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MR image demonstrates lumbar spinal discitis/osteomyelitis
(Image courtesy of RadsWiki)

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Clinical Trials

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Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Discitis

NICE Guidance on Discitis


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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Discitis is an infection in the intervertebral disc space that affects different age groups. There is debate as to the cause, although hematogenous seeding of the offending organism is favored as well as direct spread, e.g. following instrumentation. Symptoms include severe back pain, leading to lack of mobility. Some very young children may refuse to move. Diagnosis is usually apparent on MRI although plain X-rays and CT examinations can be suggestive. Treatment usually includes antibiotics, and reducing the mobility of the affected region, either with a back brace or a plaster cast. Without treatment, the patient may form an abscess which may need to be surgically corrected.

Diagnostic Findings

Images shown below are courtesy of RadsWiki

External links

Learning Radiology: Damage appears on an X-ray image
Discitis in young children: From The Hospital for Children, London, England

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