COVID-19-associated lymphopenia

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List of terms related to COVID-19-associated lymphopenia

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:

Synonyms and keywords:


Historical Perspective

  • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been considered as a global pandemic since its first emergence in Wuhan,China.[1]
  • On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.
  • Since the first descriptive study lymphocyte count has been a marker of interest.[2]


There is no established system for the classification regarding COVID-19 related lymphopenia.


Differentiating COVID-19 related Lymphocytopenia from other Diseases

COVID-19 related Lymphocytopenia starts acutely in the course of the disease, with other manifestations of the disease.

Lymphocytopenia, is associated with corticosteroid use, infections with HIV and other viral, bacterial, and fungal agents, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, malnutrition, systemic lupus erythematosus,[5] high stress levels, whole body radiation, rheumatoid arthritis, and iatrogenic conditions.

In alphabetical order. [6] [7]

Epidemiology and Demographics

The incidence of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as of June 28, 2020 is approximately 9,843,073 cases worldwide with 495,760 deaths.[8] Patients of all age groups may develop Covid-19. However, the elderly population and immunocompromised individuals are more likely to develop severe cases of Covid-19.

Risk Factors

People of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. These medical conditions include:[9]


The Centers for Disease Control CDC has developed a laboratory test to help estimate how many people in the United States have been infected with SARS-CoV-2. This is known as the serology test, and many commercial laboratories call it an antibody test. CDC is using this serologic (antibody) test to evaluate the performance of commercial antibody tests. CDC will develop guidance for the use of antibody tests in clinical and public health settings. An antibody test looks for the presence of antibodies, which are specific proteins made in response to infections. Antibodies are detected in the blood of people who are tested after infection; they show an immune response to the infection. Antibody test results are especially important for detecting previous infections in people who had few or no symptoms.

Natural History, Complications, and Prognosis

Common hematologic complications of coronavirus include lymphopenia, neutrophilia and thrombocytosis. Lymphopenia is a prominent part of severe COVID-19 and a lymphocyte count of less than 1.5 × 109/L may be useful in predicting the severity of clinical outcomes.[10]


Diagnostic Study of Choice

The primary method for diagnosis SARS-CoV-2 is

  • Nuclei acid testing

Other tests include:

  • Protein testing
  • CT scans

History and Symptoms

The majority of patients with [disease name] are asymptomatic.


The hallmark of [disease name] is [finding]. A positive history of [finding 1] and [finding 2] is suggestive of [disease name]. The most common symptoms of [disease name] include [symptom 1], [symptom 2], and [symptom 3]. Common symptoms of [disease] include [symptom 1], [symptom 2], and [symptom 3]. Less common symptoms of [disease name] include [symptom 1], [symptom 2], and [symptom 3].

Physical Examination

Patients with [disease name] usually appear [general appearance]. Physical examination of patients with [disease name] is usually remarkable for [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


Common physical examination findings of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


The presence of [finding(s)] on physical examination is diagnostic of [disease name].


The presence of [finding(s)] on physical examination is highly suggestive of [disease name].

Laboratory Findings

An elevated/reduced concentration of serum/blood/urinary/CSF/other [lab test] is diagnostic of [disease name].


Laboratory findings consistent with the diagnosis of [disease name] include [abnormal test 1], [abnormal test 2], and [abnormal test 3].


[Test] is usually normal among patients with [disease name].


Some patients with [disease name] may have elevated/reduced concentration of [test], which is usually suggestive of [progression/complication].


There are no diagnostic laboratory findings associated with [disease name].


There are no ECG findings associated with [disease name].


An ECG may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an ECG suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no x-ray findings associated with [disease name].


An x-ray may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an x-ray suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no x-ray findings associated with [disease name]. However, an x-ray may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].

Echocardiography or Ultrasound

There are no echocardiography/ultrasound findings associated with [disease name].


Echocardiography/ultrasound may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an echocardiography/ultrasound suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no echocardiography/ultrasound findings associated with [disease name]. However, an echocardiography/ultrasound may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].

CT scan

There are no CT scan findings associated with [disease name].


[Location] CT scan may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on CT scan suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no CT scan findings associated with [disease name]. However, a CT scan may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].


There are no MRI findings associated with [disease name].


[Location] MRI may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on MRI suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no MRI findings associated with [disease name]. However, an MRI may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complications 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].

Other Imaging Findings

There are no other imaging findings associated with [disease name].


[Imaging modality] may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an [imaging modality] suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].

Other Diagnostic Studies

There are no other diagnostic studies associated with [disease name].


