisone sodium phosphate]]
* [[Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate]]
* [[Hydrocortone]]
* [[Hydrocortone Phosphate]]
* [[Icar Prenatal Chewable Calcium]]
* [[Ken-Jec 40]]
* [[Kenaject-40]]
* [[Kenalog-10]]
* [[Kenalog-40]]
* [[Key-Pred]]
* [[Key-Pred SP]]
* [[Lanoxicaps]]
* [[Lanoxin]]
* [[levobupivacaine]]
* [[Liquid Pred]]
* [[Losospan]]
* [[Lowsium]]
* [[M-Prednisolone]]
* [[Maalox Antacid Barrier]]
* [[Maalox Childrens']]
* [[Maalox Quick Dissolve]]
* [[Maalox Quick Dissolve Extra Strength]]
* [[Maalox Quick Dissolve Maximum Strength]]
* [[Maalox Regular Strength]]
* [[Mag-200]]
* [[Mag-Carb]]
* [[Mag-Ox 400]]
* [[magaldrate]]
* [[MagGel]]
* [[magnesium carbonate]]
* [[magnesium hydroxide]]
* [[magnesium oxide]]
* [[magnesium trisilicate]]
* [[Maoson]]
* [[matricaria]]
* [[Med-Jec-40]]
* [[Medicort]]
* [[Medidex]]
* [[Medidex LA]]
* [[Medipred]]
* [[Medralone]]
* [[Medralone 40]]
* [[Medralone 80]]
* [[Medrol]]
* [[Medrol Dosepak]]
* [[Methacort 40]]
* [[Methacort 80]]
* [[Methylcotol]]
* [[Methylcotolone]]
* [[Methylpred DP]]
* [[methylprednisolone]]
* [[methylprednisolone acetate]]
* [[methylprednisolone dose pack]]
* [[methylprednisolone sodium succinate]]
* [[Meticorten]]
* [[Mg hydroxide]]
* [[Mg oxide]]
* [[Milk of Magnesia]]
* [[Millipred]]
* [[Mylanta Child]]
* [[Nephro Calci]]
* [[Neut]]
* [[Orapred]]
* [[Orapred ODT]]
* [[Orasone]]
* [[Os-Cal]]
* [[Os-Cal 500]]
* [[Oysco 500]]
* [[Oyst Cal]]
* [[Oyst Cal 500]]
* [[Oyster]]
* [[Oyster Cal]]
* [[Oyster Cal 500]]
* [[Oyster Calcium]]
* [[Oyster Shell]]
* [[oyster shell calcium]]
* [[Oyster Shell Calcium 500]]
* [[Pediapred]]
* [[Pepto Children's]]
* [[Phillips Milk of Magnesia]]
* [[Phillips' Cramp-free]]
* [[Pred-Ject-50]]
* [[Predacort 50]]
* [[Predacorten]]
* [[Predaject-50]]
* [[Predalone 50]]
* [[Predate-50]]
* [[Predcor]]
* [[Predicort RP]]
* [[Predicort-50]]
* [[Prednicen-M]]
* [[Prednicot]]
* [[prednisolone]]
* [[prednisolone acetate]]
* [[prednisolone sodium phosphate]]
* [[prednisolone tebutate]]
* [[prednisone]]
* [[Prelone]]
* [[Pri-Cortin 50]]
* [[Primethasone]]
* [[Ranexa]]
* [[ranolazine]]
* [[Ri-Mag]]
* [[Riopan]]
* [[Rolaids Sodium Free]]
* [[Rolaids Soft Chew]]
* [[Ron Acid]]
* [[Selestoject]]
* [[sodium bicarbonate]]
* [[Solu-Cortef]]
* [[Solu-Medrol]]
* [[Solurex]]
* [[Solurex LA]]
* [[Sterapred]]
* [[Sterapred DS]]
* [[Super Calcium]]
* [[Surpass]]
* [[Surpass Extra Strength]]
* [[TAC 3]]
* [[Titralac]]
* [[Tramacort-D]]
* [[Triam-A]]
* [[Triam-Forte]]
* [[triamcinolone]]
* [[triamcinolone acetonide]]
* [[triamcinolone diacetate]]
* [[triamcinolone hexacetonide]]
* [[Triamcot]]
* [[Triamonide 40]]
* [[Trilog]]
* [[Trilone]]
* [[Tristoject]]
* [[Tums]]
* [[Tums 500]]
* [[Tums E-X]]
* [[Tums Extra Strength]]
* [[Tums Ultra]]
* [[turmeric]]
* [[U-Tri-Lone]]
* [[Ultra Mylanta Calci Tabs]]
* [[Uro-Mag]]

Chronic administration of cimetidine reduced the clearance of a single dose of ticlopidine hydrochloride by 50%.

Coadministration of ticlopidine with digoxin resulted in a slight decrease (approximately 15%) in digoxin plasma levels. Little or no change in therapeutic efficacy of digoxin would be expected.

