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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Sargun Singh Walia M.B.B.S.[2]


Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [3]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Amandeep Singh M.D.[4]

Differential diagnosis

Abbreviations: RUQ= Right upper quadrant of the abdomen, LUQ= Left upper quadrant, LLQ= Left lower quadrant, RLQ= Right lower quadrant, LFT= Liver function test, SIRS= Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, ERCP= Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, IV= Intravenous, N= Normal, AMA= Anti mitochondrial antibodies, LDH= Lactate dehydrogenase, GI= Gastrointestinal, CXR= Chest X ray, IgA= Immunoglobulin A, IgG= Immunoglobulin G, IgM= Immunoglobulin M, CT= Computed tomography, PMN= Polymorphonuclear cells, ESR= Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP= C-reactive protein, TS= Transferrin saturation, SF= Serum Ferritin, SMA= Superior mesenteric artery, SMV= Superior mesenteric vein, ECG= Electrocardiogram, US = Ultrasound

Disease Clinical manifestations Diagnosis Comments
Symptoms Signs
Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging
Acute suppurative cholangitis RUQ + + + + + + + N
  • Abnormal LFT
  • WBC >10,000
  • Ultrasound shows biliary dilatation/stents/tumor
  • Septic shock occurs with features of SIRS
Acute cholangitis RUQ + + N
  • Ultrasound shows biliary dilatation/stents/tumor
  • Biliary drainage (ERCP) + IV antibiotics
Acute cholecystitis RUQ + + + Hypoactive Ultrasound shows:
  • Gallstone
  • Inflammation
Acute pancreatitis Epigastric + + ± + ± N
  • Ultrasound shows evidence of inflammation
  • CT scan shows severity of pancreatitis
  • Pain radiation to back
Chronic pancreatitis Epigastric ± ± + + N
  • Increased amylase / lipase
  • Increased stool fat content
  • Pancreatic function test
CT scan
  • Calcification
  • Pseudocyst
  • Dilation of main pancreatic duct
  • Predisposes to pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic carcinoma Epigastric + + + + N

Skin manifestations may include:

Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Primary biliary cirrhosis RUQ/Epigastric + N
  • Increased AMA level, abnormal LFTs
  • ERCP
  • Pruritis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis RUQ + + N ERCP and MRCP shows
  • Multiple segmental strictures
  • Mural irregularities
  • Biliary dilatation and diverticula
  • Distortion of biliary tree
  • The risk of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis is 400 times higher than the risk in the general population.
Cholelithiasis RUQ/Epigastric ± ± ± Normal to hyperactive for dislodged stone
  • Fatty food intolerance
Peptic ulcer disease Diffuse ± + + Positive if perforated Positive if perforated Positive if perforated N
  • Ascitic fluid
    • LDH > serum LDH
    • Glucose < 50mg/dl
    • Total protein > 1g/dl
Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Gastritis Epigastric ± + Positive in chronic gastritis + N
Gastroesophageal reflux disease Epigastric ± N N
  • Gastric emptying studies
Gastric outlet obstruction Epigastric ± + Hyperactive
  • Succussion splash
Gastroparesis Epigastric + + ± Hyperactive/hypoactive
  • Scintigraphic gastric emptying
  • Succussion splash
  • Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
  • Full thickness gastric and small intestinal biopsy
Gastrointestinal perforation Diffuse + ± - ± + + + ± Hyperactive/hypoactive
  • WBC> 10,000
Dumping syndrome Lower and then diffuse + + + + Hyperactive
  • Postgastrectomy
Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Acute appendicitis Starts in epigastrium, migrates to RLQ + Positive in pyogenic appendicitis + ± Positive in perforated appendicitis + + Hypoactive
  • Ct scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Positive Rovsing sign
  • Positive Obturator sign
  • Positive Iliopsoas sign
Acute diverticulitis LLQ + ± + + ± + Positive in perforated diverticulitis + + Hypoactive
  • CT scan
  • Ultrasound
Inflammatory bowel disease Diffuse ± ± + + + Normal or hyperactive

Extra intestinal findings:

Irritable bowel syndrome Diffuse ± ± + N Normal Normal Symptomatic treatment
Whipple's disease Diffuse ± ± + + ± N Endoscopy is used to confirm diagnosis.

