COVID-19 frequently asked outpatient questions

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COVID-19 Project
Meetings' Summary
Ongoing Clinical Trials

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Roukoz A. Karam, M.D.[2]

Synonyms and keywords:

Knowledge Based Questions

  • How accurate are the COVID-19 serology tests?
  • Is COVID-19 a real disease?
  • What is the source of COVID-19?
  • Is COVID-19 airborne?
  • Are countries with warmer climates immune to COVID-19?
  • What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
  • Is there a cure for the CORONA VIRUS disease?
  • Where do I go to get tested for COVID-19?
  • How can I avoid getting infected with COVID-19?
  • I am pregnant, does that make me more at risk?
  • Can I get COVID-19 from my pets or other animals?

Everyday Life Questions

  • How can I get back to work and avoid infection?
  • What do I need to protect myself when I go to the gym?
  • My wife and I are >65. Is it safe to go to the store?
  • What is the meaning of self-isolation
  • I recently returned from a COVID-19 hotspot, What do I do?
  • Can I report someone who I believe is infected but has refused to self isolate?
  • As a business owner, how can I protect my staff?

  • AT HOME -
    • Cleaning and disinfecting-
      • How do I clean and disinfect surfaces? - Use soap and water to clean the surfaces which will help in cleaning the dirt. Afterward, use disinfectants to kill the microbes. Here is a list of disinfectants approved by the EPA (the United States Environmental Protection Agency). Always use disposable gloves.
      • What surfaces at home should I disinfect regularly?- High contact surfaces such as; doorknobs, sinks, dining tables, Phones, Laptops, light switches, keyboards.
      • What products can I use for disinfecting the home? - Here is a list of disinfectants approved by the EPA (the United States Environmental Protection Agency).
      • Can I use bleach at to disinfect at home? - Yes, use bleach 5 tablespoons per gallon of water.
      • How often and when do I clean hands with soap and water while at home? - Wash hands before and after cooking, eating, cleaning surfaces, laundry, touching any supplies brought from the store.
      • Can I mix laundry of coronavirus infected person? - Yes, you can mix laundry and wash hands before and after doing laundry.
    • What precautions can I follow as a caregiver to my family in quarantine?- If you are the caregiver at your house, provide support with basic needs i.e; give medicines as per doctor's advice, give medicines to help with symptoms (i.e acetaminophen to lower fever). It is very important to watch for warning signs like - Trouble breathing, excessive pain in the chest, lack of response to verbal stimulation, confusion, and bluish discoloration of lips. Clean and disinfect the house as per the above recommendations. Have a separate bathroom if possible. Wear disposable gloves and wash hands with soap and water afterward when handling laundry or utensils of infected persons. Limit contact, wear a scarf or cloth face mask when around the sick person at home. Check if you are getting any symptoms like fever, dry cough, muscle pain, and other flu-like symptoms. As a caregiver, you should quarantine yourself for 14 days if you have come in contact with the sick person whether you are symptomatic or not.
    • I don't have symptoms but my family member has tested positive should I quarantine myself? - yes.


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