Sandbox: patho3

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  • The exact cell of origin of hairy cell leukemia is still unclear, however several studies have suggested that it arises from mature memory B cells, that are normally involved in the process of human immunoglobulins production.[1]


  • The most common gene involved in the pathogenesis of hairy cell leukemia is BRAF V600E mutations.[2]
  • The BRAF V600E mutations is present in all patients with hairy cell leukemia (classic).
  • The BRAF V600E mutations is not present in patients with hairy cell leukemia (variant).
  • Other genes involved in the pathogenesis of hairy cell leukemia may include:[2]
  • Under expression of chromosomes 3p24, 3p21, 3q13.3-q22, 4p16, 11q23, 14q22-q24, 15q21-q22, 15q24-q25, and 17q22-q24.
  • Over expression of chromosomes 13q31 and Xq13.3-q21

Associated Conditions

Gross Pathology

Microscopic Pathology

  1. What is Hairy Cell Leukemia? Hairy Cell Leukemia Foundation (2015) Accessed on October, 19 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hairy cell leukemia. Wikipedia (2015) Accessed on Ocotber, 19 2015