
Revision as of 18:25, 17 October 2012 by Rim Halaby (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WBRQuestion |MainCategory=Genitourinary |SubCategory=Microbiology |Prompt=A 34-year-old man comes to the health center with fears that he has contracted a venereal disease. ...")
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Author PageAuthor::
Exam Type ExamType::
Main Category MainCategory::Genitourinary
Sub Category SubCategory::Microbiology
Prompt [[Prompt::A 34-year-old man comes to the health center with fears that he has contracted a venereal disease. He nervously shows you an ulcerated lesion on the shaft of his penis and states that it has been present for over 1 week. On physical exam, the man is afebrile and except for mild lymphadenopathy in the neck, has a nontender ulcer on his penis measuring 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm. Laboratory testing shows him to be VDRL positive. What is the next step in diagnosis?]]
Answer A AnswerA::
Answer A Explanation AnswerAExp::
Answer B AnswerB::
Answer B Explanation AnswerBExp::
Answer C AnswerC::
Answer C Explanation AnswerCExp::
Answer D AnswerD::
Answer D Explanation AnswerDExp::
Answer E AnswerE::
Answer E Explanation AnswerEExp::
Right Answer RightAnswer::Obtain a fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS).
Explanation [[Explanation::This patient likely has syphilis by clinical presentation and positive VDRL testing; however, correct diagnosis should be made with confirmation with treponemal testing (either FTA-ABS or FTA-TP) before treatment since VDRL and RPR may be turned falsely positive by some autoimmune diseases.

Educational Objective:
References: ]]

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