Cardiology Board Review general tips

Revision as of 13:05, 29 September 2012 by C Michael Gibson (talk | contribs)
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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


There is no random data provided on the test. Capture the one line summary of what they are telling you in all the data. This is there for a reason. Use it to guide you in discerning what they are trying to test you on in this question.

Goal of the Exam

They are looking for you to integrate knowledge, not just regurgitate knowledge.

Distracting Answers

These answers are not that close to the correct answer so that the test is fair. They are somewhat distant from the correct answer. Usually comes down to two answers.


Living in South America should trigger consideration of Chagas disease for instance.


Symptoms are provided because the guidelines are often based upon symptoms.

Treatment versus Diagnosis Options

Look for the one choice that is not diametrically opposed to the others, that is different from the others.


Dimensions are used to trigger your knowledge regarding the need for valve replacement or valve repair. You should know the dimensions that should trigger valve replacement in the guidelines.