Chronic myelogenous leukemia medical therapy
Chronic myelogenous leukemia Microchapters |
Differentiating Chronic myelogenous leukemia from other Diseases |
Diagnosis |
Treatment |
Case Studies |
Chronic myelogenous leukemia medical therapy On the Web |
American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Chronic myelogenous leukemia medical therapy |
Directions to Hospitals Treating Chronic myelogenous leukemia |
Risk calculators and risk factors for Chronic myelogenous leukemia medical therapy |
Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Badria Munir M.B.B.S.[2]Mohamad Alkateb, MBBCh [3] "sandbox:SN"
Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [4]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:
Pernicious anemia (also called Addison's anemia) is a type of red blood cell disorder caused by impaired vitamin B12 metabolism. Vitamin B12 is primarily absorbed by the small intestine, after being bound to intrinsic factor secreted by parietal cells of gastric mucosa. When this process is disrupted by conditions like atrophic gastritis, celiac disease, small bowel resection etc, B12 deficiency ensues.
Historical perspective
- Pernicious anemia was first discovered by Thomas Addison, hence it is also known as addison's anemia.
- Loss of life from large volume blood loss in the people fighting in the first world war inspired George Whipple to investigate blood forming components such as arsenic, iron pills etc, but found liver to be the most effective. He bled dogs until they had clinical anemia and fed them cooked liver which showed an improvement in symptoms and hematopoeisis. [1]
- In 1948, Smith, Rickles et al., isolated the anti-pernicious factor from liver extract and named it Vitamin B12. They showed that even small amounts of this factor can be used to treat and to prevent pernicious anemia. [2]
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for humans and animals because we cannot synthesise it on our own. B12 is a cofactor in DNA synthesis and other important biochemical reactions. Vitamin B12 deficiency manifests as anemia because hematopoetic stem cells in the bone marrow which are rapidly dividing need B12 for division and DNA production. This process is impaired leading to ineffective hematopoeisis. Vitamin B12 is also necessary for production of myelin which is an important component in the covering sheath of nerves. Deficiency results in improper nerve conduction due to nerve destabilisation. [3]
- Vitamin B12 is also called cobalamin because it contains cobalt at the core of its structure. Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include meat, fish and eggs.[4]
- When consumed through its dietary source, B12 is bound to protein till it enters the stomach.
- In the stomach, B12 is uncoupled from its carrier protein due to the presence of gastric acid, which is why vitamin B12 deficiency is so commonly seen among those on chronic antacid medication. [5]
- Once in the stomach, it is then bound to gastric R binder, a glycoprotein secreted by the salivary glands till it reaches the duodenum.[6]
- In the duodenum and jejunum, the pancreatic enzymes digest the gastric R binder and cobalamin is bound to intrinsic factor (IF).
- Intrinsic factor is secreted by the gastric parietal cells. Once bound to IF, vitamin B12 travels up to the ileum where IF is removed and B12 binds with carrier proteins called transcobalamins and this complex is taken up by the liver and bone marrow, among other tissues.
- Inside the cells, the transcobalamin-B12 complex is dissolved and cobalamin is reduced to methylcobalamin which serves as a cofactor and coenzyme in many important biochemical reactions[7].
The two major reactions involving B12 in the human body are:
- Vitamin B12 in the from of cyanocobalamin is required in the synthesis of methionine. Methionine is produced from homocysteine and is catalysed by the enzyme methionine synthase. This enzyme utilises cyanocobalamin as a cofactor. Deficiency of vitamin B12 causes a decreased production of methionine and buildup of homocysteine. Hyperhomocysteinemia is implicated as a risk factor in cardiovascular disease.[8]
- The Kreb's cycle utilises vitamin B12 in the reaction converting methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA. Thus vitamin B12 deficiency causes a buildup of methylmalonic acid, the substrate for the enzyme methylmalonyl coenzyme A mutase. Methylmalonic acid levels are elevated in the urine of people affected with pernicious anemia and other forms of B12 deficiency.
The human body can store anywhere from 2-5mg of vitamin B12. Most of this is stored in the liver and is recycled via enterohepatic circulation.
Pernicious anemia is a type of megaloblastic anemia caused due to improper vitamin B12 absorption by the body. Impaired absorption occurs because of deficiency of intrinsic factor which is produced by the parietal cells of the stomach. The etiology of pernicious anemia can be due to autoimmune causes or genetic disease. In autoimmune disease, the antibodies attack most of the gastric mucosa, but the antrum is spared.
Autoimmune causes of pernicious anemia
This is the most common cause of pernicious anemia. In autoimmune pernicious anemia, the body produces antibodies against parietal cells or intrinsic factor.
