Muscle weakness

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Muscle weakness
Muscle wasting in HIV.
Image courtesy of Professor Peter Anderson DVM PhD and published with permission © PEIR, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Pathology

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List of terms related to Muscle weakness

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-In-Chief: M.Umer Tariq [2]


Muscle weakness (or "lack of strength") is a direct term for the inability to exert force with ones muscles to the degree that would be expected given the individual's general physical fitness. A test of strength is often used during a diagnosis of a muscular disorder before the etiology can be identified. Such etiology depends on the type of muscle weakness, which can be true or perceived as well as variable topically. True weakness is substantial, while perceived rather is a sensation of having to put more effort to do the same task. On the other hand, various topic locations for muscle weakness are central, neural and peripheral. Central muscle weakness is an overall exhaustion of the whole body, while peripheral weakness is an exhaustion of individual muscles. Neural weakness are somewhere between.

Muscle weakness can be a result of vigorous exercise but abnormal fatigue may be caused by barriers to or interference with the different stages of muscle contraction.

In a broader sense, muscle weakness is the physical part of fatigue (medical).


True vs. Perceived

The term subsumes two other more specific terms, true weakness and perceived weakness.

  • True weakness (or "objective weakness") describes a condition where the instantaneous force exerted by the muscles is less than would be expected. For instance, if a patient suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), motor neurons are damaged and can no longer stimulate the muscles to exert normal force.
  • Perceived weakness (or "subjective weakness") describes a condition where it seems to the patient that more effort than normal is required to exert a given amount of force.[1] For instance, in some people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) who may struggle to climb a set of stairs when feeling especially fatigued, their muscle strength when objectively measured (eg, the maximum weight they can press with their legs) is essentially normal, though this is not true for CFS patients who may be disabled through post-exertional weakness/malaise etc. and in severe cases may not be able to climb a flight of stairs.

In some conditions, such as myasthenia gravis muscle strength is normal when resting, but true weakness occurs after the muscle has been subjected to exercise. This is also true for some cases of CFS, where objective post-exertion muscle weakness with delayed recovery time has been measured and is a feature of some of the published definitions. [2][3][4][5][6][7]

In addition to true/perceived, muscle weaknes can also be central, neural and peripheral. Central muscle weakness manifests as an overall, bodily or systemic, sense of energy deprivation, and peripheral weakness manifests as a local, muscle-specific incapacity to do work. [8][9] Neural weakness can be both central and peripheral.


Complete Differential Diagnosis of Causes of Muscle weakness

(In alphabetical order)

Complete Differential Diagnosis of the Causes of Muscle weakness

(By organ system)


Peripheral Arterial Disease,

Chemical / poisoning

Cadmium poisoning, Dicamba, Fluoride poisoning, Hexane-2,5-dione, Temik,

Dermatologic No underlying causes
Drug Side Effect

3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate, Acamprosate (patient information), Acitretin (patient information), Aluminum Hydroxide (patient information), Amiloride and Hydrochlorothiazide (patient information), Amiodarone Oral (patient information), Beclomethasone Oral Inhalation (patient information), Benztropine Mesylate Oral (patient information), Bezafibrate (patient information), Brompheniramine (patient information), Budesonide Inhalation Powder (patient information), Chloroquine Phosphate Oral (patient information), Chlorothiazide (patient information), Chlorpheniramine (patient information), Chlorthalidone (patient information), Ciclesonide Nasal Spray (patient information), Clofibrate (patient information), Colistimethate Injection (patient information), Cyanocobalamin Injection (patient information), Cyproheptadine (patient information), Cytarabine (patient information), Daptomycin, Desipramine (patient information), Dexamethasone Oral (patient information), Dextroamphetamine and Amphetamine (patient information), Dicyclomine (patient information), Diphenhydramine Oral (patient information), Donepezil (patient information), Dorzolamide and Timolol Ophthalmic (patient information), Doxazosin (patient information), Doxylamine (patient information), Ezetimibe (patient information), Fexofenadine and Pseudoephedrine (patient information), Fludrocortisone Acetate (patient information), Flunisolide Nasal Inhalation (patient information), Fluticasone and Salmeterol Oral Inhalation (patient information), Fluvastatin (patient information), Galantamine (patient information), Gemeprost, Glucocorticoids, Hydrochlorothiazide (patient information), Hydrocortisone Injection (patient information), Hydrocortisone Oral (patient information), Hydroxychloroquine (patient information), Hydroxyzine (patient information), Imiquimod (patient information), Insulin lispro injection (patient information), Interferon Beta-1b Injection (patient information), Leflunomide (patient information), Letrozole (patient information), Levalbuterol Oral Inhalation (patient information), Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide (patient information), Lithium (patient information), Loprazolam, Lormetazepam, Lovastatin (patient information), Mepyramine, Methyclothiazide (patient information), Methyldopa and Hydrochlorothiazide (patient information), Methylprednisolone Oral (patient information), Metolazone (patient information), Nitrazepam, Nitrofurantoin (patient information), Oxcarbazepine (patient information), Pramipexole (patient information), Pravastatin (patient information), Prazosin and polythiazide (patient information), Prednisone, Procyclidine (patient information), Pseudoephedrine and triprolidine (patient information), Pyridostigmine (patient information), Reserpine, hydralazine, and hydrochlorothiazide (patient information), Riluzole (patient information), Rosuvastatin (patient information), Salmeterol oral inhalation (patient information), Selegiline (patient information), Spironolactone (patient information), Tamoxifen (patient information), Telbivudine (patient information), Teriparatide (rDNA origin) Injection (patient information), Tocopherol, Topiramate, Trastuzumab (patient information), Triamcinolone Nasal Inhalation (patient information), Triamterene (patient information), Trimeprazine (patient information), Zoledronic Acid Injection (patient information),

