Cranial nerve disease

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Cranial nerve disease
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Cranial nerves
ICD-10 G50-G53
ICD-9 350-352
DiseasesDB 17207
MeSH D003389

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US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Cranial nerve disease

NICE Guidance on Cranial nerve disease


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List of terms related to Cranial nerve disease

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Synonyms and keywords: cranial nerve palsy, cranial nerve disorder


Cranial nerve disease is a term used to describe an impaired functioning of one of the twelve cranial nerves. This results in loss of control of facial muscles, erratic movements of the face muscles, or spastic jerks of the face muscles.


It is possible for a disorder of more than cranial nerve to occur at the same time, if a trauma occurs at a location where many cranial nerves run together, such as the jugular fossa. A brainstem lesion could also cause impaired functioning of multiple cranial nerves, but this condition would likely also be accompanied by distal motor impairment.




The patient may complain of difficulty smiling, drooping of the face, problems curling their lips, problems controlling eye movements or problems coordinating other facial expressions.

Physical Examination

Neurologic Examination

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