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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1],Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Arzu Kalayci, M.D. [2]

ACC/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/ STS 2017 Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease

Revascularization to Improve Survival Compared With Medical Therapy (DO NOT EDIT)

Anatomic Setting COR LOE
UPLM or complex CAD
CABG and PCI I—Heart Team approach recommended C
CABG and PCI IIa—Calculation of STS and SYNTAX scores B
PCI IIa - For SIHD when both of the following are present: 1) Anatomic conditions associated with a low risk of PCI procedural complications and a high likelihood of good long-term outcome (e.g., a low SYNTAX score of ≤ 22, ostial or trunk left main CAD) 2) Clinical characteristics that predict a significantly increased risk of adverse surgical outcomes (e.g., STS-predicted risk of operative mortality ≥ 5%) B
PCI IIa—For UA/NSTEMI if not a CABG candidate B
PCI IIa—For STEMI when distal coronary flow is TIMI flow grade <3 and PCI can be performed more rapidly and safely than CABG C
PCI IIb—For SIHD when both of the following are present:1) Anatomic conditions associated with a low to intermediate risk of PCI procedural complications and an intermediate to high likelihood of good long-term outcome (e.g., low-intermediate SYNTAX score of <33, bifurcation left main CAD) 2) Clinical characteristics that predict an increased risk of adverse surgical outcomes (e.g., moderate—severe COPD, disability from prior stroke, or prior cardiac surgery; STS-predicted operative mortality >2%) B
PCI III: Harm—For SIHD in patients (versus performing CABG) with unfavorable anatomy for PCI and who are good candidates for CABG B
3-vessel disease with or without proximal LAD artery disease
IIa—It is reasonable to choose CABG over PCI in patients with complex 3-vessel CAD (e.g., SYNTAX score >22) who are good candidates for CABG. B
PCI IIb—Of uncertain benefit B
2-vessel disease with proximal LAD artery disease
PCI IIb—Of uncertain benefit B
2-vessel disease without proximal LAD artery disease
CABG IIa—With extensive ischemia B
CABG IIb—Of uncertain benefit without extensive ischemia C
CABG IIb—Of uncertain benefit B
1-vessel proximal LAD artery disease
CABG IIa—With LIMA for long-term benefit B
PCI IIb—With LIMA for long-term benefit B
1-vessel proximal LAD artery disease
LV dysfunction
CABG IIa—EF 35% to 50% B
CABG IIb—EF <35% without significant left main CAD B
PCI Insufficient data
Survivors of sudden cardiac death with presumed ischemia-mediated VT
No anatomic or physiological criteria for revascularization
CABG indicates coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COR, class of recommendation; EF, ejection fraction; LAD, left anterior descending; LIMA, left internal mammary artery; LOE, level of evidence; LV, left ventricular; N/A, not available; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; SIHD, stable ischemic heart disease; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; STS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons; SYNTAX, Synergy between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with TAXUS and Cardiac Surgery; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; UA/NSTEMI, unstable angina/non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction; UPLM, unprotected left main disease; and VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Noninvasive Risk Stratification
High risk (>3% annual death or MI)

1. Severe resting LV dysfunction (LVEF <35%) not readily explained by noncoronary causes 2. Resting perfusion abnormalities $10% of the myocardium in patients without prior history or evidence of MI 3. Stress ECG findings including $2 mm of ST-segment depression at low workload or persisting into recovery, exercise-induced ST-segment elevation, or exercise-induced VT/VF 4. Severe stress-induced LV dysfunction (peak exercise LVEF <45% or drop in LVEF with stress $10%) 5. Stress-induced perfusion abnormalities encumbering $10% myocardium or stress segmental scores indicating multiple vascular territories with abnormalities 6. Stress-induced LV dilation 7. Inducible wall motion abnormality (involving >2 segments or 2 coronary beds) 8. Wall motion abnormality developing at low dose of dobutamine (#10 mg/kg/min) or at a low heart rate (<120 beats/min) 9. CAC score >400 Agatston units 10. Multivessel obstructive CAD ($70% stenosis) or left main stenosis ($50% stenosis) on CCTA

Intermediate risk (1% to 3% annual death or MI)

1. Mild/moderate resting LV dysfunction (LVEF 35% to 49%) not readily explained by noncoronary causes 2. Resting perfusion abnormalities in 5% to 9.9% of the myocardium in patients without a history or prior evidence of MI 3. $1 mm of ST-segment depression occurring with exertional symptoms 4. Stress-induced perfusion abnormalities encumbering 5% to 9.9% of the myocardium or stress segmental scores (in multiple segments) indicating 1 vascular territory with abnormalities but without LV dilation 5. Small wall motion abnormality involving 1 to 2 segments and only 1 coronary bed 6. CAC score 100 to 399 Agatston units 7. One vessel CAD with $70% stenosis or moderate CAD stenosis (50% to 69% stenosis) in $2 arteries on CCTA

Low risk (<1% annual death or MI)

1. Low-risk treadmill score (score $5) or no new ST segment changes or exercise-induced chest pain symptoms; when achieving maximal levels of exercise 2. Normal or small myocardial perfusion defect at rest or with stress encumbering <5% of the myocardium* 3. Normal stress or no change of limited resting wall motion abnormalities during stress 4. CAC score <100 Agaston units 5. No coronary stenosis >50% on CCTA

CAC indicates coronary artery calcium; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCTA, coronary computed tomography angiography; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; and MI, myocardial infarction.