HIV AIDS drug resistance

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HIV Drug Resistance occurs when microevolution causes virions to become tolerant to antiretroviral treatments.

Current scenario

Nearly all drugs currently used to treat HIV eventually stop working when patient develops resistance to ART. HIV develops resistance when it evades the effects of these treatments.[1] A recent study estimated the percentage of the American HIV positive population with some form of drug resistance to be 76.3%.[2]


  1. Freeman, S., and J. C. Herron. 2007. Evolutionary Analysis. 4th ed. A case for evolutionary thinking: understanding HIV. Pearson Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, CA.
  2. Richman, D. D., S. C. Morton, T. Wrin, N. Hellmann, S. Berry, M. F. Shapiro, and S. A. Bozzette. 2004. The prevalence of antiretroviral drug resistance in the United States. AIDS. 18: 1393-1401.