[Diagnostic study] may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


Other diagnostic studies for [disease name] include [diagnostic study 1], which demonstrates [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3], and [diagnostic study 2], which demonstrates [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


Medical Therapy

There is no treatment for [disease name]; the mainstay of therapy is supportive care.


Supportive therapy for [disease name] includes [therapy 1], [therapy 2], and [therapy 3].


The majority of cases of [disease name] are self-limited and require only supportive care.


[Disease name] is a medical emergency and requires prompt treatment.


The mainstay of treatment for [disease name] is [therapy].

OR   The optimal therapy for [malignancy name] depends on the stage at diagnosis.


[Therapy] is recommended among all patients who develop [disease name].


Pharmacologic medical therapy is recommended among patients with [disease subclass 1], [disease subclass 2], and [disease subclass 3].


Pharmacologic medical therapies for [disease name] include (either) [therapy 1], [therapy 2], and/or [therapy 3].


Empiric therapy for [disease name] depends on [disease factor 1] and [disease factor 2].


Patients with [disease subclass 1] are treated with [therapy 1], whereas patients with [disease subclass 2] are treated with [therapy 2].


Surgical intervention is not recommended for the management of [disease name].


Surgery is not the first-line treatment option for patients with [disease name]. Surgery is usually reserved for patients with either [indication 1], [indication 2], and [indication 3]


The mainstay of treatment for [disease name] is medical therapy. Surgery is usually reserved for patients with either [indication 1], [indication 2], and/or [indication 3].


The feasibility of surgery depends on the stage of [malignancy] at diagnosis.


Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for [disease or malignancy].

Primary Prevention

There are no established measures for the primary prevention of [disease name].


There are no available vaccines against [disease name].


Effective measures for the primary prevention of [disease name] include [measure1], [measure2], and [measure3].


[Vaccine name] vaccine is recommended for [patient population] to prevent [disease name]. Other primary prevention strategies include [strategy 1], [strategy 2], and [strategy 3].

Secondary Prevention

There are no established measures for the secondary prevention of [disease name].


Effective measures for the secondary prevention of [disease name] include [strategy 1], [strategy 2], and [strategy 3].


  1. "WHO Western Pacific | World Health Organization".
  2. Ruan, Qiurong; Yang, Kun; Wang, Wenxia; Jiang, Lingyu; Song, Jianxin (2020). "Clinical predictors of mortality due to COVID-19 based on an analysis of data of 150 patients from Wuhan, China". Intensive Care Medicine. 46 (5): 846–848. doi:10.1007/s00134-020-05991-x. ISSN 0342-4642.
  3. Fischer, Karin; Hoffmann, Petra; Voelkl, Simon; Meidenbauer, Norbert; Ammer, Julia; Edinger, Matthias; Gottfried, Eva; Schwarz, Sabine; Rothe, Gregor; Hoves, Sabine; Renner, Kathrin; Timischl, Birgit; Mackensen, Andreas; Kunz-Schughart, Leoni; Andreesen, Reinhard; Krause, Stefan W.; Kreutz, Marina (2007). "Inhibitory effect of tumor cell–derived lactic acid on human T cells". Blood. 109 (9): 3812–3819. doi:10.1182/blood-2006-07-035972. ISSN 0006-4971.
  4. Liao, Yuan-Chun; Liang, Wei-Guang; Chen, Feng-Wei; Hsu, Ju-Hui; Yang, Jiann-Jou; Chang, Ming-Shi (2002). "IL-19 Induces Production of IL-6 and TNF-α and Results in Cell Apoptosis Through TNF-α". The Journal of Immunology. 169 (8): 4288–4297. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.169.8.4288. ISSN 0022-1767.
  5. W L Ng, C M Chu, A K L Wu, V C C Cheng, K Y Yuen. "Lymphopenia at presentation is associated with increased risk of infections in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus". Quarterly Journal of Medicine. 99 (1): 37–47. doi:10.1093/qjmed/hci155.
  6. Sailer, Christian, Wasner, Susanne. Differential Diagnosis Pocket. Hermosa Beach, CA: Borm Bruckmeir Publishing LLC, 2002:77 ISBN 1591032016
  7. Kahan, Scott, Smith, Ellen G. In A Page: Signs and Symptoms. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, 2004:68 ISBN 140510368X
  8. "WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard".
  9. "People Who Are at Higher Risk for Severe Illness | Coronavirus | COVID-19 | CDC".
  10. Zhao, Qianwen; Meng, Meng; Kumar, Rahul; Wu, Yinlian; Huang, Jiaofeng; Deng, Yunlei; Weng, Zhiyuan; Yang, Li (2020). "Lymphopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: A systemic review and meta-analysis". International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 96: 131–135. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.04.086. ISSN 1201-9712.

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