Cardiovascular pharmacology

Revision as of 16:23, 29 September 2012 by C Michael Gibson (talk | contribs)
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US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Cardiovascular pharmacology

NICE Guidance on Cardiovascular pharmacology


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Continuing Medical Education (CME)

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List of terms related to Cardiovascular pharmacology

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


  • 5% of questions of the boards


  • Potency vs Efficacy: Potency is meaningless, effect of drug per mg. Efficacy is the clinical effectiveness of drug.
  • PK is effect of the body on the drug.
  • Drug distribution: muscle high in water content. Women have less muscle mass. Older patients have less muscle mass. Elderly women have less total body water. Water soluble drugs are associated with a higher drug effect (eaxample alcohool). Do not diffuse into brain. Very important in beta blockers, they are hydrophilic.
  • Lipophilic drugs:Cross into CNS. Lopressor, propranolol


  • In intravascular space
  • Cleared by kidney
  • Dont cross blood brain barrier

Atenolol, hadolol, sotalol

Intestinal Metabolism

  • grapefruit juice affects intestinal system, but not liver. Intestinal cytochrome CYP3A4. (dihydropiridine CCBs,

lova, simva, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, sildenafil can be affected. May increase drug levels

Hepatic Metabolims

  • beta blockers reduce hepatic blood flow, deompensated CHF affects liver blood flow

Know inhibitors\ allopurinal cipr cimet dilt eryth isoiz PPI

Inducers barb carb Know Inducers


Effect of drug on the body

Drug Drug Interactions

Nitrates with PD5 inhibitors


  • Other meds
  • Hypokalemia, often dont get dig toxic unless hypok, start on diuretic, then pt becoes dig toxic
  • Other drugs


  • Drugs cross placenta
  • No drug completely safe

ACE ARB warfarin clearly bad Betablcoker can be used Alcohol, LI pheno cause fetal abn

Drugs in Lactation

Drug Overdose Mangement

Beta Blocker




  • CHF with anthracylines: related to cumulative dose, 400 t0 500 mg / m2, occurs in about a yr, progressive asx lv dysfxn.

may persist after dc of tx

  • may progressive after dc

younger and old age at biggest death pathphys:cell death

minimize further exxposure chf tx worse with re-exposure

type 2 cardiotoxicity

reversibel re-challenge may be safe

St. John's Wart

  • Commonly taken
  • Interacts with amiodarone

Supplements that Increase Bleeding Effect

  • Ginger

Adverse Drug Reactions

  • 4th leading cause of death
  • One third are preventable, often dont know what patient is on
  • Elderly and youngerly are at risk
  • Elderly:reduced muscle mass, water soluble drug concentration increased, decreased renal function, cognitive decline and mix up meds, non-compliant, co-morbidities
  • Polypharmacy: OVer 5 drugs, higher risk of drug interactions. Elderly are often on ove 10 drugs


  • Role of inheritance in variation in drug response
  • Metabolism, absorption, interaction of drug with target affected by genetics
  • Genetics may influence induction and inhibition (breakdown) of drugs, increase or reduce activity of drug
  • Example CYP2D6: metoprolol, propafenone, tamoxifen affected. Poor metabolizers in 10% of northern europeans. Metoprolol is not broken down and easily od, codeine does not work. East africans can be ultrametabolizers: lopressor does not work, codeine toxic
  • Clopidogrel
  • Absorption variable
  • 15% taken in is active
  • 2 steps to turn it into the active drug
  • CYP2c19 very important in metabolizing the drug to the active metabolite
    • 2 and *3 polymorphisms are inactive, drug not activated, inadequate activity. Increase adverse events, stent thrombosis.
  • Routine testing not recommedned
  • If *2 or *3 allele present, then alternate therapy recommended. Pt with stent thrombosis may undergo testing and switch.


  • Measure INR which is related to efficacy but there is still have bleeding
  • Order of magnitude different doses of warfarin due to genetic difference
  • Half of variability is due to geneitc variability
  • CYP2C: responsible for metabolism. Therer are slow and fast metabolizers( and
  • VKORc1 target of effect of warfarin
  • Not clear if testing is cost-effective
