Hemoptysis resident survival guide

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]



Life Threatening Causes

Common Causes


Characterise the symptoms
❑ Coughing up blood
❑ Chest pain
❑ Tachypnea
❑ Dyspnea
Examine the patient

❑ Inspection of nasopharynx and oropharynx to exclude hemorrhagic sites from Nasopharynx or gastrointestinal track

❑ Vital signs and oxygen saturation

❑ Respiratory rate

❑ Accessory respiratory muscles use

❑ Examine head and neck
❑ UGI bleed
❑ NP bleed
Order lab

❑ Complete blood count

❑ Arterial blood gas

❑ Coagulation profile

❑ Electrolites

❑ Blood typing and cross match

❑ Liver and renal function test
Stable patient
Unstable patient
Chest radiography
Mild hemoptysis
{{{ G02 }}}
{{{ G03 }}}
❑ Dysnea
❑ >600 cc of blood in 24 hours
❑ >150 cc of blood per hr
Sings and symptoms of hypovolemia
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