This gene encodes the light subunit of the ferritinprotein. Ferritin is the major intracellular iron storage protein in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It is composed of 24 subunits of the heavy and light ferritin chains. Variation in ferritin subunit composition may affect the rates of iron uptake and release in different tissues. A major function of ferritin is the storage of iron in a soluble and nontoxic state. This gene has multiple pseudogenes.[3]
Although ferritin light chain has no ferroxidase activity, the light chain may be responsible for the electron transfer across the ferritin protein cage.[5]
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Further reading
Munro HN, Aziz N, Leibold EA, Murray M, Rogers J, Vass JK, White K (1988). "The ferritin genes: structure, expression, and regulation". Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 526: 113–23. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1988.tb55497.x. PMID3291676.
Cazzola M, Skoda RC (June 2000). "Translational pathophysiology: a novel molecular mechanism of human disease". Blood. 95 (11): 3280–8. PMID10828006.
Worwood M, Brook JD, Cragg SJ, Hellkuhl B, Jones BM, Perera P, Roberts SH, Shaw DJ (1985). "Assignment of human ferritin genes to chromosomes 11 and 19q13.3----19qter". Hum. Genet. 69 (4): 371–4. doi:10.1007/BF00291657. PMID3857215.
Addison JM, Fitton JE, Lewis WG, May K, Harrison PM (November 1983). "The amino acid sequence of human liver apoferritin". FEBS Lett. 164 (1): 139–44. doi:10.1016/0014-5793(83)80037-4. PMID6653779.
Beaumont C, Leneuve P, Devaux I, Scoazec JY, Berthier M, Loiseau MN, Grandchamp B, Bonneau D (December 1995). "Mutation in the iron responsive element of the L ferritin mRNA in a family with dominant hyperferritinaemia and cataract". Nat. Genet. 11 (4): 444–6. doi:10.1038/ng1295-444. PMID7493028.
D'Agostino P, Faniello MC, Quaresima B, Bevilacqua MA, Tiano MT, Ammendola R, Cimino F, Costanzo F (October 1995). "Negative and positive elements in the promoter region of the human apoferritin L gene". Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 215 (1): 329–37. doi:10.1006/bbrc.1995.2470. PMID7575610.
Spanner M, Weber K, Lanske B, Ihbe A, Siggelkow H, Schütze H, Atkinson MJ (August 1995). "The iron-binding protein ferritin is expressed in cells of the osteoblastic lineage in vitro and in vivo". Bone. 17 (2): 161–5. doi:10.1016/S8756-3282(95)00176-X. PMID8554925.