In normal volunteers, concomitant administration of ticlopidine resulted in a significant increase in the theophylline elimination half-life from 8.6 to 12.2 hours and a comparable reduction in total plasma clearance of theophylline.
In 6 normal volunteers, the inhibitory effects of ticlopidine on platelet aggregation were not altered by chronic administration of phenobarbital.
In vitro studies demonstrated that ticlopidine does not alter the plasma protein binding of phenytoin. However, the protein binding interactions of ticlopidine and its metabolites have not been studiedin vivo. Several cases of elevated phenytoin plasma levels with associated somnolence and lethargy have been reported following coadministration with ticlopidine. Caution should be exercised in coadministering this drug with Ticlopidine Tablets, and it may be useful to remeasure phenytoin blood concentrations.
In vitro studies demonstrated that ticlopidine does not alter the plasma protein binding of propranolol. However, the protein binding interactions of ticlopidine and its metabolites have not been studied in vivo. Caution should be exercised in coadministering this drug with Ticlopidine Tablets.
Other Concomitant Therapy: Although specific interaction studies were not performed, in clinical studies ticlopidine was used concomitantly with beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and diuretics without evidence of clinically significant adverse interactions (see PRECAUTIONS).

===Food Interaction===
The oral bioavailability of ticlopidine is increased by 20% when taken after a meal. Administration of Ticlopidine Tablets with food is recommended to maximize gastrointestinal tolerance. In controlled trials in stroke patients, ticlopidine was taken with meals.<ref name="dailymed.nlm.nih.gov">{{Cite web  | last =  | first =  | title = TICLOPIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE TABLET, FILM COATED [APOTEX CORP.] | url =http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/lookup.cfm?setid=707127cb-cdcd-81b0-274d-3c11fefa6824 | publisher =  | date =  | accessdate = }}</ref>



Revision as of 16:59, 6 February 2014

Ticlopidine® FDA Package Insert
Indications and Usage
Dosage and Administration
Warnings and Precautions
Adverse Reactions
Drug Interactions
Use in Specific Populations
Clinical Pharmacology
Nonclinical Toxicology
Clinical Studies
How Supplied/Storage and Handling
Patient Counseling Information
Labels and Packages
Clinical Trials on Ticlopidine

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Ahmed Zaghw, M.D. [2]

Drug Interactions

Therapeutic doses of ticlopidine caused a 30% increase in the plasma half-life of antipyrine and may cause analogous effects on similarly metabolized drugs. Therefore, the dose of drugs metabolized by hepatic microsomal enzymes with low therapeutic ratios or being given to patients with hepatic impairment may require adjustment to maintain optimal therapeutic blood levels when starting or stopping concomitant therapy with ticlopidine. Studies of specific drug interactions yielded the following results:

Aspirin and Other NSAIDs

Ticlopidine potentiates the effect of aspirin or other NSAIDs on platelet aggregation. The safety of concomitant use of ticlopidine and NSAIDs has not been established. The safety of concomitant use of ticlopidine and aspirin beyond 30 days has not been established (see CLINICAL TRIALS: Stent Patients). Aspirin did not modify the ticlopidine-mediated inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation, but ticlopidine potentiated the effect of aspirin on collagen-induced platelet aggregation. Caution should be exercised in patients who have lesions with a propensity to bleed, such as ulcers. Long-term concomitant use of aspirin and ticlopidine is not recommended (see PRECAUTIONS: GI Bleeding).


Administration of ticlopidine after antacids resulted in an 18% decrease in plasma levels of ticlopidine.


Chronic administration of cimetidine reduced the clearance of a single dose of ticlopidine hydrochloride by 50%.


Coadministration of ticlopidine with digoxin resulted in a slight decrease (approximately 15%) in digoxin plasma levels. Little or no change in therapeutic efficacy of digoxin would be expected.


In normal volunteers, concomitant administration of ticlopidine resulted in a significant increase in the theophylline elimination half-life from 8.6 to 12.2 hours and a comparable reduction in total plasma clearance of theophylline.


In 6 normal volunteers, the inhibitory effects of ticlopidine on platelet aggregation were not altered by chronic administration of phenobarbital.


In vitro studies demonstrated that ticlopidine does not alter the plasma protein binding of phenytoin. However, the protein binding interactions of ticlopidine and its metabolites have not been studiedin vivo. Several cases of elevated phenytoin plasma levels with associated somnolence and lethargy have been reported following coadministration with ticlopidine. Caution should be exercised in coadministering this drug with Ticlopidine Tablets, and it may be useful to remeasure phenytoin blood concentrations.


In vitro studies demonstrated that ticlopidine does not alter the plasma protein binding of propranolol. However, the protein binding interactions of ticlopidine and its metabolites have not been studied in vivo. Caution should be exercised in coadministering this drug with Ticlopidine Tablets. Other Concomitant Therapy: Although specific interaction studies were not performed, in clinical studies ticlopidine was used concomitantly with beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and diuretics without evidence of clinically significant adverse interactions (see PRECAUTIONS).

Food Interaction

The oral bioavailability of ticlopidine is increased by 20% when taken after a meal. Administration of Ticlopidine Tablets with food is recommended to maximize gastrointestinal tolerance. In controlled trials in stroke patients, ticlopidine was taken with meals.[1]



Adapted from the FDA Package Insert.