Sandbox:ssw 2

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Recommendation for Revascularization for CLI:

Class I
"1.In patients with CLI, revascularization should be performed when possible to minimize tissue loss.(Level of Evidence: B-NR)"
"2.An evaluation for revascularization options should be performed by an interdisciplinary care team before amputation in the patient with CLI.(Level of Evidence: C-EO)"

Recommendations for Endovascular Revascularization for CLI:

Class I
"1.Endovascular procedures are recommended to establish in-line blood flow to the foot in patients with nonhealing wounds or gangrene.(Level of Evidence: B-R)"
Class IIa
"1. A staged approach to endovascular procedures is reasonable in patients with ischemic rest pain. (Level of Evidence: C-LD)"
"2. Evaluation of lesion characteristics can be useful in selecting the endovascular approach for CLI.(Level of Evidence: B-R)"
Class IIb
"1.Use of angiosome-directed endovascular therapy may be reasonable for patients with CLI and nonhealing wounds or gangrene. (Level of Evidence: B-NR)"

Recommendations for Surgical Revascularization for CLI:

Class I
"1. When surgery is performed for CLI, bypass to the popliteal or infrapopliteal arteries (i.e., tibial, pedal) should be constructed with suitable autogenous vein.(Level of Evidence: A)"
"2. Surgical procedures are recommended to establish in-line blood flow to the foot in patients with nonhealing wounds or gangrene. (Level of Evidence: C-LD)"
Class IIa
"1. In patients with CLI for whom endovascular revascularization has failed and a suitable autogenous vein is not available, prosthetic material can be effective for bypass to the below-knee popliteal and tibial arteries. (Level of Evidence: B-NR)"
"2. A staged approach to surgical procedures is reasonable in patients with ischemic rest pain. (Level of Evidence: C-LD)"

Recommendation for Wound Healing Therapy:

Class I
"1. An interdisciplinary care team should evaluate and provide comprehensive care for patients with CLI and tissue loss to achieve complete wound healing and a functional foot(Level of Evidence: B-NR)"
"2. In patients with CLI, wound care after revascularization should be performed with the goal of complete wound healing(Level of Evidence: C-LD)"
Class III (No Benefit)
"1. Prostanoids are not indicated in patients with CLI. (Level of Evidence: B-R)"
Class IIb
"1. In patients with CLI, intermittent pneumatic compression (arterial pump) devices may be considered to augment wound healing and/or ameliorate severe ischemic rest pain. (Level of Evidence: B-NR)"
"2. patients with CLI, the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound healing is unknown. (Level of Evidence: C-LD)"
