Sandbox Rim

Revision as of 13:02, 10 March 2015 by Rim Halaby (talk | contribs)
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Assess the ECG
Order troponins
Perform a bedside echocardiogrpahy (if available)
Does the patient fulfill the criteria of myocardial infarction?

❑ Rise and/or fall of cardiac biomarker (preferably troponin)
PLUS at least of the following
❑ Symptoms of ischemia
❑ New ST-T wave changes or new LBBB

ST elevation in at least 2 contiguous leads of 2 mm (0.2 mV) in men or 1.5 mm (0.15 mV) in women in leads V2–V3 and/or of 1 mm (0.1mV) in other contiguous chest leads or the limb leads, OR
ST depression in at least two precordial leads V1-V4 (suggestive of posterior MI), OR
ST depression in several leads plus ST elevation in lead aVR (suggestive of occlusion of the left main or proximal LAD artery)
ST depression in at least 2 contiguous leads

❑ New Q wave

❑ New regional wall abnormality or new myocardial loss
Activate cath lab team
Click here for STEMI resident survival guide
Click here for NSTEMI resident survival guide
Rule out the following life-threatening conditions
Aortic dissection
Pulmonary embolism
Tension pneumothorax
Esophageal rupture

Does the patient have ECG changes/pericarditis?
❑ Diffuse ST elevation,
❑ PR depression, AND/OR
❑ PR elevation in lead aVR
Look for signs and symptoms suggestive of Pericarditis:
Pleuritic pain
Chest pain that is positional
Viral syndromes

Pericardial rub
Look for supportive signs and symptoms:

Pleuritic chest painDyspnea
❑ History of:

❑ Recent surgery
❑ Immobility
Look for supportive signs and symptoms:

Pleuritic chest painDyspnea
❑ History of:

❑ Recent surgery
❑ Immobility
Look for supportive signs and symptoms:

❑ Sudden Shortness of breath
Penetrating chest wound
❑ Flopping sound
❑ Recent medical procedure
❑ Patient on mechanical ventilation
❑ Tracheal deviation towards the unaffected side
❑ Absent heart sound on the affected side

❑ Hyperresonance on the affected side
Look for supportive signs and symptoms:

❑ Lower chest pain
❑ Cervical subcutaneous emphysema
❑ Overindulgence in alcohol

❑ Overindulgence in food
Click here for the detailed management
Click here for the detailed management
Click here for the detailed management
Click here for the detailed management
Click here for the detailed management