AMUSE score calculator

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Sadaf Sharfaei M.D.[2]

AMUSE Score Calculator

Calculation of the AMUSE Score

The AMUSE score includes clinical variables in addition to the results of a qualitative D-dimer test to evaluate the need to proceed with ultrasonography among patients with suspected DVT. The study of the AMUSE score was designed for the primary care setting.[1]

Check all boxes that apply to your patient:

AMUSE Score Calculator
Variable Score
Elevated D-dimer concentration 6
Discrepancy of ≥ 3 cm in calf circumference 2
Collateral leg veins distention 1
Hormonal contraceptive intake 1
Absence of leg trauma 1
Surgery in the previous 1 month 1
Active malignancy in the previous 6 months 1
Male 1
AMUSE Score:

Interpretation of the AMUSE Score

The interpretation of the score is as follows:


  1. Büller HR, Ten Cate-Hoek AJ, Hoes AW, Joore MA, Moons KG, Oudega R; et al. (2009). "Safely ruling out deep venous thrombosis in primary care". Ann Intern Med. 150 (4): 229–35. PMID 19221374.