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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Haytham Allaham, M.D. [2]

Durie-Salmon staging system

First published in 1975, the Durie-Salmon staging system [1] is still in use, but has largely been superseded by the simpler ISS:

  • stage 1: all of
    • Hb > 10g/dL
    • normal calcium
    • Skeletal survey: normal or single plasmacytoma or osteoporosis
    • Serum paraprotein level < 5 g/dL if IgG, < 3 g/dL if IgA
    • Urinary light chain excretion < 4 g/24h
  • stage 2: fulfilling the criteria of neither 1 nor 3
  • stage 3: one or more of
    • Hb < 8.5g/dL
    • high calcium > 12mg/dL
    • Skeletal survey: 3 or more lytic bone lesions
    • Serum paraprotein >7g/dL if IgG, > 5 g/dL if IgA
    • Urinary light chain excretion > 12g/24h
Stage Hemoglobin level Calcium level Skeletal survey Serum paraprotein level Urinary light chain excretion
Stage 1
  • > 10g/dL
  • 8.5-10.2 mg/dL
  • Normal or single plasmacytoma or osteoporosis
  • < 5 g/dL if IgG or < 3 g/dL if IgA
  • < 4 g/24h
Stage 2
  • 8.5-10g/dL
  • 10.2-12 mg/dL
  • fulfilling the criteria of neither 1 nor 3
  • 5-7 g/dL if IgG or 3-5 g/dL if IgA
  • 4-12 g/24h
Stage 3
  • < 8.5g/dL
  • > 12mg/dL
  • 3 or more lytic bone lesions
  • >7g/dL if IgG or > 5 g/dL if IgA
  • > 12g/24h
  1. Durie BG, Salmon SE. A clinical staging system for multiple myeloma. Correlation of measured myeloma cell mass with presenting clinical features, response to treatment and survival. Cancer 1975;36:842–854. PMID 1182674.