Vulvar cancer (patient information)
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What is vulvar cancer?
Vulva is a woman's external genitals. Vulvar cancer is a rare type of cancer. It develops slowly over several years. Vulvar cancer doesn't have any early symptoms. With the development of the cancer, frequent symptoms include a lump in the vulva, vulvar itching or tenderness, and bleeding that is not your period. Being older and having a human papillomavirus infection are risk factors for vulvar cancer. Treatment includes laser therapy, surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.
How do I know if I have vulvar cancer and what are the symptoms of vulvar cancer?
Early vulvar cancer does not have any symptoms. As the tumor grows larger, people may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
- A lump in the vulva
- Vulvar itching or tenderness
- Bleeding that is not your period
Other health problems may also cause these symptoms. Only a doctor can tell for sure. A person with any of these symptoms should tell the doctor so that the problems can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
Who is at risk for vulvar cancer?
Clinical data has suggested that the development of vulvar cancer is related to several factors.
- Human papilloma virus (HPV): Clinical survey shows HPV infection is thought to be responsible for up to half of vulvar cancers overall, and most of the cases that occur in younger women.
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): Scientists found that HIV can damage the body's immune system and make women more susceptible to persistent HPV infections.
- Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN): Clinical data suggest that women with VIN have an increased risk of developing invasive vulvar cancer.
- Lichen sclerosus (LS): Epidemiological data show about 4% of women with LS develope vulvar cancer later.
- Melanoma or atypical moles: Epidemiological data have verified that melanoma or atypical moles increase
the risk of developing vulvar cancer.
- Smoking: Smoking can further increases the risk of developing vulvar cancer.
- Age: The risk of vulvar cancer goes up with age and the average age of women diagnosed with invasive vulvar cancer is 70.
How to know you have vulvar cancer?
When to seek urgent medical care?
Treatment options
Diseases with similar symptoms
Where to find medical care for vulvar cancer?
Directions to Hospitals Treating vulvar cancer
Prevention of vulvar cancer
What to expect (Outook/Prognosis)?
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