Disease Name
History & Symptoms
Physical Exam
Lab Findings
Imaging Findings
Histologic Findings
Genetic Studies
- 20-30 yo males
- Gradual dull bone pain at the tibial area
- Leg swelling and tenderness
- Well-demarcated, eccentric/epicenteric, expansile, osteolytic, cortical lesion on X ray
- Located at the tibial diaphysis
- Areas of lysis interspersed with areas of sclerosis
- Lack of periosteal reaction
- Biphasic tumor
- Islands of epithelial cells found in a fibrous stroma
- Fibro-osseous component includes spindle cells
- Epithelial component includes nests of basaloid cells
- p53 gene mutations
- CK14 +ve
- CK19 +ve
- 30-50 yo patients
- Unerupted teeth
- Oral ulcers
- Painless mandibular mass
- Lower jaw crepitus on palpation
- Facial deformity
- Multilocualted, expansile "soap-bubble" lesion, with well demarcated borders on X ray
- Mixed solid and cystic pattern on MRI
- Thick irregular wall, often with papillary solid structures projecting into the lesion on MRI
- Tall columnar cells with a palisaded nuclei and reverse polarization
- Subnuclear vacuolization
- Giant cells
- Subepithelial hyalinization
Aneurysmal bone cyst
- 10-20 yo patients
- Gradual onset of bone pain
- Limb swelling, tenderness, and warmth
- Palpable lump
- Restricted range of motion
- Sharply defined, expansile osteolytic lesion on CT
- Thin sclerotic margins
- Air-fluid levels
- Doughnut sign on bone scan
- Bony trabeculae or osteoid tissue
- Osteoclast giant cells
- Benign spindle cells
- Blood-filled spaces of variable sizes
- Translocation t(16;17)(q22;p13)
Unicameral bone cyst
- 10-20 yo patients
- Asymptomatic
- Pathologic fractures
- Well defined geographic lucent lesions on Xray
- Sclerotic margin
- No periosteal reaction
- Thinning of the endosteum and pseudotrabeculation
- Cysts contain clear serosanguineous fluid
- Fibrous membranous lining
Brown tumor
- 40-50 yo females
- History of hyperparathyroidism
- Well-defined, purely lytic lesions on X ray
- Little reactive bone lesion
- Solid, cystic, or mixed component on MRI
- Fibrosis
- Giant cells with round to oval nuclei and nucleoli
- Elevated number of osteoblast and osteoclast
- <20 yo males
- Joint pain and muscle wasting
- Bone tenderness and swelling
- Well defined lucent lesions located at the epiphysis
- Lobulated margins with a thin sclerotic rim
- Internal calcifications
- Joint effusion
- Abundant extracellular material
- Eosinophilic cytoplasm
- Calcifications surround cells nests
- Chickenwire appearance
Chondromyxoid fibroma
- Progressive bone pain
- Bony swelling
- Restricted range of movement in affected limb
- Bone tenderness and swelling
- Metaphyseal region of long bones
- Lobulated, eccentric radiolucent lesion with a well defined sclerotic margin
- No periosteal reaction
- Presence of septations, pseudotrabeculation, and geographic bone destruction
- Chondroid, myxoid, and fibrous tissue components
- Spindle cells or stellate cells in a myxoid or chondroid stroma
- Pseudolobulated architecture
- Lobules with hypocellular centers and hypercellular peripheries
- Scattered calcifications
- 50-70 yo males
- Deep, achy, dull pain
- Night time bone pain
- Limited range of joints motion
- Pathologic fracture
- Palpable bony lump or local mass effect
- Lytic intralesional calcification
- Endosteal scalloping
- Moth eaten appearance
- Cortical remodelling, thickening and periosteal reaction
- Bi-nucleation
- Nuclear atypia with a hypochromatic enlarged nucleo
- Infiltration of lamellar bone ("invasion")
- Increased cellularity
- S-100 +ve
- Collagen II +ve
Desmoplastic fibroma
- 20 yo patients
- Painless, slowly growing mass
- Lytic bone lesions with geographic pattern of bone destruction on X ray
- Located at metaphysis of long bones
- Narrow zone of transition
- Non-sclerotic margins
- Internal pseudotrabeculation
- Mature, bland fibroblasts
- Little cellularity, no pleomorphism
- Abundant collagenous stroma
- Thin walled, dilated vascular channels
- 10-30 yo patients