- Antibodies against parietal cells of the gastric mucosa work to inhibit the H+/K(+)-ATPase which is the proton pump present in the parietal cells. The proton pump serves as an auto antigen and activates the cytotoxic CD4+ T cells which proceed to destroy gastric mucosal cells.[9][10]
- Intrinsic factor antibodies are present in fewer cases of pernicious anaemia but are highly specific. There are 2 types of IF antibodies. They prevent the binding and absorption of cobalamin in the ileum via its receptor.[11]
Clinical features
- The symptoms of pernicious anemia take months, and often years to manifest. Patients most commonly present with symptoms of anemia like lightheadedness, dizziness, shortness of breath etc. The population affected with pernicious anemia is usually the elderly (>60 years) owing to its insidious onset.
- Pernicious anemia has hematological, gastrointestinal and neurological manifestations.
- Hematological signs are the earliest manifestation of the disease while neurological signs are seen much later.
- Patients with pernicious anemia usually have very low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach (achlorhydria) and high levels on gastrin (hypergastrinemia).
Differentiating pernicious anemia from other diseases
Pernicious anemia shares many similarities with other forms of megaloblastic anemia like B12 and folate deficiency.
- Vitamin B12 deficiency due to insufficient intake (eg veganism) has all the features of pernicious anemia like megaloblasts, hypersegmented neutrophils, neuropsychiatric manifestations. But atrophic gastritis is absent, so achlorhydria, parietal cell antibodies or IF antibodies are absent. Intrinsic factor levels are also normal.[6]
- Folic acid deficiency also results in megaloblastic anemia and similar hematological changes as pernicious anemia, but urinary excretion of methylmalonic acid is absent, so are features of pernicious anemia like achlorhydria, antibodies and normal IF levels.
- Ileal resection causes B12 deficiency due to decreased absorption.
- Certain drugs such as methotrexate, azathioprine cause folate deficiency and result in megaloblastic anemia. This is usually seen in patients taking chemotherapy or other chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. [12]
- Chronic proton pump inhibitor therapy also results in B12 deficiency as vitamin B12 cannot dissociate from its carrier protein in the absence of an acidic environment.[13]
- Long term use of metformin, such as in diabetics, is linked to vitamin B12 deficiency and symptoms similar to pernicious anemia, but this can be differentiated from pernicious anemia as it is seen in diabetics on chronic therapy.[14]
Associated Conditions
People affected with pernicious anemia might have other coexisting autoimmune conditions such as autoimmune thyroiditis, autoimmune diabetes, vitiligo etc. Autoimmune thyroiditis is most commonly seen in patients with pernicious anemia, particularly females. HLA DR3 has been implicated in the development of autoimmune diseases such as pernicious anemia[15].
Epidemiology and demographics
- Pernicious anemia is a disease of the elderly. The mean age of patients who are symptomatic is >60.[16]
- An exception is the genetic form of the disease which is a congenital deficiency of intrinsic factor and is seen in children <10 years of age.
- Men and women are equally affected
- Prevalence of pernicious anemia is estimated at 0.1% of the population.[17]
- Some forms of pernicious anemia are congenital and a genetic link has been postulated because of a higher incidence in certain populations.
- Affected people have a complete or near total absence of intrinsic factor and the presence of antibodies against intrinsic factor.
- The genetic variant is transmitted through an autosomal recessive pattern.[18]
Risk factors
- People who have autoimmune conditions like diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroiditis are at higher risk of developing pernicious anemia.
Natural History, Complications and Prognosis
- In most cases, patients affected with pernicious anemia remain asymptomatic for many years.
- Early manifestations include fatigue, shortness of breath, pallor and weakness.
- Long standing untreated pernicious anemia results in irreversible neurological damage such as subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord.
- Neurological changes are irreversible once they set in and do not resolve with cobalamin supplementation.
A diagnosis of pernicious anemia is made by a history and physical examination, along with hematological and neurological examination.
Diagnostic criteria
- The only specific criteria to diagnose pernicious anemia is an intrinsic factor output of less than 200U/h after pentagastrin stimulation, where normal levels would be >2000U/h. [19]
Symptoms of pernicious anemia are summarised below
Hematological symptoms | Gastrointestinal symptoms | Neurological symptoms |
Fatigue | Loss of appetite | Parasthesias |
Weakness | Weight loss
Depression |
Shortness of breath | Nausea | Gait problems |
Dizziness | Burning sensation on tongue | Weakness |
Tachycardia | Diarrhea | Loss of balance |
Lightheadedness | Vomiting | Confusion |
Physical examination findings
Most important physical examination findings are the neurological findings of long standing B12 deficiency which leads to subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord.
- Hematological signs include pallor and icterus.[20]
- Neurological signs: Vitamin B12 deficiency causes nerve demyelination. B12 deficiency also causes a buildup of methylmalonic acid which is toxic to neuronal cells and causes apoptosis.[21].