Ear Nose Throat

Acute viral nasopharyngitis (common cold),


Addison's disease, Cushing's syndrome, Graves' Disease, Hyperaldosteronism, Hyperpituitarism, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Kennedy disease, Thyrotoxicosis,

Environmental No underlying causes
Gastroenterologic Cirrhosis,

Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome, Becker's muscular dystrophy, Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I deficiency, Dejerine Sottas syndrome, Devic's disease, Engelmann syndrome, Glutaric aciduria type 1, Glycogen storage disease type II, GM1 gangliosidoses, Hereditary inclusion body myopathy, Hereditary spastic paraplegia, Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Nemaline myopathy, Phosphofructokinase deficiency, Primary carnitine deficiency, Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, Sandhoff disease, Walker-Warburg syndrome,


Acute intermittent porphyria, Variegate porphyria,

Iatrogenic No underlying causes
Infectious Disease

Botulism, Group A streptococcal infection, HIV, Influenza, Polymyositis, Pott's disease, Rhinovirus,

Musculoskeletal / Ortho

Arthrogryposis, Congenital muscular dystrophy, Congenital myasthenic syndrome, Congenital myopathy, Dermatomyositis, Diabetic amyotrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy, Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, Inclusion body myositis, Rhabdomyolysis, Spondylosis,


Accessory nerve disorder, Acute peripheral neuropathy, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Arnold-Chiari malformation, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, Diabetic neuropathy, Epidural hematoma, Friedreich's ataxia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Juvenile primary lateral sclerosis, Machado-Joseph disease, Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome, Motor neurone disease, Multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia gravis, Peripheral neuropathy, Sturge-Weber syndrome, Tabes dorsalis,

Nutritional / Metabolic

3-Methylglutaconic aciduria, Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency, Metabolic acidosis, Vitamin D deficiency,

Obstetric/Gynecologic No underlying causes

Adrenal carcinoma,

Opthalmologic No underlying causes
Overdose / Toxicity

Benztropine Mesylate Oral (patient information), Fexofenadine and Pseudoephedrine (patient information), Galantamine (patient information), Salmeterol oral inhalation (patient information), Topiramate,


Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, Tension myositis syndrome,


Hopkins syndrome,

Renal / Electrolyte

Hypercalcemia, Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis, Hypermagnesemia, Hypermethioninemia, Hypokalemic periodic paralysis, Hypomagnesemia, Hypophosphatemia, Uremia,

Rheum / Immune / Allergy

Congenital myasthenic syndrome, Graves' Disease, Krabbe disease, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Sjogren's Syndrome,

Sexual No underlying causes

Brachial plexus injury,

Urologic No underlying causes

Alcoholic polyneuropathy, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Mitochondrial trifunctional protein deficiency, Spinal cord injury, Spinal disc herniation, Spinal stenosis,

Differential Diagnosis

Acute/Sub Acute

Chronic Muscle Weakness

Associated conditions

Muscle weakness may be due to problems with the nerve supply, neuromuscular disease such as myasthenia gravis) or problems with muscle itself. The latter category includes polymyositis and other muscle disorders

See also

Diagnostic Findings

Image courtesy of Professor Peter Anderson DVM PhD and published with permission © PEIR, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Pathology


  1. Enoka RM, Stuart DG (1992). "Neurobiology of muscle fatigue". J. Appl. Physiol. 72 (5): 1631–48. PMID 1601767.
  2. Paul L, Wood L, Behan WM, Maclaren WM; Demonstration of delayed recovery from fatiguing exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome. European Journal of Neurology 1999 Jan;6(1):63-69 PMID: 10209352
  3. McCully K K, Natelson B H; Impaired oxygen delivery to muscle in chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinical Science 1999:97:603-608
  4. Pascale De Becker, PhD; Johan Roeykens, PT; Masha Reynders, PT; Neil McGregor, MD, PhD; Exercise Capacity in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Archives of Internal Medicine Vol. 160 No. 21, November 27, 2000
  5. De Becker P, McGregor N, De Meirleir K. A definition-based analysis of symptoms in a large cohort of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J Intern Med 2001;250:234-240.
  6. Bruce M Carruthers, Anil Kumar Jain, Kenny L De Meirleir, Daniel L Peterson, Nancy G Klimas et al, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines, A Consensus Document Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 11(1):7-115, 2003. ISBN 0-7890-227-9
  7. Jammes Y, Steinberg JG, Mambrini O, Bregeon F, Delliaux S; Chronic fatigue syndrome: assessment of increased oxidative stress and altered muscle excitability in response to incremental exercise. J Intern Med., 2005 Mar;257(3):299-310.
  8. Gandevia SC, Enoka RM, McComas AJ, Stuart DG, Thomas CK (1995). "Neurobiology of muscle fatigue. Advances and issues". Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 384: 515–25. PMID 8585476.
  9. Kent-Braun JA (1999). "Central and peripheral contributions to muscle fatigue in humans during sustained maximal effort". European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology. 80 (1): 57–63. PMID 10367724.

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