- Asymptomatic
- Pathological fracture
- Maffuci syndrome and Ollier disease
- Widening of the bone
- Limb-length discrepancy
- Angular deformity
- Located in the medullary cavity at the metaphyseal region of the hand bones
- Small lytic lesions, sharply defined scalloped margin, and narrow zone of transition
- Expansion of the overlying cortex with rings and arcs of calcifications
- Lobules of hyaline cartilage
- Surrounded by fibrous tissue and bone
- Bony extension into the cartilage
- Myxoid change, hypercellularity, and binucleation
- Calcification, endochondral ossification, and necrosis
Ewing sarcoma
- 10-20 yo males
- Extreme bone pain
- Intermittent fever
- Localized tenderness and swelling
- Anemia and leukocytosis
- Increased sedimentation rate
- Large, poorly marginated tumor, located at the metaphysis
- Destructive bone lesions on X ray
- "Onion-skin" periosteal reaction
- Sheets of round, uniform, PAS +ve, small cells with a scant clear cytoplasm
- Round nuclei with indentations
- Homer-Wright rosettes
- Necrosis and hemorrhage
- Prominent vasculature and variable mitotic figures
- EWS/FLI-1 fusion gene
- t(11;22)(q24;q12)
- CD99 +ve
- FLI-1 +ve
- 30-60 yo males
- Bone pain, progressive swelling, decreased range of motion
- Pathologic fracture
- Positive history of radiation exposure or bone infarct
- Fixed, firm mass to a localized area of tenderness
- Neurologic or vascular defect
- Highly destructive with a wide zone of transition
- Expansile large soft tissue mass extending from the bone
- Periosteal reaction is uncommon
- Elevated mitotic activity
- Highly cellular fibroblastic proliferation
- Herring bone pattern and spindle cell lesions
- Long dark nuclei with increased granular chromatin
- Scant cytoplasm
Fibrous dysplasia
- 10-20 yo patients
- Asymptomatic
- Incidental finding on imaging studies
- Facial asymmetry, rib deformities, and leg-length discrepancy as late complication
- Located at the craniofacial bones, ribs, and proximal femur
- Ground-glass matrix
- Completely lucent or bubbly cystic expansile benign lesion
- Well circumscribed with no periosteal reaction
- Fibrocellular matrix of immature collagen
- Contains small irregularly shaped trabeculae of woven bone
- "Chinese characters" appearance
- Trabeculae not rimmed by osteoblasts
- Cartilaginous islands
Giant cell tumor
- 20-30 yo female
- Bone pain and swelling
- Pathologic fracture
- Paget disease of bone
- Localised bone tenderness
- Epiphyses of the femur
- Solitary expansile eccentrically-placed lytic lesion
- Intratumoral hemorrhage present
- Tumor extends into the subchondral plate
- Uniform and regular distribution of multinucleated giant cells and mononuclear stromal cells
- Hemorrhage, necrosis, and hemosiderin deposition
- Elevated mitotic figures
- Acid phosphatase +ve
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin +ve
- Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin +ve
- Ki-67 +ve
Ossifying fibroma
- 1-5 yo children
- Asymptomatic
- Minority of cases may have bone pain, swelling, and pathological fractures
- Painless, firm, swelling located at the anterior tibia
- Anterior bowing of the tibia
- Well-circumscribed lesion
- Intracortical osteolysis* Sclerotic band (osteoblastic rimming)
- Cortical expansion
- Homogeneous lesion matrix
- Fibrous proliferation of polyhedral, round, or spindle cells
- Myxamatous matrix with calcifications
- Psammomatoid growth patterns
- 20-30 yo males
- Gradual, dull, and achy pain
- Neurological deficit (cord compression)
- Scoliosis and torticollis
- Mainly located in the spine
- Expansile lytic lesions with a rim of reactive sclerosis
- Internal calcification
- Cortical destruction, surrounding sclerosis, and periostitis
- Secondary aneurysmal bone cyst
- Trabeculae of woven and osteoid bones
- Surrounded by a single layer of osteoblasts
- Multiple osteoclasts
- Loose fibrovascular stroma
- Intralesional hemorrhage
- p53 protein expression and high PCNA index.
