Spondyloarthropathy epidemiology and demographics

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epidemiology and demographics

Spondyloarthropathy (SpA) is a world wide disease but it has been seen mostly throughout Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America, which are the places for presence of HLA-B27. SpA and HLA-B27 is somehow absent among genetically unmixed native populations of South Africa and Australia.

Here are some labeled data that shows not only the prevalence of spondyloarthropathies but also the prevalence of HLA-B27 and its subtype.

Prevalence of AS and related spondyloarthropathies throughout different populations
populations B27 frequency Prevalence of AS Prevalence of SpA

(including AS)

General population B27+ part of population General population B27+ part of population
Eskimos (Alaska) 40% 0.4% .. 2.5% ..
Skimos (Alaska & Siberia) & Chukcki 25-40% .. 1.6% 2-3.4% 4.2%
Samis (Lapland) 24% 1.8% 6.8% .. ..
Northern Norway 10-16% 1.4% .. .. ..
Mordovia 16% 0.5% .. .. ..
Europe (Western) 8% 0.2% 2% .. ..

Basic HLA-B27 subtypes and their geographical distribution
HLA-B27 subtype Geographical appearance Assocoation
HLA-B*2702 Mediterranean populations Association with AS
HLA-B*2704 Major subtype in Chinese and Japanese populations Association with SpA
HLA-B*2705 Major subtype in Caucasians Strong association with AS
HLA-B*2706 Healthy populations in Southeast Asia Very weak association with SpA
HLA-B*2709 Healthy population of Sardinia AS sparing
