Gastric dumping syndrome (patient information)
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What is Gastric dumping syndrome?
Rapid gastric emptying, also called dumping syndrome, occurs when undigested food empties too quickly into the small intestine.
What are the symptoms of Gastric dumping syndrome?
Early rapid gastric emptying begins either during or right after a meal. Symptoms include:
Late rapid gastric emptying occurs 1 to 3 hours after eating. Symptoms include:
Experiencing both forms of gastric emptying is not uncommon.
What are the causes of Gastric dumping syndrome?
Rapid gastric emptying is a result of stomach surgery such as fundoplication or gastric bypass. The condition is also seen in people with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, a rare disorder involving extreme peptic ulcer disease and gastrin-secreting tumors in the pancreas.
Who is at risk for Gastric dumping syndrome?
How to know you have Gastric dumping syndrome?
When to seek urgent medical care
Treatment options
Diseases with similar symptoms
Where to find medical care for Gastric dumping syndrome
Directions to Hospitals Treating Gastric dumping syndrome