- < 20 yo males
- Asymptomatic found incidentally on imaging
- May have adjacent muscle soreness, pressure, or irritation with heavy exercising
- Pathological fractures
- Hard, immobile, painless palpable mass
- Limited range of movements
- Sessile or pedunculated lesion located at the metaphyseal region of the femur
- Cartilage cap
- Irregular subchondral bone
- Projecting away from the epiphysis
* Composed of bone, cartilage, and perichondrium
- Pink fibrous capsule
- Normal bony trabeculae
- Absence of spindle cells
Osteoid osteoma
- 10-35 yo males
- Deep, constant, aching, localized bone pain
- Pain worse at night
- Pain relieved by aspirin
- Restricted range of motion
- Well circumscribed lucent cortical lesion located at the femur
- Less than 2 cm in diameter with cortical thickening
- Surrounded by reactive sclerosis
- Ovoid central region of mineralisation
- Anastomosing bony trabeculae
- Sclerotic nidus of woven bone with variable mineralization
- Osteoblast rimming
- Highly vascularized, fibrous stroma
- 10-20 yo males* Bone pain and swelling
- Pathologic fracture
- History of Paget disease of bone or irradiation
- Tender, warm, palpable mass
- Limited range of motion
- Metaphyseal regions of femur and tibia
- Medullary and cortical bone destruction
- Wide zone of transition with a moth-eaten appearance
- Sunburst and codman triangle
- Tumor matrix ossification/calcification
- Hemorrhage, fibrosis and cystic degeneration
- Areas of bone formation
- Poorly formed trabecular bone
- Cellular pleomorphism and mitoses
- RB1 tumor suppressor gene
* 55-60 yo males* Back pain* Pathological fracture* Palpable vertebral mass
* Palpable bony lump
* Elevated monoclonal antibodies
- Well-defined, “punched-out” lytic lesions
- Marked erosion, expansion, and destruction of bone cortex
- Thick ridging around the periphery
- “Soap bubble” appearance
- Unregulated expression of cMYC with KRAS12V in T2 B cells
Eosinophilic Granuloma
- 5-10 yo males* Local bone pain
- Failure to thrive
- Spontenously resolve
- Localized swelling and tenderness
- Ill-defined border, cortical destruction with aggressive periostitis
- Punched out lytic lesions without sclerotic rim
- "Hole within a hole" sign
- Common locations include femur, skull, iliac bone, rib, vertebra
- Langerhans cells histiocytes - key feature.
- Elevated expression of p53, c-myc, and H-ras
Brodie abscess
- 5-15 yo males
- Nocturnal pain
- Rapid response to analgesics
- Mimics osteoid osteoma
- Tender, localized and painful mass
- Limited range of motion
- Leukocytosis
- Increased sedimentation rate
- Lytic lesion often in an oval configuration
- Surrounded by thick dense rim of reactive sclerosis
- Lucent tortuous channel extending toward growth plate prior to physeal closure (pathognomonic)
- Common location is the epiphysis long axis of long bones
- Neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells with bone necrosis and reactive new bone formation
- There are no genetic studies associated
- 20-35 yo females
- Facial pain and headache
- Related to familial syndromes (eg. Gardner syndrome)
- Facial tenderness and cosmetic deformity
- Well-defined, circumscribed mass with varying amounts of central lucency
- Lobulated mass occupying frontal or maxillary sinus
- Common location is facial skeletal bones
- Presence of dense compact mature bone in paucicellular fibrous stroma.
- APC gene mutation, present in multiple forms
Intraosseous lipoma
- 5-85yo, males
- Bone pain
- Incidental finding
- Localized tender mass in affected limb
- Benign-appearing osteolytic bone lesion with well-defined margins.
- Common location is the calcaneal bone, if found in long bones is located in the metaphysis
- Mature adipocytes without admixed hematopoietic tissue or bony trabeculae
- Translocation t(3;12)(q28;q14)
- No age or gender predilection
- Asymptomatic
- Incidental finding
- Bone-islands, typically less than 1 cm, "fingers" at the margins that blend with the surrounding trabeculae is a classic finding
- Common predilection for diaphysis of long bones, pelvis, spine and ribs
- Dense cortical like bone complete with haversian canals located within the spongiosa
- Associated mutation is LEMD3 gene
* 30-70 yo, no gender predilection
- Slow growing tumor, commonly found in caucasians
- Originate from embryonic remnants of the primitive notochord
- Well-circumcised, lytic lesion with marginal sclerosis.
- Intratumoral calfications *Distrubtion is along the axial skeleton
- Common locations, include: sacrococcygeal, spheno-occipital: 30-35% vertebral bodies
- Cords and lobules of physaliferous (having bubbles or vacuoles) cells separated by fibrous septa with extensive myxoid stroma
- Associated with the duplication of T gene
Bone metastasis
- No age or gender predilection
- Often asymptomatic
- Initial presentation may be a pathological fracture
- Increased serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase
- Increase in hydroxyproline excretion may also be present
- Three-patterns may be observed: lytic, sclerotic, and mixed
- Morphological characteristics may vary: expansile, focal or diffuse
- Common locations, include: axial skeleton, and long bones
- Stromal bone formation, descruction and ostoclast activation
- Associated mutation will vary depending on primary tumor
Intraosseous ganglion
- 30-50, no gender predilection
- Mild localized pain
- Origin due to a synovial herniation
- Can be multiple or single
- Subchondral radiolucent lesion without degenerative arthritis, often localized in the epiphyses of long bones (medial malleolus, femoral head, proximal tibia, carpal bones)
- Uni-/multilocular cysts surrounded by a fibrous lining, containing gelatinous material
- There are no genetic studies associated