B-cell lymphoma (patient information)
Editor-in-Chief: Jinhui Wu
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What is B-cell lymphoma?
There are so many types of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. And several different systems have been used in clinics. Older systems classified lymphomas based only on how they looked under a microscope. This type of classification can not supply pathological information of each lymphoma. The most recent system is the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. Not only based on how they look under a microscope, this classification also based on the chromosome features of the lymphoma cells and the presence of certain chemicals on the surface of the cells. It is widely used in clinics.
The more common types of lymphoma are according to whether they are B-cell or T-cell lymphomas. B-cell lymphoma is one type of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In the United States, B-cell lymphomas make up about 85% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
How do I know if I have B-cell lymphoma and what are the symptoms of B-cell lymphoma?
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
Who is at risk for B-cell lymphoma?
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
How to know you have B-cell lymphoma?
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
When to seek urgent medical care?
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
Treatment options
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
Diseases with similar symptoms
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
Where to find medical care for B-cell lymphoma?
Directions to Hospitals Treating B-cell lymphoma
Prevention of B-cell lymphoma
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
What to expect (Outook/Prognosis)?
see Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (patient information)
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