Based on duration
- Acute If symptoms are present for less than 6 weeks before presenting to medical care
- Chronic If symptoms persist for more than 6 weeks
Based on Etiology
Primary When Abscess develops among patients who were healthy previously or with high risk factors such as those prone for aspiration
- Aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions
- Immunodeficiency conditions like HIV
- Necrotizing pneumonitis
Secondary When abscess develops among patients with an underlying lung abnormality
- Bronchial obstruction
- Hematogenic dissemination
- Infection spread from mediastinum
- Coexisting Lung Diseases
Based on mode of spread
- Aspiration of Oropharyngeal secretions
- Bronchial obstruction by Tumor
- Foreign body, Congenital Malformations and Enlarged LymphNodes
- Infective endocarditis
- Abdominal Sepsis
- Septic Thromboembolism
Risk Factors
Common risk factors in the development of lung abscess are
Common Risk Factors
- Elderly( age >65)
- Alcoholism
- Artificial ventilation
- Coma
- Neuromususcular disorders with bulbar disfunction
- Convulsions
- Inability to cough
- Bronchial obstruction
Less Common Risk factors
- Drug abuse
- Dental/peridental infections
- Malnutrition
- Therapy with corticosteroids
- Cryostatic's or immunosuppressants
- Mental retardation
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease