Angulated lesions

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WikiDoc Resources for Angulated lesions


Most recent articles on Angulated lesions

Most cited articles on Angulated lesions

Review articles on Angulated lesions

Articles on Angulated lesions in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ


Powerpoint slides on Angulated lesions

Images of Angulated lesions

Photos of Angulated lesions

Podcasts & MP3s on Angulated lesions

Videos on Angulated lesions

Evidence Based Medicine

Cochrane Collaboration on Angulated lesions

Bandolier on Angulated lesions

TRIP on Angulated lesions

Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Angulated lesions at Clinical

Trial results on Angulated lesions

Clinical Trials on Angulated lesions at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Angulated lesions

NICE Guidance on Angulated lesions


FDA on Angulated lesions

CDC on Angulated lesions


Books on Angulated lesions


Angulated lesions in the news

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News trends on Angulated lesions


Blogs on Angulated lesions


Definitions of Angulated lesions

Patient Resources / Community

Patient resources on Angulated lesions

Discussion groups on Angulated lesions

Patient Handouts on Angulated lesions

Directions to Hospitals Treating Angulated lesions

Risk calculators and risk factors for Angulated lesions

Healthcare Provider Resources

Symptoms of Angulated lesions

Causes & Risk Factors for Angulated lesions

Diagnostic studies for Angulated lesions

Treatment of Angulated lesions

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Angulated lesions


Angulated lesions en Espanol

Angulated lesions en Francais


Angulated lesions in the Marketplace

Patents on Angulated lesions

Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to Angulated lesions

Editors-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.D., Alexandra Almonacid M.D., and Jeffrey J. Popma M.D.

Angulated Lesions

  • Balloon angioplasty of highly angulated lesions is associated with an increased for risk coronary dissection.
  • In the settings of coronary stenting, angulated lesions represent a challenge due to the inability of delivering the stent to the stenosis and straightening of the arterial silhouette after stent implantation that may predispose to the presence of stent fracture.
  • Vessel curvature at the site of maximum stenosis should be measured in the most unforeshortened projection using a length of curvature that approximates the balloon length used for coronary dilation.

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