The main neurological manifestation of pernicious anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency is subacute combined degeneration. The posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord are affected. Lateral column demyelination manifests as hyperreflexia and spasticity, while posterior column defects are loss of proprioception and vibration sense. Ataxia and loss of tandem gait are also manifestations of posterior column demyelination. Recreational or accidental inhalation of nitrous oxide gas (laughing gas) can precipitate subacute combined degeneration in people with low levels of vitamin B12.[22]
- Gastrointestinal signs: Upto 25% of people affected with pernicious anemia develop glossitis. The tongue appears red, "beefy" and smooth due to atrophy and blunting of the lingual papillae.[23]
Subacute combined degeneration

Laboratory findings
- The first step in diagnosis is a blood vitamin B12 level. Blood levels less than 200 pg/ml are seen in pernicious anemia.
- Intrinsic factor antibodies and Parietal cell antibodies.
- Low intrinsic factor level.[24]
- Gastric mucosal sampling shows parietal cell atrophy with antral sparing.[25]
- Increased level of gastrin.
- Increased levels of homocysteine and methylmalonyl-CoA.
- Decreased folate levels are seen due to "folate trapping" in the form of methyltetrahydrofolate.
Shilling Test
The Shilling test is no longer done to detect an IF deficiency but has historical importance. After a vitamin B12 deficiency is noted, the patient is given radioactively tagged cobalamin to take orally. Soon after this step, the patient is injected with unlabelled cobalamin intramuscularly. Urine is checked for radioactive cobalamin for the next 24 hours. In pernicious anemia, there is an intrinsic factor deficiency, therefore the orally consumed radioactive cobalamin will not be absorbed and can be detected in the urine. In the next step, the patient is given radioactive cobalamin along with intrinsic factor and their urine is checked for traces of radioactive cobalamin. Absence of radioactive cobalamin in the urine points to the deficiency of intrinsic factor in the patients stomach which is the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency[26]. If the cobalamin absorption does not increase even with intrinsic factor supplementation, patient can be given a course of antibiotics as bacterial overgrowth may hinder absorption.
Peripheral smear findings
- The most obvious peripheral smear finding is megaloblasts and macrocytes.
Megaloblastic anemia results due to the lagging behind of nuclear development when compared to cytoplasmic development. This is known as nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony. Such defective cells are destroyed in the bone marrow (intramedullary hemolysis).
- Decreased number of RBCs (erythopenia)
- Macrocytosis- the RBCs in pernicious anemia are very large. Macrocytosis is defined as cells that have an MCV >100 femtolitres (normal :80-100fL)
- Hypersegmented neutrophils : Neutrophils containing ≥ 6 lobes. [27]
- Poikilocytosis and anisocytosis
- Low reticulocyte count (reticulopenia)
- Howell-Jolly bodies
Atrophic gastritis
Hypersegmented neutrophil
- Standard treatment for pernicious anemia is replacement of cobalamin via intramuscular injection. [28]
- 1000 mcg IM everyday for one week, followed by weekly injections the next month and then monthly once injections.
- Response to treatment is measured by an increase in reticulocyte count within 5 days of starting therapy.
- Patient also experience a sense of wellbeing shortly after beginning therapy.
- If reticulocytosis is not observed within the first week of therapy, other factors such as hypothyroidism, folate deficiency should be considered.
- Intramuscular therapy can be replaced by high dose oral therapy.[17]
- Neurological disease always warrants parenteral treatment.
- Within the first 3-4 weeks of treatment, marrow changes revert and there is resolution in macrocytosis.
- Most patients require lifelong monthly therapy.
- Routine follow up should be done with a CBC every few months.
- A small percentage of patients develop gastric carcinoma, particularly in the elderly. Regular surveillance helps in early detection and treatment. [29]
- There is no primary preventive measure for pernicious anemia.
- Once sucessfully diagnosed and treated, patients with pernicious anemia are followed up every year for development of stomach cancer[30], or symptoms of anemia.
Medical therapies for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) include chemotherapy, stem cell transplant , and/or biological therapy. With improved understanding of the nature of the bcr-abl protein and its action as a tyrosine kinase, targeted therapies have been developed (the first of which was imatinib mesylate) which specifically inhibit the activity of theBCR-ABL protein. These tyrosine kinase inhibitors can induce complete remissions in chronic myelogenous leukemia, confirming the central importance of BCR-ABL as the cause of chronic myelogenous leukemia.
Medical Therapy
Medical therapy depends on the phase of chronic myelogenous leukemia.[31][32][33][34][35]
Chronic Phase
- Targeted therapy
- Targeted therapy is the primary treatment for most people with chronic myelogenous leukemia in the chronic phase. The types of targeted therapy used are:
Standard first-line therapy
- With a present follow-up of 5 years, the survival rate with imatinib is 87%, the estimated 5-year survival rate is 89%, and survival without transformation rate is 93%.
