Hemorrhoids should be differentiated from other diseases causing anal discomfort and pain with defaecation.
Physical exam findings
Sample image
Anal fissure
Anal fissure usually presents with tearing pain with every bowel movement.[1]
Pain usually lasts for minutes to hours after every bowel movements.
Patient is typically afraid of going to the bathroom to avoid the pain, which leads to a viscious cycle. The fissure worsens the constipation and the constipation (hard stool) aggravates the fissure.
About two thirds of the patients present with bright red blood streaks on toilet papers or on the surface of stools.
May be accompanied by pruritis and discharge.
Most fissures occur in the posterior midline of the anal canal.[2]
Skin tags in the perianal area may accompany chronic anal fissures.
Anal fissure - Own work, Public Domain, httpscommons.wikimedia.orgwindex.phpcurid=8885750
Rectal prolapse most commonly occurs in multiparous females over 40 years old.[3]
Progressive mass protrusion from the anus. Protrusion at first with straining and defecation then progresses to the degree that it is no longer be replaced.
It presents with abdominal discomfort and incomplete defecation.
Concentric mucosal rings are characteristic for rectal prolapse.
Rectal prolapse - By Dr. K.-H. Günther, Klinikum Main Spessart, Lohr am Main - Dr. K.-H. Günther, Klinikum Main Spessart, Lohr am Main, CC BY 3.0, httpscommons.wikimedia.orgwindex.phpcurid=20649968
Rectal bleeding is the most common presentation.[6]
Mass sensation in the anus.
Mucoid discharge may occur.
Patient may give a history of anal condyloma (especially homosexual men).[7]
Fecal incontinence.
On digital rectal examination, solid hemorrhagic mass that is firmly fixed to the surrounding structures is noted.
Femoral and inguinal lymph nodes may show lymphadenopathy secondary to spread of cancer.
Anal Cancer - By Internet Archive Book Images - httpswww.flickr.comphotosinternetarchivebookimages14598073128Source book page httpsarchive.orgstreamdiseasesofrectum00gantdiseasesofrectum00gant-pagen653mode1up, No restrictions, httpsc
↑Cannon JA (2017). "Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Medical Management of Rectal Prolapse". Clin Colon Rectal Surg. 30 (1): 16–21. doi:10.1055/s-0036-1593431. PMID28144208.
↑Moureau-Zabotto L, Vendrely V, Abramowitz L, Borg C, Francois E, Goere D, Huguet F, Peiffert D, Siproudhis L, Ducreux M, Bouché O (2017). "Anal cancer: French Intergroup Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up". Dig Liver Dis. doi:10.1016/j.dld.2017.05.011. PMID28610905.
↑Prigge ES, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Reuschenbach M (2017). "Clinical relevance and implications of HPV-induced neoplasia in different anatomical locations". Mutat. Res. 772: 51–66. doi:10.1016/j.mrrev.2016.06.005. PMID28528690.
↑Wieland U, Kreuter A (2017). "[Genital warts in HIV-infected individuals]". Hautarzt (in German). 68 (3): 192–198. doi:10.1007/s00105-017-3938-z. PMID28160045.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link)
↑Köhn FM, Schultheiss D, Krämer-Schultheiss K (2016). "[Dermatological diseases of the external male genitalia : Part 2: Infectious and malignant dermatological]". Urologe A (in German). 55 (7): 981–96. doi:10.1007/s00120-016-0163-9. PMID27364818.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link)