Occupational lung disease historical perspective

Revision as of 14:39, 9 February 2018 by Hadeel Maksoud (talk | contribs)
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Template:Coal worker's pneumoconiosis Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1];Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Hadeel Maksoud M.D.[2]


Historical Perspective


  • The association between coal mining and coal worker's pneumoconiosis was made during the 1930s in South Wales, UK, where the coal mining industry is prevalent.


  • There has been a recent cluster discovery in February 2018 of coal worker's pneumoconiosis amongst coal miner's in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia.
  • Coal worker's pneumoconiosis complicated by progressive massive fibrosis in these regions was previously seen 5 - 7 times per year.
  • As of February 2018, 154 new cases were diagnosed within one year.

Landmark Events in the Development of Treatment Strategies

  • In [year], [diagnostic test/therapy] was developed by [scientist] to treat/diagnose [disease name].

Impact on Cultural History

Famous Cases
