Clinical manifestations
Para-clinical findings
Gold standard
Additional findings
Age of onset
Physical examination
Lab Findings
pelvic/abdominal pain or pressure
vaginal bleeding/discharge
GI dysturbance
CT scan/US
Follicular cysts
- Women in reproductive age (15 -45 y/o)
- High level of estrogen +/–
- In US we may see a >3 cm simple cyst with no internal echo and with posterior acoustic enhancement
- simple cyst with no internal echo or septa
- It is associated with hyperestrogenism and endometrial hyperplasia
Theca lutein cysts
- Women in reproductive age (15 -45 y/o)
- Depends on the underlying etiology
- In US we may see bilaterally enlarged ovaries with multiple cysts
- theca interna cell Hyperplasia
- It is associated with hydatidiform moles, choriocarcinoma, diabetes mellitus and clomiphene intake (ovulation induction)
Serous cystadenoma/carcinoma
- Cyst wall consist of benign/malignant Fallopian epithelial layer
- Most common ovarian neoplasm
Mucinous cystadenoma/carcinoma
- It may cause pseudomyxoma peritonei
- Women in reproductive age (15 -45 y/o)
- hyperintensity on T1-weighted images and a hypointensity on T2-weighted images
- Powder burn hemorrhages
- High level of HCG and LDH
- In US we may see cystic adnexal mass with mural components and echogenic lesion due to calcification
- The iceberg sign
- Dot-dash pattern
- We may see evidence of fat components
- All three germ layers cell
- It may cause ovarian torsion
- May content thyroid tissue and cause hyperthyroidism
- In plane radiography we may see calcification due to the presence of tooth in the tumor
- in the second to third decade of life
- High level of HCG and LDH
- Hypercalcemia
- Multilobulated solid masses
- We may see ovarian mass with septation which are hyperintense on T1 and hypo or isointense on T2 imaging
- Sheets fried egg appearance cells
Yolk sac tumor
- Young children
- Male infants
- In US we may see a combination of echogenic and hypoechoic components
- Ovarian mass with hemorrhagic areas
- Schiller-Duval bodies (glomeruli like structures)
- The other name is ovarian endodermal sinus tumor
- Pulling sensation in the groin
- In CT scan we may see a unilateral mass with poor contrast enhancement
- Low signal intensity on T1 and T2
- We may see scattered hyperintense areas due to edema or cystic degeneration
- Spindle-shaped fibroblast
- It may cause Meigs syndrome (ovarian fibroma, ascites, and hydrothorax)
- It may cause ovarian torsion
- It may cause pleural effusion
- In US we may see non-specific ovarian mass
- We may see evidence of endometrial hyperplasia due to increased level of estrogen
- Hyperintense on T2
- T1 intensity depends on the amount of fibrous tissue (fibrous tissue lead to hypointensity)
- Lipid-laden stromal cells with pale, vaculolated cytoplasm
- We may see endometrial cancer as e result of hyper-estrogenism
- We may see ovarian fibrothecoma (mixture of fibroma and thecoma)
Granulosa cell tumor
- High level of estrogen and progestron
- We may see inhibin, calretinin, and Ki-67 on the surface of granulosa cell tumor cells
- In US we may see solid, cystic, or multiloculated solid and cystic mass
- We may see solid, cystic, or multiloculated solid and cystic mass
- In postmenopausal women may cause breast tenderness
Sertoli-leydig cell tumor
- In US we may see unilateral Well-defined hypoechoic lesion
- Low T2 signal intensity
- areas of high signal intensity
- Lydig cells (Polygonal pink cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm
- Sertoli cells (clear vacuolated cytoplasm)
Brenner tumor
- In US we may see hypoechoic solid mass and calcification
- Hypointense on T2 because of fibrous content
- Yellow/pale appearance
- Transitional cell tumor (resembles bladder)
- Coffee bean nuclei on H&E
- Most of the times it's an accidental finding
Krukenberg tumor
Based on underlying malignancy
- In case of metastatic GI cancers we may see iron deficiency anemia
- Mostly bilateral, complex ovarian lesion
