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Differentiating Salmonellosis from Other Diseases

Salmonellosis should be differentiated from other pathogens that lead to acute inflammatory diarrhea:

Pathogen Transmission Clinical Manifestations
Fever Nausea/Vomiting Abdominal Pain Bloody Stool
Salmonella Outbreaks due to foodborne transmission, community-acquired ++ + ++ +
Shigella Community-acquired, person-to-person + + + +
Campylobacter Community-acquired, ingestion of undercooked poultry + + + +
E. coli (EHEC or EIEC) Foodborne transmission, ingestion of undercooked hamburger meat + + + +
Clostridium difficile Nosocomial spread, antibiotic use + + + +
Yersinia Community-aquired, foodborne transmission + + + +
Entamoeba histolytica Travel to or emigration from tropical regions + + + +
Aeromonas + + + +
Plesiomonas + + + +