Images used to find complications

Extra intestinal findings:
Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Toxic megacolon Diffuse + + + ± + Hypoactive CT and Ultrasound shows:
  • Loss of colonic haustration
  • Hypoechoic and thickened bowel walls with irregular internal margins in the sigmoid and descending colon
  • Prominent dilation of the transverse colon (>6 cm)
  • Insignificant dilation of ileal bowel loops (diameter >18 mm) with increased intraluminal gas and fluid
Tropical sprue Diffuse + + + N Barium studies:
  • Dilation and edema of mucosal folds
Celiac disease Diffuse + + Hyperactive US:
  • Bull’s eye or target pattern
  • Pseudokidney sign
  • Gluten allergy
Infective colitis Diffuse + ± + + Positive in fulminant colitis ± ± Hyperactive CT scan
  • Bowel wall thickening
  • Edema
Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Colon carcinoma Diffuse/ RLQ/LLQ ± ± + + ±
  • Normal or hyperactive if obstruction present
  • CBC
  • Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
  • Colonoscopy
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy
  • Barium enema
  • CT colonography 
  • PILLCAM 2: A colon capsule for CRC screening may be used in patients with an incomplete colonoscopy who lacks obstruction
Viral hepatitis RUQ + + + Positive in Hep A and E + Positive in fulminant hepatitis Positive in acute + N
  • Abnormal LFTs
  • Viral serology
  • US
  • Hep A and E have fecal-oral route of transmission
  • Hep B and C transmits via blood transfusion and sexual contact.
Liver abscess RUQ + + + + ± + + + ± Normal or hypoactive
  • US
  • CT
Hepatocellular carcinoma/Metastasis RUQ + + +
  • Normal
  • Hyperactive if obstruction present
  • US
  • CT
  • Liver biopsy

Other symptoms:

Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Budd-Chiari syndrome RUQ ± ± Positive in liver failure leading to varices N
Findings on CT scan suggestive of Budd-Chiari syndrome include:
Ascitic fluid examination shows:
Hemochromatosis RUQ Positive in cirrhotic patients N
  • >60% TS
  • >240 μg/L SF
  • Raised LFT
  • Ultrasound shows evidence of cirrhosis
Extra intestinal findings:
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Arthralgia
  • Impotence in males
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Hypopituitarism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Extrahepatic cancer
  • Prone to specific infections
Cirrhosis RUQ + + + + N US
  • Stigmata of liver disease
  • Cruveilhier- Baumgarten murmur
Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis Diffuse + Positive in cirrhotic patients + ± + + Hypoactive
  • Ascitic fluid PMN>250 cells/mm³
  • Culture: Positive for single organism
  • Ultrasound for evaluation of liver cirrhosis
Pyelonephritis Unilateral + ± + + Hypoactive
  • Urinalysis
  • Urine culture
  • Blood culture
  • CT
  • MRI
  • CVA tenderness
Renal colic Flank pain + N
  • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
Small bowel obstruction Diffuse + + + + + + ± Hyperactive then absent Abdominal X ray
  • Dilated loops of bowel with air fluid levels
  • Gasless abdomen
  • "Target sign"– , indicative of intussusception
  • Venous cut-off sign" – suggests thrombosis
Volvulus Diffuse - + + Positive in perforated cases + + Hyperactive then absent CT scan and abdominal X ray
  • U shaped sigmoid colon
  • "Whirl sign"
Biliary colic RUQ + + N
  • Ultrasound
Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Mesenteric ischemia Periumbilical Positive if bowel becomes gangrenous + + + + Positive if bowel becomes gangrenous Positive if bowel becomes gangrenous Hyperactive to absent CT angiography
  • SMA or SMV thrombosis
  • Also known as abdominal angina that worsens with eating
Acute ischemic colitis Diffuse + ± + + + + + + + Hyperactive then absent Abdominal x-ray
  • Distension and pneumatosis

CT scan

  • Double halo appearance, thumbprinting
  • Thickening of bowel
  • May lead to shock
Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm Diffuse ± + + + + N
  • Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) 
  • Unstable hemodynamics
Intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal hemorrhage Diffuse ± ± + + N
  • ↓ Hb
  • ↓ Hct
  • CT scan
Disease Abdominal Pain Fever Rigors and chills Nausea or vomiting Jaundice Constipation Diarrhea Weight loss GI bleeding Hypo-


Guarding Rebound Tenderness Bowel sounds Lab Findings Imaging Comments
Torsion of the cyst/ovary RLQ / LLQ + ± ± N
  • Ultrasound
  • Sudden onset & severe pain
Acute salpingitis RLQ / LLQ + ± ± ± N
Cyst rupture RLQ / LLQ + + ± ± N
  • Ultrasound
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy RLQ / LLQ + + + + N
  • Ultrasound
History of
  • Missed period
  • Vaginal bleeding
Pleural empyema RUQ/Epigastric + ± + N Chest X-ray
  • Pleural opacity
  • Localization of effusion
Physical examination
Pulmonary embolism RUQ/LUQ ± ± N
  • ABGs
  • D-dimer
  • Dyspnea
  • Tachycardia
  • Pleuretic chest pain
Pneumonia RUQ/LUQ + + + ± + Normal or hypoactive
  • ABGs
  • Leukocytosis
  • Pancytopenia
  • CXR
  • CT chest
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
Myocardial Infarction Epigastric ± + Positive in cardiogenic shock N ECG


  • Wall motion abnormality
  • Wall rupture
  • Septal rupture
  • Chest pain, tightness, diaphoresis


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