Eating disorder differential diagnosis

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:
[Disease name] must be differentiated from other diseases that cause [clinical feature 1], [clinical feature 2], and [clinical feature 3], such as [differential dx1], [differential dx2], and [differential dx3].
[Disease name] must be differentiated from [[differential dx1], [differential dx2], and [differential dx3].
Differentiating Binge Eating Disorder from other Diseases
Binge Eating must be differentiated from:
- Bulimia nervosa which exhibit compensatory behavior after eating to prevent weight gain. The compensatory behavior in Bulimics can be laxative abuse, self-induced vomiting or fasting.
- Kleine-Levin syndrome which is associated with excessive sleep along with episodes of binges.
- Mood Disorder which has psychological features in addition to binge eating episodes.
- Anxiety disorder which is associated with binge eating during episodes.[1]
Bulimia nervosa is diagnosed only after excluding the medical causes of vomiting and excessive bowel activity. These medical conditions does not exhibit the features of binge eating or excessive preoccupation of weight and body image. Bulimia Nervosa must be differentiated from:
- Biliary disease which will cause nausea and vomiting. It can be excluded by elevated bilirubin or transaminases in metabolic profile.
- Irritable bowel syndrome which present with increased frequency of bowel movements but does not present with episodes of binge eating.
- Neurological conditions which can cause vomiting; therefore, a detailed neurological examination should be done.[2]
As [disease name] manifests in a variety of clinical forms, differentiation must be established in accordance with the particular subtype. [Subtype name 1] must be differentiated from other diseases that cause [clinical feature 1], such as [differential dx1] and [differential dx2]. In contrast, [subtype name 2] must be differentiated from other diseases that cause [clinical feature 2], such as [differential dx3] and [differential dx4].
Differentiating [disease name] from other diseases on the basis of [symptom 1], [symptom 2], and [symptom 3]
On the basis [symptom 1], [symptom 2], and [symptom 3], [disease name] must be differentiated from [disease 1], [disease 2], [disease 3], [disease 4], [disease 5], and [disease 6].
Diseases | Clinical manifestations | Para-clinical findings | Gold standard | Additional findings | |||||||||||
Symptoms | Physical examination | ||||||||||||||
Lab Findings | Imaging | Histopathology | |||||||||||||
Symptom 1 | Symptom 2 | Symptom 3 | Physical exam 1 | Physical exam 2 | Physical exam 3 | Lab 1 | Lab 2 | Lab 3 | Imaging 1 | Imaging 2 | Imaging 3 | ||||
Differential Diagnosis 1 | |||||||||||||||
Differential Diagnosis 2 | |||||||||||||||
Differential Diagnosis 3 | |||||||||||||||
Diseases | Symptom 1 | Symptom 2 | Symptom 3 | Physical exam 1 | Physical exam 2 | Physical exam 3 | Lab 1 | Lab 2 | Lab 3 | Imaging 1 | Imaging 2 | Imaging 3 | Histopathology | Gold standard | Additional findings |
Differential Diagnosis 4 | |||||||||||||||
Differential Diagnosis 5 | |||||||||||||||
Differential Diagnosis 6 |