- The impact of imatinib on survival rate in different phases of disease is presented in the following table. [36][37][38][39]
Disease phase | Imatinib daily dose | Estimated survival rates at X years |
Chronic Phase, newly diagnosed | 400 | 89% (5) |
Chronic phase, previously diagnosed | 400 | 86% (4) 79% (5) |
Accelerated phase | 400 vs 600 | 44% (3) vs 66% (3)
53% (4) |
Blastic phase | 400-600 | 17% (2); 14-17% (2-3) |
Resistance to imatinib:
- Resistance to imatinib is defined as a failure to achieve CHR at 3 months, a cytogenetic response at 6 months, or a major cytogenetic response at 12 months.[40][41]
- Recent recommendations of definitions of resistance versus suboptimal response to imatinib have been proposed. [40]
- Whereas progression- free survival with MMR(major molecular response) is better, CGCR (complete cytogenetic response) without MMR at 12 months is still associated with a favorable progression-free survival (89% at 60 months)
- Lack of MMR may be considered as suboptimal response rather than failure as stated below in table :[39]
Time on imatinib | Response | |
Failure | Suboptimal | |
3 Months | No HR | No CHR |
6 Months | No CHR
Ph+100% |
Ph+ > 35% |
12 Months | Ph+>35% | Ph+> 5% |
18 months | Ph+>5% | No MMR < 3 months reduction of BCR-ABL/ABL |
Any months | Loss of CHR
Loss of cytogenetic response Mutation |
Clonal Evaluation
Loss of MMR Mutation |
HR: Hematologic response; CHR: Complete Hematologic response; MMR: Major molecular response.
- Resistance to imatinib is often attributed to the emergence of clones expressing mutant forms of BCR-ABL, in which amino acid substitutions in the ABL kinase domain impair imatinib binding but retain kinase activity .[42][43][44][45]
- Initial reports suggested these mutations to be present in up to 90% of patients failing imatinib therapy; recent studies suggested rates of 40%.[46]
- Other proposed mechanisms of imatinib resistance include:[47][48]
- Amplification of the fusion gene
- Overexpression of the BCR-ABL oncoprotein
- Overexpression of molecules downstream of BCR-ABL signaling, such as Lyn kinase
- Clonal evolution, expression of the multidrug resistance phenotype
- Binding of a1 acid glycoprotein
- In addition, leukemic stem cell quiescent and insensitive to imatinib may cause persistence of CML.
- The estimated 4-year resistance rates are 20% in later chronic phaseand 70% to 90% in accelerated-blastic phases.
- Dasatinib is an oral, second generation TKI.
- It is 350 times more potent than imatinib in vitro.[49][50] [51]
- It also inhibits the Src family of kinases, which may be important in blunting critical cell signaling pathways.[52]
- Though initially evaluated in patients in the salvage setting, it was later compared to imatinib in frontline CML to test the possibility that frontline use of the more potent TKIs might improve outcomes.
- A five-year follow-up showed that dasatinib induced more rapid and deeper responses at early time points compared to imatinib.[53]
- At 3 months, a higher proportion of patients treated with dasatinib achieved BCR-ABL1 transcripts
- Transformations to CMLAP or CML-BP were fewer in patients treated with dasatinib versus imatinib (4.6% versus 7.3%). * However, the 5-year survival was similar with dasatinib and imatinib (91%, and 90%)
- There is more toxicity experienced in the dasatinib arm (Grades 3 or 4 adverse events 58% with dasatinib and
35% imatinib), mostly hematologic toxicity.[54]
- Pleural effusions occurred more frequently on dasatinib (19% versus <1%).
- Other side effects of dasatinib included myelosuppression (20%), and rare pulmonary hypertension (1–2%).
- May be given as a first-line therapy
- May also be used if a person cannot tolerate imatinib or the CML is resistant to imatinib
Disease | No. | Response | |||
CHR | Hematologic | Cytogenic response | |||
Chronic | 387 | 90 | 00 | 51 | 40 |
Accelerated | 175 | 34 | 59 | 34 | 25 |
Blastic Lymphoid | 109 | 25 | 49 | 31 | 25 |
Blastic Myeloid | 48 | 29 | 33 | 44 | 38 |
Ph+ALL | 46 | 33 | 39 | 46 | 48 |
Dose :
- 100 mg daily was found as effective as 140 mg daily, with a better safety profile.[55]
- In addition, the safety profile was favorable; only one patient discontinued therapy (subdural hematoma unlikely related) and one patient had his dose reduced to 20 mg daily due to pleural effusion.
