Tetanus historical perspective

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Tetanus Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Tetanus from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


CT scan



Other Imaging Studies

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Tetanus historical perspective On the Web

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Directions to Hospitals Treating Tetanus

Risk calculators and risk factors for Tetanus historical perspective

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Tetanus was first produced by Carle and Rattone in 1884 in animals by injecting them with pus from a fatal human tetanus case.Tetanus toxoid was developed by Descombey in 1924 and It was widely used during World War II.

Historical Perspective

Although records from antiquity (5th century BCE) contain clinical descriptions of tetanus, it was Carle and Rattone in 1884 who first produced tetanus in animals by injecting them with pus from a fatal human tetanus case. During the same year, Nicolaier produced tetanus in animals by injecting them with samples of soil. In 1889, Kitasato isolated the organism from a human victim, showed that it produced disease when injected into animals, and reported that the toxin could be neutralized by specific antibodies. In 1897, Nocard demonstrated the protective effect of passively transferred antitoxin, and passive immunization in humans was used for treatment and prophylaxis during World War I. Tetanus toxoid was developed by Descombey in 1924. It was first widely used during World War II.

Famous Tetanus Victims

  • George Montagu who was an expert on birds got tetanus after stepping on a nail.
  • Joe Powell who was a soccer player got tetanus after undergoing a broken arm amputation.
  • John A. Roebling who was a civil engineer and an architect and was known for his designing of bridges, in particular the Brooklyn Bridge, got tetanus after a foot amputation as result of a crash of a ferry.
  • George Crockett Strong who was during the American Civil War, was a union brigadier general, got tetanus from wounds acquired as result of the assault against Fort Wagner on Morris Island, South Carolina.
  • Fred Thomson who was a silent film actor, also got tetanus after stepping on a nail.
  • Johann Tserclaes who was injured in the Battle of Rain by a cannon ball also acquired tetanus from this injury.
  • Traveller that was the favorite horse of General Robert E. Lee also acquired tetanus after stepping on a nail.
  • Henry David Thoreau's brother, John Thoreau also had tetanus.


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