Sandbox: Bronchiolitis DD

Revision as of 16:04, 22 June 2017 by Aelsaiey (talk | contribs)
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Bronchiolitis should be differentiated with other diseases that cause cough and dysnea.

Diseases Symptoms Signs Diagosis
Fever Cough Chest pain Wheezes Crackles Edema Tachycaria Lab tests Imaging
Bronchiolitis +/- Dry - + + - +/-
  • No specific lab findings
  • Viral tests like ELISA and immunoassays may be done in case of RSV infection.
  • Pulmonary function test is performed to exclude other lung diseases.
  • Ct scan shows Intense bronchiolar mural inflammation of cellular bronchiolitis results in centrilobular nodulesthat are usually associated with the tree-in-bud pattern and bronchial wall thickening
Asthma - Dry/Productive - + -
  • Lab tests are not specific for asthma but they are performed to exclude other diseases.
  • Serum examination shows elevated level of esoinophils due to allergy.
  • CT scan shows dilated bronchi, bronchial wall thickening and air trapping.
COPD + Productive
Bacterial pneumonia + Productive
Pulmonary embolism - Bloody + +
Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia - Dry - + -
  • Pulmonary function test shows obstructive lung disease
  • CT scan shows multiple nodules , ground glass appearance and bronchiectasis.
Tuberculosis + Bloody
Interstitial pneumonitis (Hamman - Rich syndrome) + Productive
Foreign body aspiration - Dry
Sarcoidosis - Dry
Pertussis + Dry - -
  • Nasopharyngeal swab
  • Culture
  • Serology to detect pertussis toxin.
  • No remarkable imaging findings.
Congestive heart failure - Dry/Productive + while walking - - + +
  • Routine lab tests in order to know the cause of the heart failure:
    • Renal function tests including urinalysis and electrolytes assessment
    • Complete blood count
    • Thyroid studies specially in patients who are being treated with concomitant therapy with an agent such as amiodarone.
  • Biomarkers:
    • Natriuretic Peptides: BNP or NT-proBNP
    • Biomarkers of myocardial Injury: Cardiac Troponin T or I
    • Carbohydrate Antigen 125
  • EKG can be performed to detect the underlaying cause.
  • Chest x ray shows cardiomegaly.
  • Echocardiography is used to determine the stroke volume and to assess the heart failure.

Differential diagnosis of bronchiolitis: Asthma, COPD, sarcoidosis, pneumonia, heart failure, DIPNECH, foreign body inhalation, pulmonary embolism and GERD (in case it is associated with asthma).