- Such strategy will have a significant impact on our future practice,
- Nilotinib is a structural analog of imatinib. Its affinity for the ATP binding site on BCR-ABL1 is 30–50 times more in vitro.37 Like dasatinib,nilotinib initially demonstrated the ability to induce hematologic and cytogenetic responses in patients who had failed imatinib.38 The primary endpoint was the rate of MMR at 12 months. This endpoint was achieved at statistically significantly higher rates for both doses of nilotinib compared with imatinib (44% and 43% versus 22%, P<.001). The cumulative incidence of CCyR by 24 months was 87% with nilotinib 300 mg twice daily, 85% with nilotinib 400 mg twice daily, and 77% with imatinib 400 mg daily (P<.001).38 With a minimum follow-up of 5 years, the two arms of nilotinib demonstrated better early results compared with imatinib.39 The cumulative incidences of MMR by 60 months were 77%, 77%, and 60%, respectively (P<.0001%). The incidences of BCR-ABL1 transcripts [IS]<0.0032% (roughly equivalent to a 4.5 log reduction of disease) by 72 months were 54%, 52%, and 33%, respectively (P<.0001%). The incidences of transformation to AP or BP were 3.9%, 2.1%, and 7.4%, respectively (P5.06 and .003, respectively). The estimated 5-year EFS rates were not different, 95%, 97%, and 93%, respectively. The estimated 5-year survival rates were 94%, 96%, and 92%, respectively. While nilotinib was superior to imatinib across all Sokal score categories in inducing higher rates of CCyR and MMR, the advantage in reducing the rates of transformation was more pronounced in patients with intermediate- and high-Sokal risk CML. The rates of transformations were 1% and 1% and 0% among patients with low-Sokal risk treated with nilotinib 300 mg orally twice daily, nilotinib 400 mg orally
- May be given as a first-line therapy
- May also be used if a person cannot tolerate imatinib or the CML is resistant to imatinib
- Nilotinib is a structural analog of imatinib. Its affinity for the ATP binding site on BCR-ABL1 is 30–50 times more in vitro.37 Like dasatinib,nilotinib initially demonstrated the ability to induce hematologic and cytogenetic responses in patients who had failed imatinib.38 The primary endpoint was the rate of MMR at 12 months. This endpoint was achieved at statistically significantly higher rates for both doses of nilotinib compared with imatinib (44% and 43% versus 22%, P<.001). The cumulative incidence of CCyR by 24 months was 87% with nilotinib 300 mg twice daily, 85% with nilotinib 400 mg twice daily, and 77% with imatinib 400 mg daily (P<.001).38 With a minimum follow-up of 5 years, the two arms of nilotinib demonstrated better early results compared with imatinib.39 The cumulative incidences of MMR by 60 months were 77%, 77%, and 60%, respectively (P<.0001%). The incidences of BCR-ABL1 transcripts [IS]<0.0032% (roughly equivalent to a 4.5 log reduction of disease) by 72 months were 54%, 52%, and 33%, respectively (P<.0001%). The incidences of transformation to AP or BP were 3.9%, 2.1%, and 7.4%, respectively (P5.06 and .003, respectively). The estimated 5-year EFS rates were not different, 95%, 97%, and 93%, respectively. The estimated 5-year survival rates were 94%, 96%, and 92%, respectively. While nilotinib was superior to imatinib across all Sokal score categories in inducing higher rates of CCyR and MMR, the advantage in reducing the rates of transformation was more pronounced in patients with intermediate- and high-Sokal risk CML. The rates of transformations were 1% and 1% and 0% among patients with low-Sokal risk treated with nilotinib 300 mg orally twice daily, nilotinib 400 mg orally
No. Treated | Chronic | Accelerated | Blastic | Ph+ALL |
% CHR/HR | 69/— | 16/40 | 4/13 | 27/33 |
% Cytogenetic response | 68 | 56 | 29 | - |
Complete | 34 | 16 | 21 | - |
Partial | 14 | 12 | 8 | - |
— Bosutinib is an inhibitor of ABL and SRC kinases that is approved for initial treatment of CML in CP [64].
- When compared with imatinib in newly diagnosed CML, bosutinib produces faster and slightly superior response rates,
- but is associated with more diarrhea and abnormal liver function tests. (See "Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase after failure of initial therapy", section on 'Bosutinib'.)
Two randomized trials have directly compared bosutinib versus imatinib in newly diagnosed CP CML:
- The phase III BELA trial compared bosutinib (500 mg daily) with imatinib (400 mg daily) in 502 patients with newly diagnosed CP CML [8,65].
- After a minimum follow-up of 24 months, when compared with imatinib, bosutinib resulted in faster cytogenetic responses but similar rates of CCyR at 12 and 24 months, and a higher rate of MMR at 12 months, but not at 24 months.
