Author | [[PageAuthor::Vidit Bhargava, M.B.B.S [1]]] |
Exam Type | ExamType::USMLE Step 1 |
Main Category | MainCategory::Pharmacology |
Sub Category | SubCategory::Dermatology |
Prompt | [[Prompt::A 35 year old female presents with a 2 week history of sensitivity to sunlight. Whenever she steps outside unprotected she develops blistering, scarring, pigmentation on the back of her hands and face. She has also noticed increased hair growth at unusual places during these past 2 weeks. She is sexually active and takes oral contraceptives regularly. The physician orders the following labs:
Complete blood count:
USG: Normal liver architecture The patient is diagnosed with an enzymatic defect in heme metabolism, which of the following indicates the disease and the associated enzymatic defect? |
Answer A | AnswerA::Congenital erythropoietic porphyria; uroporphyrinogen III synthase |
Answer A Explanation | AnswerAExp:: |
Answer B | AnswerB::Porphyria cutanea tarda; uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase |
Answer B Explanation | AnswerBExp:: |
Answer C | AnswerC::Acute intermittent porphyria; porphobilinogen deaminase |
Answer C Explanation | AnswerCExp:: |
Answer D | AnswerD::Variegate porphyria; protoporphyrinogen oxidase |
Answer D Explanation | AnswerDExp:: |
Answer E | AnswerE::Acute porphyria; ALA dehydrogenase deficiency |
Answer E Explanation | AnswerEExp:: |
Right Answer | RightAnswer::B |
Explanation | [[Explanation:: Educational Objective: |
Approved | Approved::No |
Keyword | |
Linked Question | Linked:: |
Order in Linked Questions | LinkedOrder:: |