Wheeze differential diagnosis

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Etiology on the basis of anatomy Diseases Clinical manifestations Diagnosis Other features
Symptoms Physical exam Imaging
Onset Cough Dyspnea Fever Slurred speech Cyanosis Clubbing Auscultation Labs Pulmonary function testing Chest imaging Other Gold standard
Extrathoracic upper airway diseases Laryngeal edema


Acute - - -
  • Not specific
  • Not required
  • Not required

Acute onset with one of them:

Two or more after the exposure to a likely allergern

BP reduced after exposure of a known allergen

Cricoarytenoid arthritis Acute - - -
  • Clear chest
Vocal fold edema/Hematoma/Paralysis[2] Acute - - -
  • Not specific
  • Variable
  • Clear chest
  • Not required
Paradoxical vocal fold motion Acute - - -
  • Clear chest
Laryngeal stenosis[6] Acute, Chronic - -
  • Not specific
  • FV loop variable
  • Clear chest
Laryngocele Chronic - - - -
  • Not specific
  • Normal function
  • Clear chest
Epiglottitis (supraglottitis) Acute - - -
  • Elevated white blood count
  • Epiglottal culture
  • Normal function
  • Clear chest
  • Tripod posture
  • Drooling
  • Tenderness of the anterior part of the neck
Goiter Chronic - - - -
  • Airflow limitation of the volume loop depend on the size and localization [10]
  • Substernal Goiter causes a deviation of the trachea
  • CT can be performed to visualized the cervical and substernal Gotier and its extention[11] 
Postnasal drip syndrome Acute - - - -
  • Increase of IgE
  • Positive intradermic test[13]
  • Clear chest
  • Clinical diagnosis
Relapsing polychondritis Acute - - -
  • Variable  flow volume loop
  • Tracheal narrowing
  • Cartilaginous calicification, bronchial Wall thickness and tracheal narrowing observed in  CT 
  • MRI can distinguish fibrosis from inflammation 
  • Cartilaginous calicification, bronchial wall thickness and tracheal narrowing observed in  CT [14]
  • MRI can distinguish fibrosis from inflammation 

Mc Adam criteria: [15]

  • Involment of cartilage, ears, ribs. nose and eyes
Retropharyngeal abscess Subacute - - -
  • Normal function
  • Neck CT or presence of pus during the surgical procedure [17]
  • Pain with neck extension
  • Dysphagia
  • Head in sniffing position
Tonsillar hypertrophy Acute, chronic - - ✔ hyponasal speech - -
  • Not specific
  • Flow loop shows inspiratory slowing
  • Clear chest
  • Not required
  • More in children and adolescents
Tumor of pharynx/larynx/upper trachea Chronic - - - -
  • Not specific
  • Flow loop shows inspiratory slowing
  • Not requered
  • CT provide information of the grade of invation
  • MRI can make a difference between tumors in the mucos or bone marrow [19]
Central airway diseases

(Intrathoracic upper airway obstruction)

Mediastinal mass/lymphadenopathy Chronic - - -
  • Size, location and density of the mass can be observed
  • In chest CT is observed location, size, tissue characteristic and relationship with other structures of the mass
  • Information of posterior mediastinal mass can be provided in chest or spine MRI [21]
Respiratory papillomatosis Chronic - - -
  • Not specific
  • Not specific
Tracheobronchomalacia Chronic - - - -
  • Not specifc
  • Airway compression from other structures
Tracheal stenosis Acute - - - -
  • Not specific
  • FV loop variable
  • Extension of the narrowing observed in CT or MRI
  • Long segment stenosis incompatible with survival [26]
Tracheal and bronchial tumors Chronic - - - -
  • Not specific
  • FV loop variable
Vascular ring or aneurysm Chronic - - - -
  • Not required
  • Usually asymptomatic
  • Chest or abdominal pain appears when other structures are compressed
Lower airway obstruction Bronchiectasis Chronic - - -
  • Tram lines or end-on ring shadows in chest CT [30]
Bronchiolitis Acute - . For bacterial infection in neonates:
  • Hyperinflation
  • Mosaic attenuation
  • Increased bronchial wall [31]
  • Bronchoscopy to rule out other diseases
  • Clinical diagnosis
Carcinoid syndrome Chronic - - - - -
  • Not specific
  • Enlargement of the heart [33]
  • Liver metastases are visualized in MRI
Heart failure Chronic - - - -
  • Not required
  • Clinical diagnosis (test are supportive)
  • High levels of BNP and pro-BNP[36]
Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (DIPNECH)
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema Acute - - -
  • Bilatera alveolar linfiltration
  • Bilateral opacities in CT

According to Berlin definition:[37]

  • One week of new or worse respiratory symptoms or clinical insult
  • Symptoms can not be explain by cardiacdisease
  • Bilateral opacities in chest X-Ray or CT
  • Compromised oxygenation
Parasitic infection with VLM (eg, Ascaris Strongyloides, filaria)
Pulmonary thromboembolism  Acute, subacute, Chronic - - - -
  • Not required
Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome

Wheeze Microchapters


Patient Information




Differentiating Wheeze from other Conditions

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors

Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Laboratory Findings

Chest X Ray

Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

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American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Wheeze differential diagnosis

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Ongoing Trials at Clinical Trials.gov

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NICE Guidance

FDA on Wheeze differential diagnosis

CDC on Wheeze differential diagnosis

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Directions to Hospitals Treating Wheeze

Risk calculators and risk factors for Wheeze differential diagnosis

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