- Bosutinib was associated with more diarrhea of any grade (68 versus 21 percent, respectively), vomiting (32 versus 13 percent), and abdominal pain (11 versus 5 percent), but less edema (11 versus 38 percent), bone pain (4 versus 10 percent), and muscle spasms (2 versus 20 percent). Bosutinib was also associated with a higher rate of drug discontinuation due to adverse events (19 versus 6 percent).
- The BFORE trial randomly assigned 536 adult patients with chronic phase CML to bosutinib (400 mg once daily) versus imatinib (400 mg once daily) [9]. Compared with imatinib, bosutinib resulted in higher rates of MMR (47 versus 37 percent, respectively) and CCyR (77 versus 66 percent) at 12 months, and achieved these milestones more quickly.
- Bosutinib was associated with more grade ≥3 diarrhea (8 versus 1 percent, respectively) and elevated serum transaminases, but cardiac and vascular toxicities were uncommon with both treatments. Any grade ≥3 toxicity occurred in 56 percent of patients receiving bosutinib and 43 percent of patients receiving imatinib. Treatment was discontinued by 22 percent of patients receiving bosutinib and 27 percent of patients receiving imatinib.
- The overall toxicity profile was improved compared to the BELA trial (above), which utilized a dose of 500 mg of bosutinib, and led to US Food and Drug Administration approval of 400 mg bosutinib as initial therapy for CP CML.
- Radotinib is a second generation TKI that is approved by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) for initial treatment of CML or CML that is refractory to other TKIs [10]. When compared to imatinib, radotinib achieved faster cytogenetic and molecular responses.
- The KFDA approved radotinib on the basis of an international trial (RERISE) that randomly assigned 241 patients with previously untreated CML to radotinib (either 300 or 400 mg twice daily) versus imatinib (400 mg once daily) [10]. Compared with imatinib, radotinib achieved superior MMR and CCyR at 12 months, and early molecular response at three months. Responses were similar with both doses of radotinib.
Selection of initial TKI
— Selection of a TKI for initial treatment of CML in CP is informed by CML prognostic score, side effect profiles (table 1), comorbid illnesses, and cost.
Our suggestions for treatment of chronic phase CML are influenced by the CML risk score (eg, EUTOS, Euro [Hasford], or Sokal scores) (table 2), as follows:
Low- or intermediate-risk CML
- For most patients with low- or intermediate-risk CP CML, we suggest treatment with any of the first or second generation TKIs (eg, imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, bosutinib, radotinib). In this setting, side effect profiles, comorbid illnesses, and cost are important factors to the choice of TKI.
- Imatinib, which is available as a generic drug, is a reasonable choice for most patients and is preferred when cost is an important factor.
- Second generation TKIs may be preferred by clinicians and/or patients who place a higher value on attaining a quicker response.
- High-risk CML – For patients with high-risk CP CML, we generally select one of the second generation TKIs because, compared with imatinib, early molecular responses (EMR) are more frequent with second generation TKIs, and EMR is associated with improved survival in this setting.
- We select a second generation TKI based on side effect profile and/or comorbid conditions. As examples, dasatinib might be preferred in a patient with a history of pancreatitis, elevated bilirubin, hyperglycemia, or vascular disease, while nilotinib might be chosen for a patient with a history of pleural or pericardial disease or effusions and avoided in patients with a history of cardiovascular problems (table 1).
- The following observations are relevant:
- Phase III trials that compared imatinib with dasatinib (DASISION), nilotinib (ENESTnd), bosutinib (BFORE, BELA), and radotinib (RERISE) in this setting have generally shown faster and deeper responses with second generation TKIs, but have not demonstrated improved overall survival or other long-term benefits [3,4,6-10]. (See 'Second generation TKIs' below.)
- Long-term follow-up of patients initially treated with imatinib suggests that more than half will remain on imatinib at five years; while some patients taking imatinib have persistent low-grade side effects (fatigue, arthralgias, and diarrhea), new toxicities have not emerged with longer follow-up [11].
- In contrast, despite shorter follow-up, second generation TKIs are associated more severe, late toxicities (eg, pulmonary arterial hypertension with dasatinib; higher rates of thrombotic events [myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral arterial occlusive disease] with nilotinib) [12,13]. (See "Clinical use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors for chronic myeloid leukemia", section on 'Management of side effects'.)
- Patients on imatinib have excellent disease control and survival rates if clinicians monitor disease response and switch to a second generation TKI upon failure to meet a targeted response or with the development of drug intolerance [14]. (See 'Imatinib' below.)
- The prices of TKIs differ substantially and vary by country [15]. In addition, the out-of-pocket expense for an individual depends upon their health care plan. Adherence is an independent predictor of response and is lower among patients with higher medication co-payments [16,17]. (See "Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase after failure of initial therapy", section on 'Resistance'.)
