Hepatorenal syndrome (patient information)
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What is Hepatorenal syndrome?
Hepatorenal syndrome is a condition in which the kidneys fail suddenly in a person with cirrhosis of the liver. It is a serious complication of cirrhosis.
What are the symptoms of Hepatorenal syndrome?
- Abdominal swelling
- Change in mental status
- Coarse muscle movements, jerking
- Dark-colored urine
- Decreased urine production
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weight gain
- Yellow skin
What are the causes of Hepatorenal syndrome?
Hepatorenal syndrome occurs when there is a decrease in kidney function in a person with a liver disorder. Because less urine is removed from the body, nitrogen-containing waste products build up in the bloodstream (azotemia).
Who is at risk for Hepatorenal syndrome?
The disorder occurs in up to 10% of patients hospitalized with liver failure. It is caused by the built-up effects of liver damage and kidney failure in people with:
Other risk factors include:
- Blood pressure that falls when a person rises or suddenly changes position (orthostatic hypotension)
- Diuretic use
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Infection
- Recent abdominal paracentesis
How to know you have Hepatorenal syndrome?
When to seek urgent medical care
Treatment options
Diseases with similar symptoms
Where to find medical care for Hepatorenal syndrome
Directions to Hospitals Treating Hepatorenal syndrome