Diverticulosis (patient information)
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What is Diverticulosis?
Diverticulosis, is one of the two conditions that make up diverticular disease, which affects the colon. Diverticulosis occurs when pouches, called diverticula, form in the colon. These pouches bulge out like weak spots in a tire. The second condition, diverticulitis occurs if the pouches become inflamed and irritated.
What are the symptoms of Diverticulosis?
Many people don’t have symptoms accompanying diverticulosis,but some people may experience any combination of the following symptoms:
- cramping
- bloating
- constipation
- bleeding
- inflammation
- fistulas
If you are bleeding, bright red blood will pass through your rectum. The rectum is the end of the colon that connects to the anus. The rectum and anus are part of the gastrointestinal tract, which is the passage that food goes through. Rectal bleeding is usually painless, but it can be dangerous. You should see a doctor right away.
What are the causes of Diverticulosis?
Doctors are not sure what causes diverticular disease. Many think a diet low in fiber is the main cause. Fiber is a part of food that your body cannot digest. It is found in many fruits and vegetables. Fiber stays in the colon and absorbs water, which makes bowel movements easier to pass. Diets low in fiber may cause constipation, which occurs when stools are hard and difficult to pass. Constipation causes your muscles to strain when you pass stool. Straining may cause diverticula to form in the colon.
Who is at risk for Diverticulosis?
How to know you have Diverticulosis?
When to seek urgent medical care
Treatment options
Diseases with similar symptoms
Where to find medical care for Diverticulosis
Directions to Hospitals Treating Diverticulosis