- In CT scan we may see evidence of concurrent malignancy in other organs
- Mostly bilateral, complex ovarian lesion with solid components
- Internal hyperintensity on T1 and T2 weighted MR images because of mucin
- Evidence of concurrent malignancy in other organs
- Mucin-secreting signet cell
- The most common primary tumor is in colon, stomach, breast, lung, and contralateral ovary
- Based on underlying malignancy it may cause peural effusion
tubo-ovarian abscess
- High levels of inflammatory markers
- Leukocytosis
- In US we may see multilocular complex lesion mostly bilateral with debry inside
- We may see a pelvic mass filled with fluid with thick walls
- hypointense in T1 and heterogeneous in T2
- In abscess aspiration we may see anaerobic organisms
- The most common risk factors are previous PID, diabetes mellitus, intrauterine device and history of uterine surgery
Ectopic pregnancy
- Women in reproductive age (15 -45 y/o)
- High level of BhCG
- Progesterone level ≤5 ng/ml
- In US we may see empty uterine cavity, tubal ring sign, ring of fire sign (Doppler), extra-uterine fetal heart rate
- Any women in reproductive age presenting with abdominal pain or amenorrhea should be screened for ectopic pregnancy
- In US we may see tubal longitudinal folds thickening (cogwheel appearance)
- In CT scan we may see tubular adnexal lesion with fluid attenuation
- Dilated Fallopian tube with fluid signal intensity
- It is associated with endometriosis (haematosalpinx), ovulation induction, pelvic inflammatory disease, post-hysterectomy, tubal ligation, and tubal malignancy
- Women of reproductive age
- In US we may see , edematous and thickened endosalpingeal folds
Fallopian tube carcinoma
- US findings are non specific (complex mass on Fallopian tube
- We may see papillary projections
- In case of hemorrhage inside the tumor we may see high signal intensity on T1
- Low or of intermediate signal on T2
- In case of serous fluid inside the tumor we may see high signal intensity on T2
- Based on the tumor type we may have different biopsy finding
- We may see Latzko triad (abdominal pain, vaginal discgarge, pelvic mass)
- It may cause pleural effusion
- Women of reproductive age
- In chronic cases, we may see mild anemia
- In US we may see hypoechoic mass with calcification and cystic areas of necrosis or degeneration may
- Low to intermediate signal intensity on T1 and T2
- In case of necrosis inside the mass, there might be some high signal lesions on T2
- Women in reproductive age (15 -45 y/o)
- In US we may see heterogeneous mass infiltrating myometrium
- Enlarged uterus
- Necrosis +
- Hemorrhage +
- In CT scan we may see evidence of metastasis to brain, lung and other organs
- We may see an infiltrative uterine mass and thickening of uterine wall
- Trophoblastic tissue origin
- columns and sheets of trophoblastic tissue invading uterine muscle and blood vessels
- It is associated with bilateral Theca lutein cysts
- Cannonball metastases to the lungs
- May cause hemoptysis
- We may see passing of grapes like tissue from the vagina
- Increased uterine size
- Irregular central zones of low signal intensity (tumor necrosis)
Appendiceal abscess
Appendiceal neoplasm[1]
- Soft tissue mass in the appendix
- We may see invasion to other structures
- Cystic structures with angiolymphatic invasion
- It is associated with:
- It may cause pleural effusion
Diverticular abscess
- Ill-defined lesion with air and fluid inside
- Adjacent bowel loop wall thickening
- Smudged mesenteric fat
- We may see a lesion with air and fluid inside
Colorectal cancer
- We may see tumor mass and the extension of tumor to other structures
Pelvic kidney
In case of sever hydronephrosis or renal stone we may have pelvic pain
- We may see normal kidney structure
- It may cause tract infection (UTI), obstruction, and renal calculi.
- It may be associated with RCC
Bladder cancer
- isointense compared to muscle in T!
- slightly hyperintense compared to muscle in T2
Retroperitoneal sarcoma[2]