Juvenile polyposis syndrome

Revision as of 23:29, 27 February 2018 by Usama Talib (talk | contribs)
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US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Juvenile polyposis syndrome

NICE Guidance on Juvenile polyposis syndrome


FDA on Juvenile polyposis syndrome

CDC on Juvenile polyposis syndrome


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List of terms related to Juvenile polyposis syndrome

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Juvenile polyposis (JPS) are a type of polyp and can present in both children and adults [2]. The polyps are a growth that projects into the lumen like a mushroom, arising from the tissue underneath the epithelium layer (colonocytes).

The polyps can be solitary or multiple. There is no set number of polyps that yield a diagnosis. Some experts suggest 5 juvenile polyps, others say 10 or more or even 1 plus a family history.


They normally present at a young age with painful rectal bleeding which can be pretty concerning for the patient and parents. They can also present as a mass which has prolapsed outside the anus.


It is not clear if this condition has a genetic predisposition or if they are just sporadic. There has been some association with familial juvenile polyposis and the gene SMAD4 on chromosome 18 and PTEN on chromosome 10

Differential diagnosis

JPS must be differentiated from other diseases causing multiple polyps such as:

Diseases History and Symptoms Physical Examination Laboratory Findings Other Findings
Abdominal Pain Rectal Bleeding Fatigue Abdominal Tenderness Hyperpigmentation Anemia Gene(s) Gastrointestinal Tumors Cancers
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis + + + +/– +
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome + + + + + +
  • Breast
  • Lung
  • Pancreas
  • Ovaries
  • Sertoli cells
  • Uterine
Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome + +
Cowden Syndrome
  • Trichilemmoma
  • Skin hamartoma
  • Hyperplastic polyp
  • Macrocephaly
  • Breast fibrosis
Carney Syndrome
Hereditary Non–Polyposis Colon Cancer + + +/– +


solitary polyps has no significant risk of cancer. But multiple polyps, polyposis syndrome, of the colon carry a 10% risk of developing into a cancer. This is mainly because of juvenile polyps developing adenomatous tissue.


If the patient has juvenile polyps they require yearly upper and lower endoscopies with the intention of excision and cytology.


If you fear adenomatous tissue developing than you can offer surgery, namely colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis.


The siblings of patients with juvenile polyps can be screened, starting in their teens

External links

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