User:Olufunmilola Olubukola

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Olufunmilola Olubukola




Olufunmilola Olubukola,MD, MPH(In View)

[[ Contact: +1617-632-7213

Current Position

Associate Editor-in-Chief,
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nephrology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
Adjunct Professor, New Hampshire Technical Institute(Concord Community College)

Professional Background

Dr. Olufunmilola Olubukola is a postdoctoral research fellow Intern of Medicine (Nephrology) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She received her MD. degree (M.B.B.S) from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Nigeria after which she worked for about a couple in the clinical research about HIV transmission and prevention with the PEPFAR foundation in Abuja, Nigeria. She also worked first as an Intern Physician and later as a Medical officer with the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital. Dr. Olubukola is currently an Associate editor-in-chief at and an Adjunct Professor with the NHTI- Concord Community College in New Hampshire.


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