- Patient preference related to the different schedules (daily with food versus twice a day on an empty stomach) might also be a consideration for some individuals.
- Stem cell transplant may be offered for CML in the chronic phrase.
- It is sometimes used as a primary treatment option for younger people who have an HLA-matched donor.
- It is a treatment option for some people who do not achieve a complete response, develop resistance to or relapse with imatinib.
- A reduced-intensity transplant may be an option for older people who may not tolerate a standard transplant.
- The chemotherapy or radiation used to prepare for a stem cell transplant is less intense than that used for a standard allogeneic transplant.
HEMATOPOIETIC CELL TRANSPLANTATION — Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a curative treatment option that comes at the cost of increased toxicity.
- Outcomes with HCT and tyrosine kinase inhibitors have not been directly compared in a well-designed trial.
- However, based on historical comparisons, HCT is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, despite the possibility of cure.
- Thus, allogeneic HCT is currently not offered as initial therapy, except in rare circumstances.
- With HCT, the probability of survival can be predicted with reasonable accuracy using a scoring system devised by the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) (table 3) [66].
- The five-year overall survival (OS) rates for patients in the best risk groups ranged from 60 to 80 percent. However, with the advent of newer approaches to HCT, current OS rates are likely to be higher. As an example, a prospective trial of HCT in patients in first chronic phase, most of whom had failed to respond to initial treatment with imatinib, reported a transplant-related mortality rate of 8 percent [67]. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) was seen in 54 percent of patients with 36 percent demonstrating chronic GVHD. The OS rate at three years was 88 percent, demonstrating the safety of transplantation after imatinib treatment.
- Among patients with newly diagnosed CML in chronic phase, we recommend initial treatment with a BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitor rather than HCT. HCT may be considered in rare circumstances, such as that of a younger patient with an HLA-matched sibling donor (EBMT score of 0) (table 3). In this setting, HCT may be preferred since it offers the possibility of cure. (See "Hematopoietic cell transplantation in chronic myeloid leukemia".)
- The overwhelming majority of patients with chronic phase CML will respond to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Even so, it is important to monitor the patient's disease status at regular intervals in order to detect patients who do not respond optimally and those who fail therapy after an initial response. This allows for the initiation of second line therapy. (See "Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase after failure of initial therapy".)
- A variety of monitoring schedules for patients with CML are acceptable. Our approach to monitoring disease in patients in chronic phase is generally consistent with those proposed by the European LeukemiaNet (table 4 and algorithm 1) [68].
- The schedule of evaluation and definitions of hematologic, cytogenetic, and molecular responses are discussed in detail separately. (See "Overview of the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia".)
- Treatment milestones — The aim of initial therapy with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) is to achieve the following milestones, which are optimal responses proposed by the European LeukemiaNet (table 5) [68]. Long-term survival is significantly better for patients who achieve rapid molecular responses regardless of which TKI is used. This is discussed in more detail separately (see "Overview of the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia", section on 'Monitoring response'):
- At three months, BCR-ABL1 ≤10 percent on the International Scale and/or Ph+ metaphase cells ≤35 percent
- At six months, BCR-ABL1 <1 percent and/or Ph+ 0
- At 12 months, BCR-ABL1 ≤0.1 percent
- Failure to achieve these milestones should be confirmed with repeat studies before changes in therapy are initiated. A decision to change therapy must also take into consideration the trends in these values over time (algorithm 1). (See "Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase after failure of initial therapy".)
- Can TKI therapy be discontinued? — Patients often inquire about discontinuing TKI therapy because of drug cost, side effects, or a desire to become pregnant. Issues regarding the safety of TKIs when taken during pregnancy are discussed separately. (See "Clinical use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors for chronic myeloid leukemia", section on 'Pregnancy'.)
- Multiple prospective discontinuation trials have shown that about half of patients with undetectable or very low transcript levels after three to five years of TKI therapy remain in a treatment-free remission (TFR) after discontinuing a TKI. Discontinuation of a TKI would be an option for only the approximately 15 to 20 percent of patients who achieve sustained non-detectable levels of BCR-ABL1 for at least two years; successful long-term discontinuation of therapy would be expected in less than 10 to 15 percent of newly diagnosed patients [69].
- We prefer to limit TKI discontinuation to patients enrolled in a clinical trial. Even for individuals who have had a deep molecular remission, about half will have evidence of molecular recurrence and progression within one year after discontinuing TKI therapy, since viable CML stem cells can remain in a quiescent state in the marrow [70-77]. In general, the patients who are most likely to maintain a long treatment-free remission are those who have had the longest period of TKI treatment and have had undetectable transcript levels for years.
