Sandbox: DDx Kidney mass

Revision as of 14:28, 6 November 2015 by Haytham Allaham (talk | contribs)
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  • 3-4 yo patients
  • Asymptomatic abdominal mass
  • May have abdominal pain, fever, nausea/vomiting, hematuria, and hypertension
  • Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and WAGR syndrome
  • Unilateral, smooth, firm, nontender, flank mass
  • Does not cross the midline

  • Elevated serum creatinine and BUN
  • Reduced glomerular filtration rate
  • Abnormal liver function tests
  • Erythrocytosis, hypercalcemia, and acquired Von Willebrand disease

  • Large heterogeneous solid mass on U/S
  • Displace adjacent structures
  • Lung and lymph nodes metastasis
  • Renal vein thrombosis

  • Triphasic pattern consisting of tubules, solid sheets of small round cells, and stroma
  • Small round blue cells, nuclear pleomorphism, and irregular nuclear membrane

clustered glomerulus central (clear/white) space surrounded by a rim of intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm elongated and palisaded

  • WT1 and WT2 genes on chromosome 11
  • WTX gene on chromosome X

Nonmalignant causes

anaplastic sarcoma clear cell sarcoma mesoblastic nephroma metanephric stromal tumor nephroblastomatosis / nephrogenic rests neuroblastoma oncocytoid carcinoma after neuroblastoma ossifying tumor renal cell carcinoma rhabdoid tumor translocation carcinoma (children) Wilms tumor of children