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WikiDoc Resources for Tachypnea


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Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Tachypnea at Clinical Trials.gov

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Clinical Trials on Tachypnea at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Tachypnea

NICE Guidance on Tachypnea


FDA on Tachypnea

CDC on Tachypnea


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Patient Handouts on Tachypnea

Directions to Hospitals Treating Tachypnea

Risk calculators and risk factors for Tachypnea

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Symptoms of Tachypnea

Causes & Risk Factors for Tachypnea

Diagnostic studies for Tachypnea

Treatment of Tachypnea

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Tachypnea


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List of terms related to Tachypnea

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Tachypnea (or "tachypnoea") (Greek: "rapid breathing") is characterized by rapid breathing and is not identical with hyperventilation - tachypnea may be necessary for a sufficient gas-exchange of the body, for example after exercise, in which case it is not hyperventilation.

Common Causes of Tachypnea

congestive heart failure COPD Metabolic acidosis

Differential Diagnosis of Disorders Associated with Tachypnea

In alphabetical order:


History and Symptoms

  • History focus on time course, associated symptoms, past history, precipitants

Physical Examination

Tachypnea varies with age:

  • Infants = 24-38 rpm
  • Adults & small children = 12-19 rpm

Laboratory Findings

Useful laboratory studies to order might include:

Chest X Ray

  • Should be included in workup

Spiral CT

  • This is a useful study to evaluate both the lung parenchyma and to rule out pulmonary embolism



  • Immediatly asess airway, breathing and circulation
  • Administer oxygen
  • Evaluate potential toxic ingestions and treat immediatly
  • Treat any pain appropriatly

See also


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