Empty sella syndrome (patient information)
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What is Empty sella syndrome?
Empty sella syndrome is a condition in which the pituitary gland shrinks or becomes flattened.
What are the symptoms of Empty sella syndrome?
What causes Empty sella syndrome?
The pituitary gland is a small gland located at the base of the brain. It sits in a saddle-like compartment in the skull called the "sella turcica," which in Latin means "Turkish saddle."
When the pituitary gland shrinks or becomes flattened, it cannot be seen on MRI scans, giving the appearance of an "empty sella." This is referred to as empty sella syndrome.
The pituitary makes several hormones that control the other glands in the body, including the:
Primary empty sella syndrome occurs when a hole in the membrane covering the pituitary gland allows fluid in, which presses on the pituitary.
Secondary empty sella syndrome occurs when the sella is empty because the pituitary gland has been damaged by:
Empty sella syndrome may be seen in a condition called pseudotumor cerebri. This is a condition seen most commonly in obese women.
Who is at risk for Empty sella syndrome?
How do I know I have Empty sella syndrome?
When to seek urgent medical care
Treatment options
Diseases with similar symptoms
Where to find medical care for Empty sella syndrome
Directions to Hospitals Treating Empty sella syndrome