Oncology status update
System leader: Farima Kahe, M.D.
List of Chapters Requiring Content
Category | Chapters that need content | Assignment Status | Scholar's name | Coach name | Completion Status | Review status | Reviewer name |
Oncology | Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (LP) | needs hyperlinking | Preeti | ||||
Primary mediastinal large B-cell | from Echocardiography till end need tollbar, references,.. | Badria | |||||
B cell prolymphocytic leukemia | needs refernces | Carlos | |||||
Hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma | some sections haven't been written. | Sowminya | |||||
Warthin's tumor | needs some content and references | Nazia | |||||
In progress chapters
Category | Chapters that need content | Assignment Status | Scholar's name | Coach name | Completion Status | Review status | Reviewer name |
Oncology | |||||||
Completed chapters
Category | Chapters that need content | Assignment Status | Scholar's name | Coach name | Completion Status | Review status | Reviewer name |
Oncology | Acute lymphoblastic leukemia | Hassan | |||||
Acute myeloid leukemia | Aditya | ||||||
Acute promyelocytic leukemia | Aditya | ||||||
Adult T-cell leukemia | Sadaf | ||||||
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma | Sargun | ||||||
Burkitt's lymphoma | Hassan | ||||||
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia | Sogand | ||||||
Chronic myelogenous leukemia | Mahshid | ||||||
Chronic neutrophilic leukemia | Sadaf | ||||||
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma | Elsaiey | ||||||
Follicular lymphoma | Younes | ||||||
Hairy cell leukemia | Elsaiey | ||||||
Hodgkin's lymphoma | Hasan | ||||||
Leukemia (LP) | Anmol | ||||||
Leukocytosis (SP) | Mehrian | ||||||
Hemophilia | Sogand | ||||||
Lymphadenopathy | Mehrian | ||||||
Lymphangioma | Mahshid | ||||||
Lymphangiomyomatosis (SP) | Amandeep | ||||||
Lymphangiosarcoma (SP) | Hassan | ||||||
Lymphoma (LP) | Anmol | ||||||
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis | Anmol | ||||||
Mast cell leukemia | Farima | ||||||
Mast cell tumor | Elsaiey | ||||||
Multiple myeloma | Sadaf | ||||||
Myelodysplastic syndrome | Elsaiey | ||||||
Myelofibrosis | Sadaf | ||||||
Nodal marginal zone lymphoma | Nazia | ||||||
Polycythemia vera | Shayem | ||||||
Primary effusion lymphoma | Sogand | ||||||
Prolymphocytic leukemia (LP) | Carlos | ||||||
T cell prolymphocytic leukemia (SP) | Quarrat | ||||||
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma | Muhammad | ||||||
Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma | Nima | ||||||
T-cell lymphoma (LP) | Anmol | ||||||
Waldenström's macroglobulinemia | Sara | ||||||
Hypopharyngeal cancer | Gretrude | ||||||
Laryngeal cancer | Omer | ||||||
Oral cancer | Sargun | ||||||
Salivary gland tumor (LP) | Simrat | ||||||
Tongue cancer | Samirat | ||||||
Pleomorphic adenoma | Maneesha | ||||||
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma | Sargun | ||||||
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (SP) | Mehrian | ||||||
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma | Farima | ||||||
Appendix cancer | Anmol | ||||||
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome | Farima | ||||||
Carcinoid syndrome | Ahmed Y. | ||||||
Cholangiocarcinoma | Mehrian | ||||||
Colorectal cancer | Khurram | ||||||
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (SP) | Mahshid | ||||||
Esophageal cancer | Mehrian | ||||||
Familial adenomatous polyposis | Usama | ||||||
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (SP) | Mehrian | ||||||
Gallbladder cancer | Farima | ||||||
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor | Sogand | ||||||
Hepatoblastoma | Aditya | ||||||
Hepatocellular adenoma | Sabawoon | ||||||
Hepatocellular carcinoma | Ahmed | ||||||
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer | Sabawoon | ||||||
Liver mass | Khurram | ||||||
MALT lymphoma | Ahmed | ||||||
Mantle cell lymphoma | Farima | ||||||
