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Miosis of the left eye
ICD-10 H57.0
ICD-9 379.42
DiseasesDB 8243
MeSH D015877

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List of terms related to Miosis

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Miosis is a medical term for constriction of the pupil. It is the opposite of mydriasis. It is seen in a variety of medical conditions, and can also be caused by certain drugs and chemicals. Eye drops used to intentionally cause miosis are known as "miotics". Extreme miosis is commonly called "pinpoint pupils", a situation that can be caused by use of opiates.

Physiology of the photomotor reflex

Visual stimuli enters the eye,and through the retinal photoceptors is converted into an electric impulse, carried through the optic nerve (cranial nerve II) to the brain, where it connects to the pretectal nucleus of the high midbrain. It bypasses the lateral geniculate nucleus and the primary visual cortex. From the pretectal nucleus neurons send axons to neurons of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus whose visceromotor axons run along both the left and right oculomotor nerves. Visceromotor nerve axons (which constitute a portion of the III cranial nerve, along with the somatomotor portion derived from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus) synapse on ciliary ganglion neurons, whose parasympathetic axons innervate the constrictor muscle of the iris, producing miosis. [2]

Differential diagnosis of causes of miosis


The likelihood of suffering miosis increases with age.




A miotic substance causes the constriction of the pupil of the eye (or miosis). It is the opposite of a Mydriatic substance, which causes dilation of the pupil.

External links

Template:Antiglaucoma preparations and miotics

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