Proctitis (patient information)
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What is Proctitis?
Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum that causes discomfort, bleeding, and occasionally, a discharge of mucus or pus.
What are the symptoms of Proctitis?
- Bloody stools
- Constipation
- Rectal bleeding
- Rectal discharge, pus
- Rectal pain or discomfort
- Tenesmus (pain with bowel movement)
What are the causes of Proctitis?
There are many causes of proctitis, but they can be grouped in the following categories:
- Autoimmune disease
- Harmful substances
- Non-sexually transmitted infection
- Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
Proctitis caused by STD is common among those who engage in anal intercourse. STDs that can cause proctitis include gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, lymphogranuloma venereum, and amebiasis.
Non-sexually transmitted infections causing proctitis are seen less often than STD proctitis. The classical example of non-sexually transmitted infection occurs in children and is caused by the same bacteria that cause strep throat.
Autoimmune proctitis is associated with diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
Proctitis may also be caused by certain medications, radiotherapy, and inserting harmful substances into the rectum.
Who is at risk for Proctitis?
Risk factors include:
- Autoimmune disorders
- High-risk sexual practices such as anal sex
How to know you have Proctitis (Diagnosis)?
When to seek urgent medical care
Treatment options
Diseases with similar symptoms
Where to find medical care for Proctitis
Directions to Hospitals Treating Proctitis