Pancreatic cancer | Hassan | ||||||
Pancreatic islet cell carcinoma | Farima | ||||||
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome | Anmol | ||||||
Pseudomyxoma peritonei (SP) | Datta | ||||||
Small intestine cancer | Anmol | ||||||
Stomach cancer | Mahshid | ||||||
Villous adenoma (SP) | |||||||
VIPoma | |||||||
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome | |||||||
Peritoneal carcinomatosis (SP) | |||||||
Breast cancer | |||||||
Breast lumps | |||||||
Cervical cancer | |||||||
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (SP) | |||||||
Cervical polyp (SP) | |||||||
Endodermal sinus tumor | |||||||
Endometrial cancer | |||||||
Endometrial hyperplasia | |||||||
Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (SP) | |||||||
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia | |||||||
Ovarian cancer (LP) | |||||||
Epithelial ovarian tumors | |||||||
Ovarian germ cell tumor | |||||||
Sexcord/ stromal ovarian tumor | |||||||
Krukenberg tumor (SP) | |||||||
Meigs syndrome (SP) | |||||||
Ovarian Sarcoma | |||||||
Leiomyoma (SP) | |||||||
Leiomyosarcoma | |||||||
Mixed Mullerian tumor (SP) | |||||||
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma | |||||||
Primary peritoneal cancer (SP) | |||||||
Vaginal cancer | |||||||
Vulvar cancer | |||||||
Adrenolipoma (SP) | |||||||
Extramammary Paget's disease | |||||||
Fibroadenoma | |||||||
Paget's disease of the breast | |||||||
Atrial myxoma | |||||||
Germinoma | |||||||
Gonadoblastoma (SP) | |||||||
Mediastinal mass | |||||||
Sarcoma botryoides (SP) | |||||||
Prostate cancer | |||||||
Scrotal mass | |||||||
Seminoma | |||||||
Testicular cancer | |||||||
Erythroplasia of Queyrat | |||||||
Carcinoma of the penis | |||||||
Acoustic neuroma | |||||||
Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (SP) | |||||||
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (SP) | |||||||
Esthesioneuroblastoma (SP) | |||||||
Glioma (LP) | |||||||
Ependymoma | |||||||
Subependymoma (SP) | |||||||
Ganglioglioma | |||||||
Oligodendroglioma | |||||||
Brain Stem gliomas | |||||||
Optic nerve glioma | |||||||
Astrocytoma | |||||||
Fibrillary astrocytoma (SP) | |||||||
Gemistocytic astrocytoma (SP) | |||||||
Familial mediterranean fever | |||||||
Protoplasmic astrocytoma (SP) | |||||||
Oligoastrocytoma | |||||||
Glioblastoma multiforme | |||||||
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (SP) | |||||||
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma | |||||||
Gliomatosis cerebri | |||||||
Primary central nervous system lymphoma | |||||||
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (SP) | |||||||
Pineoblastoma (SP) | |||||||
Ependymoblastoma (SP) | |||||||
Medulloblastoma |
Pituitary tumor (LP) | |||||||
Pituitary adenoma | |||||||
Pituitary carcinoma (SP) | |||||||
Craniopharyngioma | |||||||
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | |||||||
Medulloepithelioma (SP) | |||||||
Meningioma | |||||||
Neoplastic meningitis | |||||||
Neuroblastoma | |||||||
Neurofibroma (SP) | |||||||
Oncocytoma | |||||||
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (SP) | |||||||
Pineal gland tumor (LP) | |||||||
Pineal choriocarcinoma (SP) | |||||||
Pineal embryonal carcinoma (SP) | |||||||
Pineal germinoma (SP) | |||||||
Pineal parenchymal tumors (SP) | |||||||
Pineal teratoma (SP) | |||||||
Pineal yolk sac tumor (SP) | |||||||
Pineocytoma (SP) |
Post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment | |||||||
Schwannoma (LP) | |||||||
Vestibular tumor (SP) | |||||||
Neuroma (LP) | |||||||
Eye neoplasm (LP) | |||||||
Intraocular lymphoma | |||||||
Lisch nodule (SP) | |||||||
Retinoblastoma | |||||||
Uveal melanoma | |||||||
Rhabdomyoma | |||||||
Rhabdomyosarcoma |
Sarcoma (SP) | |||||||
Surface epithelial-stromal tumor (SP) | |||||||
Teratoma | |||||||
Lipoma | |||||||
Liposarcoma | |||||||
Myxoma | |||||||
PEComa (SP) | |||||||
Elastofibroma (SP)
Epithelioid sarcoma Fibroma Glomus tumor |