- Close monitoring of BCR-ABL1 transcript levels is an essential component of such an approach; for safety, we suggest testing every four to six weeks during the first 6 to 12 months.
- The following studies have investigated the discontinuation of TKI therapy:
- A prospective multicenter study (STIM1) evaluated the discontinuation of imatinib in 100 patients with chronic phase (CP) CML who had undetectable BCR-ABL1 transcripts for at least two years [78]. With median follow-up of more than six years after treatment discontinuation, molecular remissions were sustained in 43 percent (95% CI 33-52 percent) at six months and in 38 percent (95% CI 29-47 percent) at 60 months. Molecular remission was obtained in 55 of 57 patients who were retreated with imatinib after relapse. No patient experienced a progression of CML to accelerated phase or blast crisis.
- Another prospective study (TWISTER) evaluated imatinib discontinuation in 40 patients who had maintained ≥4.5-log reduction in BCR-ABL1 transcripts (MR4.5) for at least two years [79]. At two years post-discontinuation, 47 percent of patients were relapse-free and remained off therapy. Patients who had received prior interferon were less likely to progress off treatment. Of those treated with imatinib alone, 33 percent remained progression-free off treatment at two years.
- A multicenter observational study (STOP 2G-TKI) evaluated discontinuation of dasatinib or nilotinib in 60 patients who achieved MR4.5 for at least three years [80]. With a median follow-up of 47 months, 43 percent of patients experienced a molecular relapse at a median time of four months (range 1 to 38 months). No patients progressed toward accelerated phase or blast crisis CML during the treatment-free phase, and all relapsing patients regained MR4.5 after resuming therapy.
- Two single-arm studies (ENESTfreedom, ENESTop) evaluated discontinuation of nilotinib after achievement of MR4.5 for at least three years [81,82]. Both studies reported that about half of patients who discontinued nilotinib remained in major molecular response (MMR), and that of the patients who lost MMR, more than 90 percent again achieved MMR following reinitiation of nilotinib.
- Other prospective and retrospective studies observed similar rates of relapse upon discontinuation of TKIs [83-91].
Biological therapy
- Biological therapy may be offered for chronic stage CML. Biological therapy can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy.
- The most common biological therapy used is interferon alfa (Intron A, Roferon A).
- Interferon alfa may be used for people who cannot tolerate, or whose CML is resistant to, imatinib.
- Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy may be offered for CML in the chronic phase. The types of chemotherapy used are:
- Hydroxyurea (Hydrea, Apo-hydroxyurea, Gen-hydroxyurea)
- Cytarabine (Cytosar)
- May be used in combination with interferon alfa
- Busulfan (Myleran [oral], Busulfex [intravenous])
Accelerated Phase
- Stem cell transplant[35]
- Allogeneic transplant.
- Clinicians usually prefer that the leukemia returns to the chronic phase or is controlled before the transplant.
- Sometimes an autologous transplant.
- A reduced-intensity transplant may be an option for older people who may not tolerate a standard transplant.
- The chemotherapy or radiation used to prepare for a stem cell transplant is less intense than that used for a standard allogeneic transplant.
- Targeted therapy
- Targeted therapy with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor may be offered during the accelerated phase of CML. For those already taking targeted therapy, the dose may be increased. The types of targeted therapy used are:
- Biological therapy
- Interferon alfa
- Cytarabine
- Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy may be offered for CML in the accelerated phase. The types of chemotherapy used are:
- Cytarabine
- HDAC (high-dose cytarabine)
- Hydroxyurea
- Busulfan
- Busulfex
Blast Phase
- Targeted therapy[35]
- Targeted therapy with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor may be offered for CML in the blast phase. For those already taking targeted therapy, the dose may be increased. The types of targeted therapy used are:
- The most common drugs used when the leukemia cells look like AML include:
- Cytarabine
- HDAC (high-dose cytarabine)
- An anthracycline, such as daunorubicin or doxorubicin
- Tُhioguanine
- Hydroxyurea
- The most common drugs used when the leukemia cells look like ALL include the drugs listed above as well as:
- There is increased risk of spread to the central nervous system (CNS) during the blast phase, so the following chemotherapy drugs may be given into the spinal fluid (intrathecal):
- Stem cell transplant
- Allogeneic stem cell transplant
- Radiation therapy may be offered for blast phase CML for:
- Spleenomegaly
- Bone pain
Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Myelogenous
- Targeted therapy with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor may be offered for relapsed or refractory CML. For those already taking targeted therapy, the dose may be increased. The types of targeted therapy used are:
Supportive Therapy
- Antibiotics and Antifungals
- Blood products
- Packed red blood cells
- Platelets
- Fresh frozen plasma
- Cryoprecipitate
- Growth factors
- Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF)
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