
Revision as of 19:14, 23 September 2019 by Eiman (talk | contribs) (Brief Biography)
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Eiman Ghaffarpasand

Eiman Ghaffarpasand, MD.

Associate Editor-in-Chief
Contact: (857) 272-3929

Current Position

  • Cardiovascular Post Doctoral Research Fellow at PERFUSE Study Group

Professional Background

  • Reviewer in SMJ
  • Senior Editor in Kashan Medial University Journal
  • Review and Consultation in about 100 Medical Thesis
  • Participating in more than 50 research projects
  • Publishing over 20 articles in medical journals
  • Presenting in many national and international congresses


  • Medical Doctor (MD)
    • Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
      • Isfahan, Iran
  • Undergraduate
    • National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents
      • Isfahan, Iran

Brief Biography

From first days of my studentship in medical university, I feel that studying medicine without research is NOTHING. Because the pathway of medical sciences is endless; farther you go through, more eager you became. And the cure for this eager is nothing but research. Nowadays, without surfing the net and challenging new ideas, discovered day by day, you never would be able to cure the diseases. Continued progress of the diversity in diseases and also pathogens, make every physician to became a researcher; no matter how? no matter in what extend? no matter how often? while curing a simple complication of a disease need hours of discussion and also surfing the internet, it means you are a researcher and should be proud of. As the first day of Cardiology course in medical school, I have found that Heart, the symbol of love, is also my symbol of passion to research and medical sciences. The complexity of heart, despite its' simplicity make me wonder. My heart have found its' path through the Heart; and my brain obeyed. Today, I am honored to research in my favorite field, satisfying and appreciated.