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Thymoma: A bottle-shaped tumor is encapsulated and shows a bulging, rather homogeneous, faintly lobulated ivory-colored cut surface.
Image courtesy of Professor Peter Anderson DVM PhD and published with permission © PEIR, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Pathology
ICD-10 C37.9, D60
ICD-9 164.0, 212.6
ICD-O: 8580
DiseasesDB 13067
MedlinePlus 001086
MeSH D013945

Thymoma Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Thymoma from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Study of Choice

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings



Echocardiography and Ultrasound

CT scan


Other Imaging Findings

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Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Thymoma On the Web

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American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Thymoma

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Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Thymoma

CDC on Thymoma

Thymoma in the news

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Directions to Hospitals Treating Thymoma

Risk calculators and risk factors for Thymoma

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Michael Maddaleni, B.S.

Please Join in Editing This Page and Apply to be an Editor-In-Chief for this topic: There can be one or more than one Editor-In-Chief. You may also apply to be an Associate Editor-In-Chief of one of the subtopics below. Please mail us [2] to indicate your interest in serving either as an Editor-In-Chief of the entire topic or as an Associate Editor-In-Chief for a subtopic. Please be sure to attach your CV and or biographical sketch.


Historical Perspective


Epidemiology & Demographics

Risk Factors



Differentiating Thymoma

Complications & Prognosis


History and Symptoms | Physical Examination | Staging | Laboratory tests | Electrocardiogram | X Rays | CT | MRI Echocardiography or Ultrasound | Other images | Alternative diagnostics


Medical therapy | Surgical options | Primary prevention | Secondary prevention | Financial costs | Future therapies


When a thymic mass is identified, the made is achieved with histology (obtaining a tissue sample of the mass). When a thymoma is suspected, a CT/CAT scan is generally performed to estimate the size of the tumor, and can be biopsied with a CT-guided needle. There is a small risk of pneumomediastinum, mediastinitis and the risk of damaging the heart or large blood vessels. The final diagnosis is made by removing the thymus. Pathological investigation of the specimen will reveal if the tumor was benign or malignant, although the initial biopsy is usually indicative.[1]

The tumor is generally located inside the thymus, and can be calcified. Increased vascular enhancement can be indicative of malignancy, as can be pleural deposits.[1]

If the suspicion is high, some blood tests are often performed to look for associated problems or possible spread. These include: full blood count, protein electrophoresis, antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor (indicative of myasthenia), electrolytes, liver enzymes and renal function.[1]


Thymoma originates from the epithelial cell population in the thymus. Many subtypes are recognized, some of which have a better- or worse-than-general prognosis.[1]


Surgery is the mainstay of treatment. If the tumor was benign and was removed completely, no further therapy is necessary. Removal of the thymus in adults does not appear to induce a severe immune deficiency. In children, however, added care and scrupulous vaccination are necessary to protect from infections. Malignant tumors may need additional treatment with radiotherapy, or sometimes with chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and cisplatin).[1]


Thymomas associated with autoimmune disorders usually are benign. Malignant thymomas can metastasize, generally to pleura, kidney, bone, liver or brain.[1]


Men and women are equally affected. The typical age at diagnosis is 30-40, although cases have been described in every age group.[1]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Thomas1999

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